Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result : AMELANISTIC-AMELANISTIK-AMELANISM-AMEL (part 1)

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result : AMELANISTIC-AMELANISTIK-AMELANISM-AMEL (part 1)


Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search, result  :
A,amel,amelanistic,amelanistik,amelanism ,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result ,search, result  :

A,amel,amelanistic,amelanistik,amelanism,biodiversity,keanekaragaman hayati,flora ,fauna, konservasi,habitat,komunitas,reptil,satwa.t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana
Hanya berusaha merangkum segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan amelanistic,amelanistik,amel,amelanism  dari sumber sumber yang ada di pencarian google search , semoga dapat membantu dan bermanfaat

Just trying to summarize everything connected with amelanistic,amelanistik,amel,amelanism from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful

Link chloepedia  :
Herpetofauna 1
herpetofauna  2
herpetologi 1
herpetologi 2
herpetologi 3
herpetologi 4
herpetologi 5
herpetologi 6

Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search, result  :

These are amelanistic corn snakes bred toward the ideal of red or orange saddle marks on a white background. adalah ular jagung amelanistic/amelanistik/amel dengan  tanda saddle merah atau oranye pada latar belakang putih.
Reverse Okeetee (selectively bred amelanistic) an amelanistic Okeetee corn snake which has the normal black rings around the saddle marks replaced with wide white rings. (Selektif breed  amelanistic/amelanistik/amel) adalah  ular jagung Okeetee  amelanistic/amekanistik/amel  yang memiliki cincin hitam normal
Fluorescent orange (selectively bred amelanistic) .
Sunglow (selectively bred amelanistic) another designer amelanistic corn that lacks the usual white speckling that often appears in most albinos, and selected for exceptionally bright ground color. (Selektif breed amelanistic/amelanistik/amel) desainer lain dari ular  jagung amelanistic yang tidak memiliki speckling putih yang biasa  sering muncul di sebagian albino, dan selected  untuk warna dasar yang sangat cerah.
Anerythristic (anerythristic A, sometimes called "black albino") are the complement to amelanism.
Ultra Ultra is a hypomelanistic-like gene that is an allele to the amelanistic gene.
Ultramel is an intermediate appearance between ultra and amel which is the result of being heterozygous for ultra and amel at the albino locus.

whereas amel was the lack of only melanin. Is this correct? sedangkan amel kurangnya hanya melanin. Apakah ini benar?
Amelanistic means lack of melanin which is a black pigment. For instance, an amelanistic gopher is not going to be white. Amelanistic/amelanistik/amel berarti kurangnya melanin yang merupakan pigmen hitam. Sebagai contoh, sebuah gopher amelanistic tidak akan menjadi putih.
amels almost always have normal colored eyes. Amels/amelanstic/amelanistik hampir selalu memiliki mata berwarna normal
Amelanism, in Cal Kings, can be caused by mutation at one of at least two different points in their chromosomes. Amelanism, di Cal Kings, dapat disebabkan oleh mutasi pada salah satu dari setidaknya dua titik yang berbeda dalam kromosom mereka.

, amelanism specifically means there is no melanin in the critter. amelanism secara khusus berarti tidak ada melanin dalam makhluk tersebut.

amelanistic animals will have the pink eyes because of the blood vessels. , Hewan amelanistic/amelanistik/amel  akan memiliki mata merah muda karena pembuluh darah.

, including equating albinism with amelanism termasuk menyamakan albinisme dengan amelanism
Amelanism (also known as amelanosis) is a pigmentation abnormality characterized by the lack of pigments calledmelanins, commonly associated with a genetic loss of tyrosinase function. Amelanism can affect fishamphibiansreptiles,birds, and mammals including humans. Amelanism (juga dikenal sebagai amelanosis) adalah kelainan pigmentasi yang ditandai dengan kurangnya pigmen melanins, umumnya terkait dengan hilangnya fungsi  genetik tirosinase. Amelanism dapat mempengaruhi ikan, amfibi, reptil, burung, dan mamalia termasuk manusia.
Amelanistic mammals have white hair, pink skin, and eyes that have a pink, red, or violet appearance. mamalia Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  memiliki rambut putih, kulit merah muda, dan mata merah muda, merah, atau penampilan violet.
Amelanism in fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds has the same genetic etiology as in mammals: loss of tyrosinase function.
Amelanism di ikan, amfibi, reptil dan burung memiliki etiologi genetik yang sama seperti pada mamalia:
other amelanistic vertebrates are seldom white and red-eyed like amelanistic mammals. vertebrata amelanistic lainnya jarang bermata putih dan merah seperti mamalia amelanistic.
Amel is lack of Blacks & Browns only. Amel/amelanistic/amelanistik  adalah kurangnya warna hitan dan coklat

I was looking at an amel corn pic and jsut thought that with red eyes, not melanin etc. was there much difference. Saya melihat sebuah foto ular jagung amel  dan berpikir bahwa dengan mata merah, tidak  ada melanin dll ada banyak perbedaan.

