Minggu, 03 September 2017

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran,hasil result : CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL(part2a)

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran,hasil result : CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL(part2a)


Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search,search result  :
C,K,CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search,search result  :
C,K,CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL,biodiversity,keanekaragaman hayati,flora,fauna,konservasi,habitat,komunitas,komunal,in situ,ex situ,alam,lingkungan,tanaman,tumbuhan,reptil,satwa,komunitas satwa,komunitas satwa semarang,komunitas reptil ,komunitas amfibi,reptiles,amphibia,,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,t-rec semarang,tugumuda reptiles community semarang,komunitas reptil tugumuda semarang,komunitas reptil semarang,komunitas semarang,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Hanya berusaha merangkum segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL   dari sumber sumber yang ada di pencarian google search , semoga dapat membantu dan bermanfaat

Just trying to summarize everything connected with CARAMEL,KARAMEL,ULAR CARAMEL,ULAR KARAMEL  from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful
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Herpetofauna 1
herpetofauna  2
herpetologi 1
herpetologi 2
herpetologi 3
herpetologi 4
herpetologi 5
herpetologi 6


metode penelitian herpetofauna-1
metode penelitian herpetofauna-2
metode penelitian herpetofauna-3
metode penelitian herpetofauna-4
L : leucistic-part 1
L : leucistic-part 2
L : leucistic-part 3
L : leucistic-part 4


C,K,caramel,karamel,ular caramel,ular karamel-part 1
The "snow" group consists of amel combined with different red-removers.
· Snow is the combination of amel and anery.
· Blizzard is the combination of amel and charcoal.
· Butter is the combination of amel and caramel.
· Opal is the combination of amel and lavender.
· Mandarin is the combination of amel and kastanie.
· Peppermint is the combination of amel and cinder.
At this time, there are two accepted types of albino ball pythons. The best known and the first to be bred in captivity is the classic albino that was first bred by Bob Clark. This albino has a normal pattern. The pale pattern elements are white and the dark pattern elements are orange-gold or dark yellow in hatchlings and yellow in adults. These albinos fit the description of tyrosinase-negative (t-) albinism, and have pink tongues and pink eyes. This type of albinism has been bred through three generations and is inherited as a simple recessive trait.
The first impression of a caramel albino ball python is of a richly colored yellow snake. The pattern is normal. The pale pattern elements are yellow or yellow-gold, the dark pattern elements are a medium purplish-gray, sometimes bordered in white on the lower sides of the body. This is likely a form of tyrosinase-positive (or t+) albinism, although that has yet to be conclusively demonstrated. Caramel albinos have pale stomachs and pink tongues. They have dark eyes that reflect a deep ruby red when a light is shined in them (a normally pigmented eye appears black and reflects no light when a light is shined in it).
Ini  kemungkinan  bentuk albinoisme tyrosinase-positif (atau t +), meskipun itu belum dapat ditunjukkan secara meyakinkan. Albino karamel ,caramel memiliki perut pucat dan lidah merah jambu. Mereka memiliki mata gelap yang mencerminkan merah  rubi yang dalam saat cahaya bersinar di dalamnya (mata yang biasanya berpigmen tampak hitam dan tidak memantulkan cahaya saat ada cahaya di dalamnya).

