Minggu, 03 September 2017

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran,hasil result : CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL(part1)

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran,hasil result : CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL(part1)


Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search,search result  :
C,K,CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search,search result  :
C,K,CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL,biodiversity,keanekaragaman hayati,flora,fauna,konservasi,habitat,komunitas,komunal,in situ,ex situ,alam,lingkungan,tanaman,tumbuhan,reptil,satwa,komunitas satwa,komunitas satwa semarang,komunitas reptil ,komunitas amfibi,reptiles,amphibia,,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,t-rec semarang,tugumuda reptiles community semarang,komunitas reptil tugumuda semarang,komunitas reptil semarang,komunitas semarang,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Hanya berusaha merangkum segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL   dari sumber sumber yang ada di pencarian google search , semoga dapat membantu dan bermanfaat

Just trying to summarize everything connected with CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL  from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful
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L : leucistic-part 1
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L : leucistic-part 4


Caramel Albino
Basic morph
Caramel Albino
Tyrosinase-positive (T+) Albino
Xanthic Albino
Carmel Albino is a color mutation that is recessive and produces a snake that is varying shades of yellow, brown, cream and lavender with red eyes.This mutation goes by many names such as T+ Albino, Xanthic (opposite of axanthic; having yellow color) or Caramel Albino. The color is generally more prominent in smaller ball pythons and a bit more muted on adults. The T+ means that this morph has a functional tyrosinase (a copper containing enzyme) responsible for the production of melanin. 
Caramel  Albino adalah mutasi warna yang resesif dan menghasilkan ular yang bervariasi nuansa kuning, coklat, krem ​​dan lavender dengan mata merah. Mutasi ini melewati banyak nama seperti T + Albino, Xanthic (berlawanan dengan axanthic; memiliki warna kuning) atau Caramel Albino. Warnanya umumnya lebih menonjol pada  ular  bp kecil dan sedikit lebih teredam pada  yang dewasa. T + berarti bahwa morf  ini memiliki tirosinase fungsional (enzim yang mengandung tembaga) yang bertanggung jawab untuk produksi melanin.

The more widely known amelanistic albino would be considered a T- since the enzyme is completely deficient in that particular mutation.  Although Caramels are a gorgeous mutation, it has been discovered that in some cases thebreeding of homozygous caramel albinos have produced offspring with congenital defects known as kinking. This seems to be less likely when breeding het to het.
Tony Gude
Caramel "Sawer Breeder" Reticulated Python bukan sembarang morph caramel. Hanya Caramel dari Sawer Breeder yang compatible dengan Albino Type 1 (Purple, Lavender, White Phase). Kami berani memberikan garansi 100% uang kembali jika tidak terbukti compatible dengan Albino Type 1.
Caramel "Sawer Breeder" benar-benar merupakan morph yang menjanjikan dan sudah kami buktikan beberapa kali, salah satu contohnya adalah ketika tahun 2012 kami berhasil mencetak Caramel Tiger pertama kali di Indonesia. Hanya dengan mengawinkan Caramel "Sawer Breeder" dengan Tiger Purple Albino (Type 1) kami dapat memperoleh anakan Caramel Tiger, Tiger Purple Albino, Tiger Lavender Albino, Tiger White Phase Albino, Caramel, Albino Purple, Albino Lavender dan Albino White Phase tanpa ada genetic normal het sama sekali.
Dengan sudah tersedianya ragam dari Albino Type 1 saat ini, maka secara otomatis Caramel "Sawer Breeder" akan menjadi kunci sukses dan jalan pintas kita untuk memproduksi morph-morph Caramel yang bervariasi seperti yang sudah ada pada Albino Type 1.
Next Project:
Caramel Sawer Breeder Vs Platinum Het Albino (Type 1) / Motley Het Albino (Type 1) / Platinum Tiger Het Albino (Type 1) / Moltey Tiger Het Albino (Type 1).
Caramel (Morelia spilota mcdowelli)
Type- Color mutation
Genetics- Incomplete dominant

We acquired the original Caramel Albino as a wild-caught male back in 2005 and coined this morph the Caramel Albino because of its rich caramel-colored bands. We proved the trait to be recessive and hatched the very first Caramel Albino in captivity back in 2007. This morph is an entirely new strain of amelanism.
Kami mengakuisisi Albino Caramel yang asli sebagai   yang tertangkap liar pada tahun 2005 dan menciptakan  morf  Caramel Albino ini karena bandnya yang kaya karamel. Kami membuktikan sifat resesif dan menetas Albino Caramel pertama di penangkaran kembali pada tahun 2007. Morph  ini adalah jenis amelanisme yang sama sekali baru.