Blizzard red rat snake are a combo morph of Amel + Charcoal. Ular tikus Blizzard  merah adalah morph combo dari Amel/amelanistic/amelanistik + charcoal.

Albino mammals are amelanistic.
Amelanistic reptiles are quite reasonably called "albino".
mamalia albino adalah amelanistic/amel/amelanistik.
reptil Amelanistic/amelanistik/amel  yang cukup disebut "albino".

formally gave the name "amelanistic" to the corn snake mutant gene which prevents melanin from forming. secara resmi memberi nama "amelanistic/amel/amelanistik" pada gen mutan ular  jagung  yang mencegah melanin dari pembentukan.
The corn snake's amelanistic mutant gene is unable to produce functional tyrosinase enzyme. gen mutan amelanistic/amel/amelanistik ular jagung  tidak mampu menghasilkan fungsional enzim tirosinase .
It is considerably wider than the definition for "amelanistic". Hal ini jauh lebih luas daripada definisi untuk "amelanistic/amel/amelanistik".
, they have red eyes and are lacking melanin, mereka memiliki mata merah dan kurang melanin
Of course, not all morphs are recessive to other *mutant* genes on the same allele. Amelanistic and Ultra share the same gene pair, and they're codominant to each other. Tentu saja, tidak semua morphs yang resesif untuk * mutan gen * lain pada alel yang sama. Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik dan ultra berbagi pasangan gen yang sama , dan mereka kodominan satu sama lain  
The name Red albino is used for Amel Red rat snakes.
Nama Red albino digunakan untuk ular tikus Amel/amelanistic/amelanistik Red.
The first Amelanistic Cornsnake was a male,  Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  Cornsnake  yang pertama  adalah jantan
Amelanism being a simple recessive gene.
Amelanism menjadi gen resesif sederhana.

Amelanism means a lacking of the pigment melanin, which is the black pigment. An Amelanistic snake has no black on it at all, including the pupils. Amelanism berarti kurang dari adanya pigmen melanin, yang merupakan pigmen hitam. Ular Amelanistic tidak ada hitam sama sekali, termasuk pupil .  
Hypomelanistic is reduced black while amelanistic is when the black color is completely missing (the red albino). Hypomelanistic adalah berkurangnya warna  hitam sedangkan amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  adalah ketika warna hitam benar-benar hilang (albino red).
amelanistic – meaning they lack the dark pigment (melanin) in their skin. Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik - yang berarti mereka tidak memiliki pigmen gelap (melanin)
Amel is a simple-recessive morph.  Amel /amelanistic/amelanistik adalah morph sederhana-resesif/simple resesif.
for amel.” Technically, this animal is actually “heterozygous for normal and amel.” Secara teknis, hewan ini sebenarnya "heterozigot untuk normal dan amel/amelanistic/amelanistik.
A snake with both mutated copies cannot produce melanin and will look amelanistic. This snake could be called “Homozygous for amelanism.” Sular dengan kedua salinannya  bermutasi tidak dapat menghasilkan melanin dan akan terlihat amelanistic. ular ini bisa disebut "homozigot untuk amelanism."  
if it were not homozygous, it wouldn’t lack melanin--so just plain “amelanistic” is all that’s necessary to describe its genes. jika bukan homozigot, itu tidak kekurangan melanin - jadi sekadar "amelanistic/amel/amelanistik " yang adalah semua yang diperlukan untuk menggambarkan gen-nya.
Amelanism (also known asamelanosis) is a pigmentation abnormality characterized by the lack ofpigments called melanins, commonly associated with a genetic loss of tyrosinasefunction. Amelanism can affect fish,amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammalsincluding humans. The appearance of an amelanistic animal depends on the remaining non-melanin pigments. The opposite of amelanism is melanism, an overabundance of melanin. Amelanism (juga dikenal sebagai amelanosis) adalah kelainan pigmentasi ditandai dengan kurangnya pigmen  disebut melanins, umumnya terkait dengan hilangnya fungsi genetik tyrosinase. Amelanism dapat mempengaruhi ikan, amfibi, reptil, burung, dan mammals termasuk  manusia. Munculnya binatang amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  tergantung pada pigmen non-melanin yang tersisa. Kebalikan dari amelanism adalah melanism, yang meluap-luap melanin nya .
A similar condition, albinism, is a hereditary condition characterised in animals by the absence of pigment in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, feathers or cuticle.[1] This results in an all white animal, usually with pink or red eyes. Kondisi serupa, albinisme, adalah suatu kondisi yang ditandai pada hewan dengan tidak adanya pigmen di mata, kulit, rambut, sisik, bulu atau kutikula. Hal ini menyebabkan semua hewan putih, biasanya dengan mata merah muda atau merah.