We believe that this type of albinism is inherited as a simple recessive trait, but that has not been demonstrated. This is a rare mutation-only two or three true caramel albino ball pythons have been collected in the wild, far fewer than the number of wild-caught t- albinos. At the time of this writing, there are eggs incubating from which F2 caramel albinos are expected to hatch. This type of albinism has been observed in blood pythons, Sumatran short-tailed pythons and reticulated pythons; at the time of this writing, it has been shown to be inheritable as a simple recessive trait only in blood pythons.
Ball Python Genetics:
Ball pythons are available in well over 100 color and pattern combinations.  There is no animal on earth that has shown as much genetic variation as ball pythons.  Some of the earlier morphs originated from wild-caught or farm-raised snakes in Africa in the 1990s.  Odd-colored or patterned ball pythons were occasionally found and offered to breeders in the US.  Examples of these early morphs are albino, hypo, clown, caramel albino, axanthic, piebald, and pastel.  As the demand for rare color morphs rose, more morphs were discovered and made their way into captive-breeding collections.  Most of these morphs sold for tens of thousands of dollars when the first babies became available.  As more of them were produced, their prices dropped.  However, every year, new morphs are produced by combining some of the existing morphs and occasionally, a new morph is found in Africa and becomes established in collections.
We were the first  breeders in the world to produce the Caramel Albino Spiders (2009) and were among the first to produce Killer Clowns (2009).
Every year, new combinations are added together to produce new morphs.  Keeping up with all of them can be very difficult, even for someone who does it full-time!  It is extremely important to understand the genetics behind these morphs, in order to figure out how to combine them to reproduce them, or to produce new ones.  The information below is a very  brief overview of leopard gecko genetics:
Heterozygous (het)- A ball that is listed as a "het" means it is carrying a recessive gene, but not actually showing it.  When bred to other geckos showing or carrying the same recessive gene, the visible morph can be produced.
The Normal (wild-type) ball python is the dominant type.
Normal x Normal = all Normals
Example:  Albino
Albino x Albino = all Albino
Albino x Het Albino = 1/2 Albinos and 1/2 Het Albinos
Albino x Normal = all Het Albinos
Het Albino x Het Albino = 1/4 Albinos, 1/4 Normals, and 1/2 Het Albinos.  3 out of 4 babies will come out looking normal, and 2 out of those 3 should come out Hets, so all normal-looking babies would be considered 66% Possible Hets.

Double Recessive:
Combining 2 different recessive genes. 
Example:  Albino and Piebald
Albino x Piebald = all normals that are Het Albino and Het Piebald- considered Double Het Albino Piebald.  You have to breed these double hets to each other to produce a snake that shows both Albino and Piebald traits at the same time- an Albino Piebald.
Double Het Albino Piebald x Double Het Albino Piebald  will produce normals, albinos, and piebalds.  Each egg has a 1 in 16 chance of producing an Albino Piebald.
Example:  Spider
Spider x Normal = 1/2 Spiders and 1/2 Normals
Spider x Spider = all Spiders

Dominant x Recessive:
Dominant Example:  Spider
Recessive Example:  Albino
Spider x Albino = 1/2 Spider Het Albinos and 1/2 Normal Het Albinos
To produce Albino Spiders, you have to breed the following:
Spider Het Albino x Albino = 1/4 Spider Het Albinos, 1/4 Normal Het Albinos, 1/4 Albinos, and 1/4 Spider Albinos

Co-dominant (incompete-dominant):
This type is dominant to the normal, meaning you can breed it to normals and produce some snakes showing the morph.  There is also a super form of co-dominant morphs.
Example:  Pastel
Pastel x Normal = 1/2 Pastels and 1/2 Normals
Pastel x Pastel = 1/4 Normals, 1/2 Pastels, and 1/4 Super Pastels
Super Pastel x Normal = all Pastels
Super Pastel x Pastel = 1/2 Pastels and 1/2 Super Pastels
Super Pastel x Super Pastel = all Super Pastels

Dominant x Co-Dominant:
Dominant Example:  Spider
Co-Dominant Example:  Pastel
Spider x Pastel = 1/4 Normals, 1/4 Spiders, 1/4 Pastels, and 1/4 Bumblebees (Pastel Spiders)
Super Pastel x Spider = 1/2 Pastels x 1/2 Bumblebees
Bumblebee x Pastel =  Normals, Pastels, Super Pastels, Bumblebees, and Killerbees (Super Pastel Spiders)
KillerBee x Pastel=Pastels, Super Pastels, Bumblebees, and Killerbees

Co-Dominant x Recessive:
Co-Dominant Example:  Pastel
Recessive Example:  Piebald
Pastel x Piebald = 1/2 Pastels and 1/2 Normals, all of which are Het Piebald.
To produce a ball showing both the Pastel AND Piebald, the one of the following breedings must be done:
Pastel Het Piebald x Piebald = 1/4 Normal Het Piebalds, 1/4 Pastel Het Piebalds, 1/4 Piebalds, and 1/4 Pastel Piebalds.
Pastel Het Piebald x Pastel Het Piebald = Normals , Pastels, Super Pastels, Piebalds, Pastel Piebalds, and Super Pastel Piebalds.  All non-Piebalds in this combination would be considered 66% possible het Piebald.
Pastel Piebald x Pastel Het Piebald = Normal Het Piebald, Pastel Het Piebald, Super Pastel Het Piebald, Piebald, Pastel Piebald, and Super Pastel Piebald.
Super Pastel Piebald x Pastel Piebald = 1/2 Pastel Piebald and 1/2 Super Pastel Piebald
Super Pastel Piebald x Super Pastel Het Piebald = 1/2 Super Pastel Het Piebald and 1/2 Super Pastel Piebald.
Super Pastel Piebald x Super Pastel Piebald = all Super Pastel Piebalds