Although it has a similar appearance to the normal amelanistic when they first hatch, it becomes evident that it is an entirely different morph as the banding turns a rich caramel color as it matures. This mutation is proving to be an essential component for producing extreme combination designer morphs. We feel very fortunate to have discovered this morph and have it within our collection.


Caramel “Sawer Breeder” bukan sembarang caramel. Hanya Caramel dari Sawer Breeder yang compatible dengan Albino Type 1 (Purple, Lavender, White Phase). Kami berani memberikan garansi 100% uang kembali jika tidak terbukti compatible dengan Albino Type 1.
Caramel “Sawer Breeder” benar-benar merupakan morph yang menjanjikan dan sudah kami buktikan beberapa kali, salah satu contohnya adalah ketika tahun 2012 kami berhasil mencetak Caramel Tiger pertama kali di Indonesia. Hanya dengan mengawinkan Caramel “Sawer Breeder” dengan Tiger Purple Albino (Type 1) kami dapat memperoleh anakan Caramel Tiger, Tiger Purple Albino, Tiger Lavender Albino, Tiger White Phase Albino, Caramel, Albino Purple, Albino Lavender dan Albino White Phase tanpa ada genetic normal het sama sekali.
Dengan sudah tersedianya ragam dari Albino Type 1 saat ini, maka secara otomatis Caramel “Sawer Breeder” akan menjadi kunci sukses dan jalan pintas kita untuk memproduksi morph-morph Caramel yang bervariasi seperti yang sudah ada pada Albino Type 1.
Next Project:
Caramel Sawer Breeder Vs Platinum Het Albino (Type 1) / Motley Het Albino (Type 1) / Platinum Tiger Het Albino (Type 1) / Moltey Tiger Het Albino (Type 1).

Hey Guys

So on facebook I'm a member of a closed group called 'Sand Boa Keepers'. On it theres a new post referring to a new co-dominant morph of Rough Scaled Sand Boa that the guy is referring to as 'caramel'. It also apparently has a super form. There are pictures and an explanation from the breeder.

I don't really buy it, but would be very interested if someone more knowledgeable would join the group, investigate and then let me know what they think! The post is by a guy called Scott Rugen, posted yesterday at 01.21.
Why don't you buy it? If there are photos and a detailed explanation on the heredity and the snakes are different from normal wild types, it is believable. Is there anything in particular that makes you question its legitimacy?

With that being said, I too question "new morphs" at times depending on the situation. Claims without good photos and breeding history are always suspect in my opinion.
The Oracle Of Reptiles!!!<<<For the stupid people, my sig is a joke.

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After many generations of selective breeding, domesticated corn snakes are found in a wide variety of different colors and patterns. These result from recombining the dominant and recessive genes that code for proteins involved in chromatophoredevelopment, maintenance, or function. New variations, or morphs, become available every year as breeders gain a better understanding of the genetics involved.

Color morphs[edit]