Amelanistic or Amel for short is often referred to as albino or red albino. Amelanistic/amelanistik atau Amel sering disebut albino sebagai albino atau albino merah.


This is one of the simplest mutations. These animals are unable to produce tyrosinase. Therefore, no melanin is deposited in the melanophores. The result is a total lack of black and dark brown pigment. To learn more about the two types of albinos (T+ and T-), visit our 'Chromatophores' page and see the section on melanophores.
Ini adalah salah satu dari mutasi yang paling sederhana. Hewan ini tidak dapat menghasilkan tirosinase. Oleh karena itu, tidak ada melanin yang disimpan di melanophores. Hasilnya adalah total kurangnya  hitam dan pigmen coklat gelap . Untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang dua jenis albino (T + dan T), kunjungi halaman 'kromatofora' kami dan lihat bagian melanophores.
Corn snake
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The corn snake (Pantherophis guttatus) is a North American species of rat snake that subdues its small prey by constriction.[4] It is found throughout the southeastern and central United States. Their docile nature, reluctance to bite, moderate adult size, attractive pattern, and comparatively simple care make them popular pet snakes. Though superficially resembling the venomous copperhead and often killed as a result of this mistaken identity, corn snakes are harmless and beneficial to humans.[5] Corn snakes lack venom and help control populations of wild rodent pests that damage crops and spread disease.[6]
...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Candy-cane (selectively bred amelanistic) These are amelanistic corn snakes bred toward the ideal of red or orange saddle marks on a white background. adalah ular jagung amelanistic/amelanistik/amel dengan  tanda saddle merah atau oranye pada latar belakang putih. Some were produced using light creamsicle (an amel hybrid from emory rat x corn ) bred with Miami phase corn snakes. Some candy canes will develop orange coloration around the neck region as they mature and many labeled as candycanes later develop significant amounts of yellow or orange in the ground color. The contrast they have as hatchlings often fades with maturity.
Reverse Okeetee (selectively bred amelanistic) an amelanistic Okeetee corn snake which has the normal black rings around the saddle marks replaced with wide white rings. (Selektif breed  amelanistic/amelanistik/amel) adalah  ular jagung Okeetee  amelanistic/amekanistik/amel  yang memiliki cincin hitam normal di sekitar tanda pelana replaced  dengan cincin putih lebar Ideal specimens are high contrast snakes with light orange to yellow background and dark orange/red saddles. Note: Albino Okeetees are not locale-specific okeetees—they are selectively bred amelanistics
Fluorescent orange (selectively bred amelanistic) . (Selektif breed  amelanistic/amelanistik/amel )  develop white borders around bright red saddle marks as adults on an orange background.

Sunglow (selectively bred amelanistic) another designer amelanistic corn that lacks the usual white speckling that often appears in most albinos, and selected for exceptionally bright ground color. (Selektif breed amelanistic/amelanistik/amel) desainer lain dari ular  jagung amelanistic yang tidak memiliki speckling putih yang biasa  sering muncul di sebagian albino, dan selected  untuk warna dasar yang sangat cerah.The orange background surrounds dark orange saddle marks.
Anerythristic (anerythristic A, sometimes called "black albino") are the complement to amelanism. (Anerythristic A, kadang-kadang disebut "albino hitam") adalah pelengkap amelanism.The inherited recessive mutation of lacking erythrin (red, yellow, and orange) pigments produces a snake that is mostly black, gray and brown. When mature, many type A anerythristic corn snakes develop yellow on their neck regions which is a result of the carotenoids in their diet.
Ultra Ultra is a hypomelanistic-like gene that is an allele to the amelanistic gene. Ultra Ultra adalah gen seperti-hypomelanistic yang  adalah alel pada gen amelanistic/amelanistik/amel.Ultra corn snakes have light grey lines in place of black. The Ultra gene is derived from the grey rat snake. All Ultras and Ultramels have some amount of grey rat snake in them.
Ultramel is an intermediate appearance between ultra and amel which is the result of being heterozygous for ultra and amel at the albino locus.
Ultramel adalah penampilan perantara antara Ultra dan amel yang merupakan hasil dari  heterozigot untuk ultra dan amel/amelanistic/amelanistik pada lokus albino.