Keep in mind that these statistics are "on average".  There can be variations within any given clutch of eggs.  The more clutches that are produced, the more likely the ratios are likely to come out correct.
There are more complicated scenarios with double or triple recessives crossed with double or triple co-dominants.  Every generation where new combinations are bred together,  the genetics can get more and more complicated!
Other intersting facts about ball python genetics:
Blue Eye Leucistics:  There are several morphs of ball pythons which are very closely-related, which are capable of producing Blue Eye Leucistics.  Mojaves, Lesser Platinums, Butters, and Russo-line Het Leucistics will all produce Leucistics when bred to the same morph or to any of the others listed.  The Mojave x Mojave Leucistics tend to have darker heads and a little more body coloration, but the other combinations are  usually pure white.
Butters and Lessers are basically the same morph.  There is some variation within the morph and between the morphs, but they physically look pretty much the same and both produce leucisitcs.
Cinnamons vs Black Pastels:  These two morphs have some differences, but look pretty similar overall.  They are closely-related, though.  Super Black Pastels tend to be almost pure black where Super Cinnamons are usually a deep chocolate brown.  Breeding a Cinnamon to a Black Pastel will produce Supers.
Different Pastel Bloodlines:  Pastels originated in several different breeding programs from imported pastels.  Special names were attached to certain bloodlines, and these bloodlines may have special characteristics.  However, they are all compatible with each other so genetically, they are the same.  A beautiful pastel is a beautiful pastel, no matter what bloodline it originated from and the same goes for an average or below average pastel.
Different Albino Bloodlines:  There are several different types of albino ball pythons- typical albinos, caramel albinos, and lavender albinos.  Different genes are responsible for the color of each of these types, and they are not compatible with each other.  If you cross an albino with a lavender albino, all of the babies will be normal and would be double het for both types.
Darah Albino yang berbeda: Ada beberapa jenis ular bp  albino - albino khas, albino karamel,caramel albino, dan albino lavender. Gen yang berbeda bertanggung jawab atas warna masing-masing jenis ini, dan keduanya tidak kompatibel satu sama lain. Jika Anda menyilangkan albino dengan albino lavender, semua bayi akan normal dan akan menjadi dua kali lipat untuk kedua jenis tersebut.

Different Axanthic Bloodlines:  There are at least 3 different lines of axanthic ball pythons- Jolliff, SnakeKeeper, and VPI.  These are incompatible with each other.  If you breed one to another, normal babies that are double het for both types will be produced.
Spider "Head Wobble":  This term refers to a trait that virtually all spiders show.  In most cases, a spider will show slight movement, or wobbling of the head when the snake holds its head off the ground.  In more severe cases, the snake may seem to lose orientation when it is excited or agitated.  Nearly all spiders showing this trait live normal, healthy lives.  It seems that the trait is just something we have to live with to have this beautiful pattern in our collections. 
Multiple Males Fathering a Clutch:  If more than one male breeds with a female during a breeding cycle, it is possible for each of them to father part of a clutch.  For example:  If a pinstripe and a spider both breed a single normal female, it is possible for both spiders and pinstripes to be produced.
Ball Python genetics can definitely be challenging, but the challenge is a big part of the fun in breeding them.  Breeding new combinations of morphs together can produce some absolutely amazing animals.  The key is to always keep learning.  Once you understand how the genes work, it gets easier to predict that the outcome will be.  Producing all these color morphs is what keeps breeding ball pythons so fascinating. 

Boawoman Caramel Boa

The Boawoman Caramel boa was created by Sharon Moore of the Boastore. It has been determined that it is a recessive gene. The Boawoman Caramel boa pictured above is our Boawoman Caramel, Caram.