·         Normal or wildtype corn snakes are orange with black lines around red colored saddle markings going down their back with black and white checkered bellies. Regional diversity is found in wild caught corn snakes, the most popular being the Miami and Okeetee phases. These are the most commonly seen corn snakes.
·         Miami Phase (originates in the Florida wildtype) These are usually smaller corn snakes with some specimens having highly contrasting light silver to gray ground color with red or orange saddle markings surrounded in black. Selective breeding has lightened the ground color and darkened the saddle marks. The “Miami” name is now considered an appearance trait
·         Okeetee corn snakes. These snakes are characterized by deep red dorsal saddle marks surrounded by very black borders on a bright orange ground color. As with the Miami phase, selective breeding has changed the term “Okeetee” to an appearance rather than a locality. Some on the market originate solely from selectively breeding corn snakes from the Okeetee Hunt Club.
·         Candy-cane (selectively bred amelanistic) These are amelanistic corn snakes bred toward the ideal of red or orange saddle marks on a white background. Some were produced using light creamsicle (an amel hybrid from emory rat x corn ) bred with Miami phase corn snakes. Some candy canes will develop orange coloration around the neck region as they mature and many labeled as candycanes later develop significant amounts of yellow or orange in the ground color. The contrast they have as hatchlings often fades with maturity.
·         Reverse Okeetee (selectively bred amelanistic) an amelanistic Okeetee corn snake which has the normal black rings around the saddle marks replaced with wide white rings. Ideal specimens are high contrast snakes with light orange to yellow background and dark orange/red saddles. Note: Albino Okeetees are not locale-specific okeetees—they are selectively bred amelanistics
·         Fluorescent orange (selectively bred amelanistic) develop white borders around bright red saddle marks as adults on an orange background.
·         Sunglow (selectively bred amelanistic) another designer amelanistic corn that lacks the usual white speckling that often appears in most albinos, and selected for exceptionally bright ground color. The orange background surrounds dark orange saddle marks.
·         Blood red (selectively bred “Diffused”) corn snakes carry a recessive trait (known as diffused) that eliminates the ventral checkered patterns. These originated from a somewhat unicolor Jacksonville and Gainesville, Florida strain of corn snake. Through selective breeding, an almost solid ground color has been produced. Hatchlings have a visible pattern that can fade as they mature into a solid orange red to ash red colored snake. The earlier bloodreds tended to have large clutches of smaller than average eggs that produce hard to feed offspring, though this is no longer the case.
·         Crimson (hypomelanistic + Miami) are very light high contrast snakes with a light background and dark red/orange saddle marks.
·         Anerythristic (anerythristic A, sometimes called "black albino") are the complement to amelanism. The inherited recessive mutation of lacking erythrin (red, yellow, and orange) pigments produces a snake that is mostly black, gray and brown. When mature, many type A anerythristic corn snakes develop yellow on their neck regions which is a result of the carotenoids in their diet.
  • Charcoal snakes (sometimes known as anerythristic type ‘B’) can lack the yellow color pigment usually found in all corn snakes, They are a more muted contrast compared to Anerythristics.
  • Caramel corn snakes are another Rich Zuchowski engineered corn snake. The background is varying shades of yellow to yellow-brown. Dorsal saddle marks vary from caramel yellow to brown, and chocolate brown.
·         Ular jagung karamel ,caramel,ular caramel l,ular karamel ainnya adalah ular jagung Zuchowski yang kaya dengan rekayasa. Latar belakangnya adalah berbagai warna kuning hingga kuning kecoklatan. Tanda pelana punggung bervariasi dari karamel kuning sampai coklat, dan coklat coklat.
  • Lavender corn snakes contain a light pink background with darker purple gray markings. They also have ruby to burgundy colored eyes.
  • Cinder corns originated with Upper Keys corns and as such are often built slimmer than most other morphs. They may resemble anerythristics, but with wavy borders around their saddles.
  • Kastanie This gene was first discovered in Germany. Kastanies hatch out looking nearly anerythristic but gain some color as they mature, to eventually take on a chestnut coloration.
  • Hypomelanistic or Hypos for short carry a recessive trait that reduces the dark pigments causing the reds, whites, and oranges to become more vivid. Their eyes remain dark. These snakes range in appearance between amelanistic corn snakes to normals with greatly reduced melanin.
  • Ultra Ultra is a hypomelanistic-like gene that is an allele to the amelanistic gene. Ultra corn snakes have light grey lines in place of black. The Ultra gene is derived from the grey rat snake. All Ultras and Ultramels have some amount of grey rat snake in them.
  • Ultramel is an intermediate appearance between ultra and amel which is the result of being heterozygous for ultra and amel at the albino locus.
  • Dilute is another melanin-reducing gene in which the snake looks as if it is getting ready to shed.
  • Sunkissed is a hypo-like gene which was first found in Kathy Love’s colony.
  • Lava is an extreme hypo-like gene which was discovered by Joe Pierce and named by Jeff Mohr. What would normally be black pigment in these is instead a grayish-purple.
Totally exclusive to Imperial Retics!! A couple of years back we managed to secure a very unusual WC male that appeared to be some kind of T+ albino (although he differed in colouration from every snake of this type I had seen in worldwide collections).

He acclimatised very well and eventually we proved him out across several breedings to be totally incompatible with the Clark strain of albino and also the Foulsham T+ caramels rendering our snake a new morph/line. To differentiate between the morphs and various nomenclature of T+/caramel/blonde snakes we have christened our new line "Honeyblast".