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Compound morphs[edit]

There are tens of thousands of possible compound morphs. Some of the most popular are listed.
Snow (Amelanistic + Anerythristic) As hatchlings this color variation is composed of white and pink blotches. These predominantly white snakes tend to have yellow neck and throat regions when mature (due to carotenoid retention in their diet). Light blotches and background colors have subtle shades of beige, ivory, pink, green, or yellow.
Blizzard (Amelanistic + Charcoal). Blizzards are a totally white snake with red eyes and very little to no visible pattern.
Butter (Amelanistic + Caramel) A two-tone yellow corn snake.
Opal (Amelanistic + Lavender) look like blizzard corn snakes once mature with pink to purple highlights.
Fire (Amelanistic + Diffused) are an albino version of the diffused morph. These are typically very bright red snakes with very little pattern as adults.


Amelanistic vs. Albino

Can some one please tell me the difference between these terms? I often see them used interchangeably, but there is a difference, right?

I was under the impression that albino was the lack of all pigment, whereas amel was the lack of only melanin. Is this correct?
sedangkan amel kurangnya hanya melanin. Apakah ini benar?

right. Amelanistic means lack of melanin which is a black pigment. For instance, an amelanistic gopher is not going to be white. Amelanistic/amelanistik/amel berarti kurangnya melanin yang merupakan pigmen hitam. Sebagai contoh, sebuah gopher amelanistic tidak akan menjadi putih.The ones I have seen are yellow sometimes with light brown markings but no black.

Albinism is caused by a genetic mutation and it is not always the same gene. For instance, Breeding an albino snake to another albino may not result in albino offspring should the causes of the parents' albinism be centered on different genes. What you will get are a bunch of hets for two kinds of albinism and no albinos.

Also, amels almost always have normal colored eyes. Amels/amelanstic/amelanistik hampir selalu memiliki mata berwarna normal. Albinos, depending on species and type of albinism, usually have reddish or blue eyes.
Perhaps this thread needs to be species specific. When it comes to corns and boas (which we specialize in), amels will always have red eyes. Amels/amelanistic/amelanistik akan selalu memiliki mata merah.

Amelanism, in Cal Kings, can be caused by mutation at one of at least two different points in their chromosomes. Amelanism, di Cal Kings, dapat disebabkan oleh mutasi pada salah satu dari setidaknya dua titik yang berbeda dalam kromosom mereka.

In Corn Snakes, there are two prominent types of Anerythristic ("black albino"), basically lacking red pigment.

Long and short of it is, amelanism specifically means there is no melanin in the critter. amelanism secara khusus berarti tidak ada melanin dalam makhluk tersebut.

Albino is simply an easier word to remember, and conveys an approximation of the true state of things.

Most people anthropomorphize here, and equate the two terms unless something is added to indicate deviation ("black albino", again, as an example).

If a species has only melanin as a pigment, then the two words are interchangeable for reference to that species.

Unless a species has other pigments in the iris of the eye, amelanistic animals will have the pink eyes because of the blood vessels. , Hewan amelanistic/amelanistik/amel  akan memiliki mata merah muda karena pembuluh darah.

I did a very quick google and found this:

". . .A further difference between albinism and leucism is in eye color. Due to the lack of melanin production in both the retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) and iris, albinos typically have red eyes due to the underlying blood vessels showing through. In contrast, leucistic animals have normally coloured eyes. This is because the melanocytes of the RPE are not derived from the neural crest, instead an outpouching of the neural tube generates the optic cup which, in turn, forms the retina. As these cells are from an independent developmental origin, they are typically unaffected by the genetic cause of leucism."

There's more, including equating albinism with amelanism termasuk menyamakan albinisme dengan amelanism [I still think this is anthropomorphism], here:



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Amelanism (also known as amelanosis) is a pigmentation abnormality characterized by the lack of pigments calledmelanins, commonly associated with a genetic loss of tyrosinase function. Amelanism can affect fishamphibiansreptiles,birds, and mammals including humans. Amelanism (juga dikenal sebagai amelanosis) adalah kelainan pigmentasi yang ditandai dengan kurangnya pigmen melanins, umumnya terkait dengan hilangnya fungsi  genetik tirosinase. Amelanism dapat mempengaruhi ikan, amfibi, reptil, burung, dan mamalia termasuk manusia. The appearance of an amelanistic animal depends on the remaining non-melanin pigments. The opposite of amelanism is melanism, an overabundance of melanin.
A similar condition, albinism, is a hereditary condition characterised in animals by the absence of pigment in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, feathers or cuticle.[1] This results in an all white animal, usually with pink or red eyes.