Dia menyesuaikan diri dengan baik dan akhirnya kami membuktikan kepadanya beberapa breed untuk benar-benar tidak sesuai dengan strain Clark dari albino dan juga Foulsham T + caramel/karamel/ular caramel/ular karamel  yang membuat ular kami menjadi morf / garis baru. Untuk membedakan antara morph dan berbagai nomenklatur dari ular T + / karamel / pirang, kami telah membaptis baris baru kami "Honeyblast".

The hatchlings offered for sale are the result of our honeyblast male bred to a large het caramel female - the babies are 100% het honeyblast and 50% poss het caramel!

This is the project I am personally most excited about as we have the only male in existence and obviously exclusivity on the project.

These babies when crossed together have the propensity to produce honeyblasts, caramels and honeyblast caramels aswell as hets for both traits! 

Serious retics for the serious retic breeder! Once we see visuals we will then be able to produce honeyblasts in a whole array of pattern morphs!! I'm very excited about seeing sunfire/golden child/anthrax/platinum honeyblasts in the near future.

To protect the investment, very few snakes will be released from this breeding.

Also known as T+ albino (Tyrosinase-positive). This Reticulated Python morph is very scarce in worldwide collections and not to be confused with the blonde/caramel retics that are offered via the US breeders. 

Our Foulsham line animals do not go through the ontogenetic colour change like the American equivalents – rather they hatch in their adult colours straight from the egg! 

They have a very rich, cream base colour with striking, deep caramel reticulations. Aswell as being a rare and valuable animal, many herpetologists cite this morph as the most beautiful of all the retics!   Carries a lot of genetic potential, imagine this recessive gene morph bred into some co-dom projects – sunfire/platinum/golden child caramels!!!
Heterozygous animals for the above trait. The het caramels are particularly attractive and in my experience, carry visual markers – they often have silver eyes and “granite back” patterning. An economical way of making caramels or simply as pets for fans of wildtype retics.
  • CARAMEL - Type - Color mutation
    • Genetics - Co-Dominant morph. The homozygous or super form is the SUPERCARAMEL Carpet Python.

    • Origin - France, mid to late 2002 byChristos Skliris
caramel,karamel,ular caramel,ular karamel...mutasi warna

List of Cornsnake Genes

The following are the base genes that are known in cornsnakes. Combinations of these are used to make compound morphs, many of which also have names. The listed year is when they first appeared in the Cornsnake Morph Guide. For a detailed discussion of each gene, its effects, symbology, photos, and hypermacro, please see the 2011 Edition.

The Albino locus:

  • Amelanism (amel) - Removes melanin from the pattern.
  • Ultra (2005) - Reduces opacity/density of melanin in the pattern.

·         Genotypes:

    • Wild-type/Wild-type - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Amel (het amel) - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Ultra (het ultra) - normal appearance.
    • Amel/Amel - Pattern contains no melanin. The snake is amelanistic.
    • Ultra/Ultra - Pattern contains reduced melanin. Dark areas are lighter than in normals, but not as light as ultramels.
    • Ultra/Amel (ultramel) - Pattern contains reduced melanin. Dark areas are much lighter than normals.

The Hypo locus:

This is the first locus in cornsnakes to have 3 known mutant genes.
  • Hypomelanism (hypo) - Reduces melanin in the pattern, thins border areas and can lighten checkers.
  • Strawberry (2010) (straw) - Reduces melanin in the pattern without washing out the red colors.
  • Christmas (2011) (xmas) - Reduces melanin in the pattern without washing out the red colors.

·         Genotypes:

    • Wild-type/Wild-type - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Hypo (het hypo) - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Strawberry (het strawberry) - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Christmas (het christmas) - normal appearance.
    • Hypo/Hypo - Pattern has reduced melanin and thinned border areas. Overall color is more orange than normal counterparts.
    • Strawberry/Strawberry - Pattern has reduced melanin and an overall red color instead of orange.
    • Christmas/Christmas - Reduced melanin and a deep red overall coloration. Borders may look greenish under certain circumstances.
    • Hypo/Strawberry - Overall coloration can be anywhere between that of hypo and strawberry.
    • Hypo/Christmas - One specimen is known to exist, its coloration is somewhat intermediate but more like (orange) hypo rather than (red) christmas.
    • Strawberry/Christmas - One specimen is known to exist. Its coloration is intermediate between strawberry and christsmas.

The Sunkissed locus:

  • Sunkissed (Recessive) - Reduces melanin (hypodendritic melanophores and fewer in number) and reduces saddle areas by varying amounts.

The Lava locus:

  • Lava (Recessive, 2004) - Reduces melanin, by producing a cellular mosaic of two types of melanophores with one being nearly invisible, and brightens colors. Lava tends to smooth out the pattern and often leaves a white stripe in the center of the belly.

The Dilute locus:

  • Dilute (Recessive, 2007) - Reduces melanin (adendritic melanophores) but tends to produce a cooler color temperature as opposed to warmer colors on most corns.

The Anery locus:

  • Anerythrism (Recessive) - Removes all red and orange coloration from the snake, typically leaving blacks, grays, and browns.

The Charcoal locus:

  • Charcoal (Recessive) - Removes all red and orange coloration from the snake, typically leaving blacks, grays, and browns. Charcoals often have reduced or no iridophore pattern, leading to lower contrast color schemes compared to anerythristic cornsnakes. This also helps in producing patternless blizzards.

The Caramel locus:

  • Caramel (Recessive) - Reduces red and orange coloration on the snake, typically leaving brown saddles and yellowish ground color.
·         Lokus karamel,lokus caramel :
·         • Caramel (Recessive) - Mengurangi pewarnaan  merah dan oranye pada ular, biasanya meninggalkan pelana coklat dan warna tanah kekuningan.

The Lavender locus:

  • Lavender (Recessive) - Removes almost all red and orange coloration from the snake, and reduces melanin. Typically leaves various shades of gray and light browns. Various amounts of pink/orange can appear on the ground color.

The Cinder locus:

  • Cinder (Recessive, 2006) - Removes red and orange coloration from the snake, typically leaving blacks, grays, and browns. Saddles can gain a subtle dark brick reddish color as the snake becomes a young adult. Gained reds can also fade back out after a few years. The pattern is often affected, with a white stripe down the center of the belly, and a "dovetail" head pattern that connects to a few split saddles on the neck.

The Kastanie locus:

  • Kastanie (Recessive, 2008) - Reduces red and orange coloration leaving a hypoerythristic look. This was also proven to be the cause of the distinctive coloration of "rosy bloods."

The Buf locus:

  • Buf (Dominant, 2010) - Reduces red and orange coloration leaving a look similar to caramels but not as extreme. It is either dominant or codominant.

The Diffused locus:

  • Diffused (Recessive) - Reduces side pattern and produces a checkerless belly. This is the most well-known component of bloodred corns.

The Masque locus:

  • Masque (Dominant, 2007) - Reduces belly pattern, stretches the head pattern and slightly lightens overall color. Expression is much more extreme in males, and females can be difficult to identify. It may be sex-linked as well. Masque augments the expression of diffusion and is typically present in high-quality bloodred corns.


  • Pied-sided (Unknown, 2006) - Appears to augment the expression of diffusion. It is heritable and can be reproduced in a fairly predictable manner across multiple generations, but the exact mode of inheritence has not been determined.

The Terrazzo locus:

  • Terrazzo (Recessive, 2008) - Creates a striped/broken pattern and produces a checkerless belly. The amount of striping varies between individuals, but going back from the head it typically breaks up into small chaotic chunks and can become patternless.

The Motley locus:

  • Motley - Elongates/connects saddles and produces a checkerless belly. Can vary from few to no connected saddles, some or all connected sadles creating a circleback pattern, with varying amounts of pinstriping from none to completely pinstriped.
  • Stripe - Produces a 4-lined stripe pattern with two dorsal and two lateral stripes, and a checkerless belly.

·         Genotypes:

    • Wild-type/Wild-type - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Motley (het motley) - normal appearance.
    • Wild-type/Stripe (het stripe) - normal appearance.
    • Motley/Motley - Motley pattern.
    • Stripe/Stripe - Stripe pattern.
    • Stripe/Motley (motley het stripe) - Motley pattern.

The Tessera locus:

  • Tessera (Dominant, 2009) - Typically creates a striped dorsal pattern and broken/shattered (tessellated) lateral pattern. The striping when present is usually unbroken, with wider saddle-colored stripes compared to the 4-lined stripes. Belly can have checkers or be plain. The pattern can vary a lot between individuals and several subtypes are being established.