Melanins and melanin production[edit]

Melanin is a compound found in plants, animals, and protists, and is derived from the amino acid tyrosine. Melanin is a photoprotectant, absorbing the DNA-damaging ultraviolet radiation of the sun. Vertebrates have melanin in their skin and hair, feathers, or scales. They also have two layers of pigmented tissue in the eye: the stroma, at the front of the iris, and the iris pigment epithelium, a thin but critical layer of pigmented cells at the back of the iris. Melanin is also present in theinner ear, and is important for the early development of the auditory system.[2] Melanin is also found in parts of the brain and adrenal gland.
Melanins are produced in organelles called melanosomes. The production of melanins is called melanogenesis. Melanosomes are found in specialized pigment cells called melanocytes, but may also be engulfed by other cells, which are then called melanophages. Hair acquires pigment from melanocytes in the root bulb, which deposit melanosomes into the growing hair structure. A critical step in the production of melanins is the catalysis of tyrosine by an enzyme called tyrosinase, producing dopaquinone. Dopaquinone may become eumelanin, or phaeomelanin. Eumelanin, meaning true black, is a densecompound that absorbs most wavelengths of light, and appears black or brown as a result. Phaeomelanin, meaning rufous-black, is characterized by the presence of sulfur-containing cysteine, and it appears reddish to yellowish as a result. Melanosomes containing eumelanin are eumelanosomes, while those containing phaeomelanin are phaeomelanosomes.Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH) binds to the Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) and commits melanocytes to the production of eumelanin. In the absence of this signal, melanocytes produce phaeomelanin. Another chemical, Agouti signalling peptide (ASP), can attach itself to MC1R and interfere with MSH/MC1R signalling. In many mammals, variation in the level of ASP switches melanocytes between eumelanin and phaeomelanin production, resulting in coloured patterns.
Melanocytes, and the parallel melanophores found in fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, are derived from a strip of tissue in the embryo called the neural crest. Stem cells in the neural crest give rise to the cells of the autonomic nervous system, supportive elements of the skeleton such as chondrocytes, cells of the endocrine system, and melanocytes. This strip of tissue is found along the dorsal midline of the embryo, and multipotent cells migrate down along the sides of the embryo, or through germ layers, to their ultimate destinations. Melanocyte stem cells are called melanoblasts. Conditions associated with abnormalities in the migration of melanoblasts are known collectively as piebaldism. Pigment cells of the iris pigment epithelium have a separate embryological origin.[3] Piebaldism and amelanism are distinct conditions.

Amelanism in mammals[edit]

The only pigments that mammals produce are melanins. For a mammal to be unable to chemically manufacture melanin renders it completely pigmentless. This condition is more commonly called albinism. Amelanistic mammals have white hair, pink skin, and eyes that have a pink, red, or violet appearance. mamalia Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  memiliki rambut putih, kulit merah muda, dan mata merah muda, merah, atau penampilan violet. . Reddish eyes are due to the lack of pigment in the iris pigment epithelium. When the stroma is unpigmented but the iris pigment epithelium is not, mammalian eyes appear blue. Melanin in the pigment epithelium is critical for visual acuity and contrast.[4]
Loss of melanogenesis function is linked to the gene that encodes tyrosinase. Certain alleles of this gene, TYR, at the Color locus, cause oculocutaneous albinism type 1 in humans and the familiar red-eyed albino conditions in mice and other mammals.

Amelanism in other vertebrates[edit]

Other vertebrates, such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds, produce a variety of non-melanin pigments. Disruption of melanin production does not affect the production of these pigments. Non-melanin pigments in other vertebrates are produced by cells called chromatophores. Within this categorization, xanthophores are cells that contain primarily yellowish pteridines, while erythrophores contain primarily orangish carotenoids. Some species also possess iridophores or leucophores, which do not contain true pigments, but light-reflective structures that give iridescence. An extremely uncommon type of chromatophore, the cyanophore, produces a very vivid blue pigment.[5] Amelanism in fishes, amphibians, reptiles and birds has the same genetic etiology as in mammals: loss of tyrosinase function. 

Amelanism di ikan, amfibi, reptil dan burung memiliki etiologi genetik yang sama seperti pada mamalia: hilangnya fungsi tirosinase However, due to the presence of other pigments, other amelanistic vertebrates are seldom white and red-eyed like amelanistic mammals. vertebrata amelanistic lainnya jarang bermata putih dan merah seperti mamalia amelanistic.