The Palmetto locus:

  • Palmetto (Recessive) - Produces a solid white snake with small blotches (usually one or a few scales in size) of random cornsnake colors.

The Stillman locus:

  • Stillman (Recessive) - Produces a twin-spotted dorsal pattern where saddles are split between left and right and zigzagged.

The Micropave locus:

  • Micropave (Recessive) - Reduces the size of the scales.

The Short-tail locus:

  • Short-tail (Dominant, 2007) - Produces a shorter/thicker tail. Radiographs have shown the vertebrae in the tail are misaligned and this is generally considered a defect.

The Stargazer locus:

  • Stargazer (Recessive, 2007) - Causes a neurological disorder where the snake has difficulty telling which way is up. Stargazer corns also typically have intention tremors. This is considered a defect and many breeders are working to test their lines and remove the stargazer gene from their future progeny.

Compound Morph Names

Using just the known loci above, there are over 500 million possible combinations of genetics morphs in cornsnakes. Obviously only relatively few of those have been produced. Those which become popular enough tend to gain a label which sticks.

·         Amel based combinations:

    • Snow - Amel + Anery
    • Blizzard - Amel + Charcoal
    • Butter - Amel + Caramel
    • Opal - Amel + Lavender
    • Peppermint - Amel + Cinder
    • Mandarin - Amel + Kastanie
    • Fire - Amel + Diffusion
    • Avalanche - Amel + Anery + Diffusion
    • Whiteout - Amel + Charcoal + Diffusion
    • Sulfur - Amel + Caramel + Diffusion
    • Saffron - Amel + Sunkissed + Caramel

·         Ghosty combinations:

    • Ghost - Anery + Hypo
    • Ice - Anery + Lava
    • Blue - Anery + Dilute
    • Phantom - Charcoal + Hypo
    • Diamond - Charcoal + Lava
    • Platinum Anery + Charcoal + Hypo
    • Amber - Caramel + Hypo
    • Topaz - Caramel + Lava
    • Golddust - Caramel + Ultramel (also used for Caramel + Ultra)
    • Honey - Caramel + Sunkissed
    • Orchid - Lavender + Sunkissed
    • Moonstone - Anery + Lavender

·         Pewtery combinations:

    • Pewter - Charcoal + Diffusion
    • Granite - Anery + Diffusion
    • Plasma - Lavender + Diffusion

Selectively Bred/Locality Morphs:

There are many variations based on selective breeding or collected from certain geographic areas. Like combinations, many are named but the name never sticks. Following are the most well-known.
  • Okeetee - Originally named after the Hunt Club locale where snakes of this look can be found, the name is also used to describe any cornsnake with bold borders, bright red saddles.
  • Miami Phase - Light gray ground color with red or orange saddles. Lower quality specimens with a tan background are also sometimes labeled as Miami Phase.
  • Upper Keys - These snakes tend toward an overall lighter appearance with a tan ground color and saddles that are more orange compared to the typical reds of other corns. Ventral checkers are often missing or only on the edges of the belly.
  • Kisatchie - Reclassified as Pantherophis slowinskii, these are native in areas of Louisiana and Texas. Their color scheme is grays and browns.
  • Milksnake Phase - These are selectively bred with the intention of producing wide or banded saddles.
  • Aztec and Zigzag - Aztec is the name commonly applied to aberrant, irregular, or broken up patterns, especially when the resulting blotches have sharp edges. Zigzags are also called zipper corns.

Selectively Bred Variations of Genetic Morphs:

Many breeders will selectively breed to enhance their favorite genetic morph. Some of them gain widespread popularity and will be bred by many others for the same characteristics. Following are the most commonly found morphs of this type.
  • Candycane - Amels that are bred for red saddles on a clean white background.
  • Sunglow - Amels that have all white removed, and a bright orange ground color.
  • Reverse Okeetee - Bright red saddles on a bright orange ground color, with bold white borders separating the two colors.
  • Crimson - The hypo equivalent of Miami Phase corns.
  • Pastel Ghost - Ghosts that are bred for soft pastel colors.
  • Pink and Green Snow - Snows bred for greenish color in the border areas.
  • Pinstriped motley - Motley corns with elongated striping down the centerline.
  • Hurricane Motley - This morph uses fading out of the centers of the saddles to produce large circles in the border area between saddle and ground colors.
  • Cubed - Striped corns bred for square blotches instead of striping.