Melanocytes depend on the Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) to signal the production of eumelanin. Loss of melanocortin 1 receptor function or high activity of the MC1R-antagonist, Agouti signalling peptide, can cause the widespread absence of eumelanin. Loss of MC1R function, a recessive trait, has been observed in many species. In humans, various mutations of the MC1R gene result in red hair, blond hair, fair skin, and susceptibility to sundamaged skin and melanoma.[6] Aeumelanic hair coats, associated with mutations of the MC1R gene, have also been identified in mice,[7] cattle,[8] dogs,[9] and horses.[10]These coat colors are called "yellow" in mice and dogs, "red" in cattle and chestnut in horses. The loss of eumelanin in the coat is, in these species, harmless. The distinction between aeumelanism and hyperphaeomelanism - over abundance of phaeomelanin - is semantic


Aphaeomelanism is the abnormal absence of phaeomelanin from the integumentary system and/or eyes.[11] Phaeomelanin is produced by melanocytes in the absence of melanocortin 1 receptor. This absence is mediated by agouti signalling protein, which antagonizes melanocortin 1 receptor. Loss of function of agouti signalling protein can permit unmediated eumelanin production, producing a uniformly black-to-brown coat color. This condition can be observed in dogs,[12] cats,[13] and horses.[14] The appearance of mammals with recessive agouti mutations is typically dense black. As with aeumelanism, the difference between lack of phaeomelanin and abundance of eumelanin is one of words. Some agouti alleles in mice are associated with health defects, but this is not the case in dogs, cats, or horses.

See also[edit]

·         Albinism
·         Dyschromia
·         Erythrism
·         Heterochromia iridum
·         Leucism
·         Melanism
·         Piebaldism


Amelanistic vs Albino - What's the difference?

Amelanistic is a synonym ofalbino.


·  congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); born with albinism

Usage notes

* The term is considered offensive by some (when used as a term for human beings); "albinistic" is a possible alternative.[] * The term is not comparative: one either has albinism (a recessive genetic trait) or does not. While the effects'' of albinism may be more marked in some individuals, this does not make those individuals "more albino" than others. To the extent that it could be comparable, perhaps in metaphoric usage, the comparatives would be ''more/most/less/least albino'' (not *''albinoer'', *''albinest , etc).


* (lacking melanin) albinal, albinic, albinistic, albinoid, hypomelanistic, hypomelanoid, amelanistic, amelanoid


* (having an excess of melanin) hypermelanistic, hypermelanoid, melanistic, melanoid

See also

* (lacking pigment) hypopigmented * (having an excess of pigment) hyperpigmented


·  (countable) A person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one born with albinism.

Usage notes

* The term is considered offensive by some when used to designate a human being; the phrase "person with albinism" is a neutral alternative.


* (one lacking melanin) albinoid, hypomelanoid, amelanoid


* (one having an excess of melanin) hypermelanoid, melano, melanoid

Derived terms

() * albinism * albinistic * albinoid (der-mid) * albinic * albinal (der-bottom)

External links



Postby Jools » Sun Nov 30, 2003 9:39 am
This isn't so much a what is my catfish as opposed to a what form is my catfish. I'm trying to find out the difference between these two terms both used to describe fish with no pigmentation and black eyes.

My best guess is amelanistic means without black (pigmentation? lack of melanin?) and leucistic might just mean white form. Anyone know for sure?


Postby Silurus » Sun Nov 30, 2003 11:15 am
Technically, something amelanistic is an albino. Leucistic is a word bird breeders use and it usually means an animal with dilute coloration. 
The word xanthic is often used for an animal without color and black eyes.
by griffin » Sat Dec 20, 2003 11:40 am
Yes, amelanistic is albino. 
I beg to differ on the other ones - though I must say the terms can be confusing, especially as you will see them misused all over the place. 

Leucistic - means that all melanin is removed from the body but NOT from the retina. Thus the animal appears to be pure white with black eyes. Interestingly, albinos are not pure white as people would think. To be pure white an albino would have to have not one bit of melanin in its body - but melanin (even a tiny bit) is essential for life. So in order to have enough melanin to be alive, albinos actually have small traces of melanin in their body. Leucistic animals have the melanin in their retina, it's enough to survive so they are able to get away with a pure white body with no melanin. Bird breeders use the term "black-eyed clear" for leucistic, the term is also used for other animals such as ferrets. 
Leucistic really should be reserved for white animal/black eyes, but is often used for animals which have reduced melanin (the "dilute" looking ones) Technically though, these dilute forms should be called hypomelanistic. 

Xanthic - refers to increased amount of the yellow pigment xanthin, so a xanthic form of an animal is one which looks more yellow than it would normally. Technically xanthism should have nothing to do with removal of melanin (so it does not refer to a white animal/black eyes). 

Don't get xanthic confused with lutino though - lutino refers to those albinos that have red eyes and are a clear yellow colour. Since the yellow colour has nothing to do with melanin if the animal is albino but has xanthin producing cells in its skin any black colour will be taken away and you are left with a bright yellow (or even red or orange as these are also not produced by melanin) animal. Good examples are the popular lutino indian ringneck, also you'll see plenty of snakes that have red eyes and white and yellow patterning on them. 

Most people think of albinos as having red eyes and being completely white - but actually an albino can have any colour on it so long as that colour is not produced by melanin. 

Hope this helps (colour mutations are a little pet thing for me) 


Postby CommonPl*co » Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:27 pm
So, to clarify: (if I understand correctly)

Albino=amelanistic, but must still have some melanin hidden on the body somewhere, just (in general usage) not the eyes.

Leucistic has that melanin in the eyes, so the body is a more pure white (or even yellow) than in the normal albino.

Lutino is an albino form with heightened yellow/red and red eyes.

Xanthic is not actually albino at all, but may look much like a lutino with its increased yellow.

So a leucistic will be the cleaner looking one with black eyes, while the lutino will have red eyes and more of a yellow cast.

Am I getting close?

re: albinos etc

Postby griffin » Sun Dec 21, 2003 9:04 am
Yep, you've got it! 

One thing I forgot to say above - a good example of xanthism is the good 'ol Electric Yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus). The nominate form of this fish is actually white or pale blue (hence the caeruleus in the latin name which refers to pale bule) with the same black markings as the yellow form. The Electric Yellow that we are familiar with all over the world is actually a xanthic form with extra yellow in the body. There's only a very small population of these xanthic L caeruleus in the wild - the ones we see in aquariums everywhere are descended from only a handful of fish - it is rumoured that they came from only one pair! 


what's the difference between albinism and amelanism?
what's the difference between albinism and amelanism?

i'm thinking about corns whils asking this questionm it's a bone question i know, is there visual difference? as both are without melanin, or is it purely genetics? different alleals etc?

A true Albino is Pink skin with red eyes.Fur,Hair,scales,feathers will white on a true Albino.

Amel is lack of Blacks & Browns only. Amel/amelanistic/amelanistik  adalah kurangnya warna hitan dan coklat

so pretty similar, but worlds apart at the same time, fair enough. I was looking at an amel corn pic and jsut thought that with red eyes, not melanin etc. was there much difference. Saya melihat sebuah foto ular jagung amel  dan berpikir bahwa dengan mata merah, tidak  ada melanin dll ada banyak perbedaan.

Well you know what a Amel red rat snake looks like.

A True Albino red rat snake would Would be clean white,no hint of patterning,Red eyes.A Albino red rat snake would look very muck like a Blizzard red rat snake.But a Albino red rat snake would be a single gene trait.When Blizzard red rat snake are a combo morph of Amel + Charcoal. Ular tikus Blizzard  merah adalah morph combo dari Amel/amelanistic/amelanistik + charcoal.


Blizzard X Normal = 100%Normal HET Amel,Charcoal.
Albino X Normal = 100%Normal HET Albino.

"Albino" is an imprecise term. It's come to mean "red eyed white" because it was originally used to describe mammals missing pigmentation, and mammals only have one skin pigment (melanin).

Albino mammals are amelanistic.
Amelanistic reptiles are quite reasonably called "albino".
mamalia albino adalah amelanistic/amel/amelanistik.
reptil Amelanistic/amelanistik/amel  yang cukup disebut "albino".

So are anerythristic reptiles, who are missing a different pigment.

I agree with Ssthisto.

Bechtel formally gave the name "amelanistic" to the corn snake mutant gene which prevents melanin from forming. secara resmi memberi nama "amelanistic/amel/amelanistik" pada gen mutan ular  jagung  yang mencegah melanin dari pembentukan. Nobody has formally named a corn snake gene "albino". So there is no albino mutant gene in corn snakes.

The corn snake's amelanistic mutant gene is unable to produce functional tyrosinase enzyme. gen mutan amelanistic/amel/amelanistik ular jagung  tidak mampu menghasilkan fungsional enzim tirosinase .The lab mouse's albino mutant gene is unable to produce functional tyrosinase enzyme. So these two mutants have analogous effects on the biochemical assembly line that produces melanin.

Read a good dictionary's definition of "albino". It is considerably wider than the definition for "amelanistic". Hal ini jauh lebih luas daripada definisi untuk "amelanistic/amel/amelanistik". Among other things, an albino plant lacks chlorophyll.

so on those grounds, you could reasonably call an amel corn snake an albino, as although they still have other colours, they have red eyes and are lacking melanin, mereka memiliki mata merah dan kurang melanin which as i was always led to believe is the defining trait on albinism.

thats really very intersting.

another questions, having had a very brief look into corn morphs, are they all recessive?

The vast majority of corn morphs are recessive to the normal wildtype allele on that gene pair, yes. Bloodred/Diffuse and Caramel MAY be codominant, with a variable expression (i.e. a het may look different to a non-carrier, but it could be a very subtle difference) and Tessera is looking like it's dominant at this point.

Of course, not all morphs are recessive to other *mutant* genes on the same allele. Amelanistic and Ultra share the same gene pair, and they're codominant to each other. Tentu saja, tidak semua morphs yang resesif untuk * mutan gen * lain pada alel yang sama. Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik dan ultra berbagi pasangan gen yang sama , dan mereka kodominan satu sama lain  Motley and Stripe share the same gene pair, and Motley is dominant to Stripe.

The name Red albino is used for Amel Red rat snakes.
Nama Red albino digunakan untuk ular tikus Amel/amelanistic/amelanistik Red.



Morph: Amelanistic
Other marketing names: 
Amel, Red Albino, Albino
Genotype: a
Eyes: Light Red, Orange, or Pink with Pink pupils.
Ventrals: Normal checkerboard pattern remains, only the pattern is in varying shades of off-white and yellow.

History: The first Amelanistic Cornsnake was a male,  Amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  Cornsnake  yang pertama  adalah jantan  collected in Stanley County North Carolina in 1953. It was first bred in captivity in 1959 by Bernard Bechtel who bred it to three normal females producing 46 normal looking  babies. On August 31st 1961 this trait was proved to be genetic when the first Amelanistic Cornsnakes were produced. Three female F1's were mated to a sibling male with a total of 24 viable eggs being produced these eggs contained 17 normal looking hatchlings and 7 albino. Subsequent captive breedings by Groves in 1965 confirmed Betchels theory of Amelanism being a simple recessive gene. 

Amelanism menjadi gen resesif sederhana.

Appearance: Amelanism means a lacking of the pigment melanin, which is the black pigment. An Amelanistic snake has no black on it at all, including the pupils. Amelanism berarti kurang dari adanya pigmen melanin, yang merupakan pigmen hitam. Ular Amelanistic tidak ada hitam sama sekali, termasuk pupil .  This leaves a very bright snake of reds, oranges, yellows, and whites. The background can vary between white to yellow to orange and even red. The boarders around the saddles which normally would be black is now white, and the color in the saddles is usually very bright reds and oranges. Several selectivly bred variaties exist.

Notes: Amelanistic shares the same locus as Ultra they are allelic, meaning it is Co-Dominant with Amelanistic. No other gene known in Cornsnakes reacts this way with any other, with the exception of the Motley & Stripe which are also alleles but Motley is Dominant to Stripe.

All that is needed to create a Ultramel is a Ultra and an Amelanistic and Ultramels are produced in the first generation. There are three possible genes at the Amelanistic locus, Normal, Amelanistic and Ultra

Normal A+

Amel aa

Ultra au

There are only two positions to fill at each locus which gives us the following possibilities

Normal -+.-+

Normal het Amelanistic A+.aa

Normal het Ultra

Amelanistic aa.aa



If you breed an Ultramel to any other cultivar the offspring will be either het Ultra or Amelanistic they can't be both.

It is not possible to have a Corn het for Ultramel they can only be het Amelanistic OR Ultra. A Cornsnake that IS het for Ultra & Amelanistic is an Ultramel. Het actually means one copy of the gene and since Ultramels share this locus then technically speaking they are het Ultra & Amelanistic. They can't be homozygous for each trait as this would require two copies of each gene and there is only room for one of each.

Selectively Bred Amelanistic Cultivars: Reverse Okeetee, Candycane, Sunglow and Flourescent Orange.

Morph combinations: Snow, Butter, Opal, Blizzard,  Fire
·         Morph: Amelanistic
·         Genotype: aaaa
·         Mutation: Base Morph
o    Recessive:
o    Amelanistic
·         Allelic with:
o    Ultra
·         Also known as:
o    Albino
o    Amel
·         Notes:
o    Amelanistic was the first mutation (or morph) of cornsnake to be discovered.
The first amel corn was caught in North Carolina in 1953. In 1959, Dr Bernard Bechtel bred the original specimen to three normal females, producing babies that were het for Amelanism, then those back to each other to produce the very first captive bred corn snake morph in 1961.
Allelic to and codominant with Ultra which means if a cornsnake is het Amel and het Ultra it creates the third phenotype (visual morph) Ultramel.

Hypomelanistic vs Amelanistic
Hi to all!

Here is my question, what is the difference between a Hipomelanistic and an Amelanistic corn. 

Could you please send pics of baby corns of both morfs sayng what they are?


Hypomelanistic is reduced black while amelanistic is when the black color is completely missing (the red albino). Hypomelanistic adalah berkurangnya warna  hitam sedangkan amelanistic/amel/amelanistik  adalah ketika warna hitam benar-benar hilang (albino red).

These are pics of an amelanistic and hypomelanistic corn snake repectively. They pics were taken from <a href="">South Mountain Reptiles</a> and are copyrighted by them 