Morph Issues

This is a list of all the morphs and combos that have known issues associated with them. Below the table is further detail on each morph or combo.
Hidden Gene Woma
Super Sable
Black Head x Spider
Masks the Spider's wobble
Sable x Spider
Difficult to hatch, severe wobble
Champagne x Hidden Gene Woma
Severe wobble
Champagne x Spider
Normally Lethal
Super Champagne
Super Spider
Female fertility issues
Caramel Albino
Kinking and female sub-fertility
Super Cinnamon/Super Black Pastel
Duckbill & rare kinking
Super Lesser Platinum/Super Butter
Bug eyes
Lesser Platinum x Piedbald
Small Eyes
Banana/Coral Glow
Males produce weird sex ratios


A condition present in quite a few morphs is what we call "The Wobble". It is known to appear in Spider, Woma, Hidden Gene Woma, Champagne, Super Sable, and Powerball. It also shows in Jaguar Carpet Pythons. An even more severe wobble is known to appear in Sable x Spider, and Champagne x Hidden Gene Woma combos. For the purpose of this article, I'm going to refer to the following morphs as "Wobblers". This was orginally written with the Spider gene in mind, but can apply to the other Wobblers.
Anyone who owns one of the Wobblers or seen one in person, most likely already knows what I'm talking about when I refer to "The Wobble". Wobblers have an apparent neurological issue. Which I think the best way to describe it is that they essentially lose their equilibrium, moving in directions they normally wouldn't move in. You may not even see it, it can be a subtle as them just tilting their head once in a while, shaking in their head. It can be as bad as them corkscrewing their body in the air almost uncontrollably. It could only happen during feedings or other potentially exciting situations for the snake or it could just be a constant occurrence. The snake could have no signs as a baby and show it as an adult or have it as a baby and grow out of it.
What I am getting at is, this is very variable, every Wobbler is different.
Search "Spider ball python wobble" on Youtube and you can see some of the extreme cases of the wobble. Now it must be clarified that most Wobblers are nowhere near as badly afflicted as those you will see online. Don't let those select few deter you from these morphs. The majority are subtle and won't exhibit a extreme wobble.
The wobble is linked to the gene. The normals that come out of the same clutch as a Wobbler don't have the wobble, the condition is only present in Wobblers. Anything with a Wobbler gene in it, whether it be a Bumblebee or one of NERD's crazy creations, will all have the wobble. Breeding a low wobble Wobbler can result in some offspring with a bad wobble. Breeding a Wobbler with a bad wobble can result in low wobble offspring. There appears to be no way to selectively breed it out.
I have herd a myth that inbreeding may cause the wobble. I will be bold and say the Spider is the most out-crossed morph (meaning breeding unrelated animals) in the ball python world. There is no proven Super Spider, so Spider x Spider breeding are very rare today. So the myth is false, it is in no way related to inbreeding.
A question often asked is "What if my snake can't eat because of the wobble?" The combos with the severe wobble can have this problem. As for the other Wobblers, in all of my research, I have only found 1 person that made a claim that they had a baby with a wobble that was so bad, it could not eat. One Spider out of the multiple-thousands of Wobblers out there. With that said if one pops up that cannot eat, by design it will not be around. But besides that one case, they all eat, poop, breed, and live healthy lives in captivity.
Some of you may be asking "Why would you breed a snake with a defect?" There is actually a small debate on the ethics of breeding Wobblers. Here is my personal opinion on the matter. We breed them because it's a morph, in truth every morph is a "defect". People have brought up the arguement that they would not fair well in the wild. My response would be, they are only going to remain in captivity and they eat, poop, breed, live healthy lives just like any other ball python in captivity. The Spider morph has been doing great in the ball python world since 1999 and is considered a staple morph by most hobbyists for any collection.
Now I will also share a theory based a some limited animals I have interacted with.
I don't believe the wobble is going to be seperated from these morphs. There is too much evidence it is linked directly to the gene, but I think it can be reduced. I see stress levels might play a factor in the amount of wobble the Spider's show. As stated before, every snake is different, but I have personally seen how changing homes can bring a minimal wobble, to horrible wobble, to minimal wobble again. Many people report only seeing signs of it while only feeding, or only while being handled. I feel this strengthens the idea that stress or excitement can elevate the condition.
I know this may be a touchy subject for some Wobbler owners whose snakes exhibit a particularly bad wobble. They may feel like i'm saying their not taking care of their snake correctly. I will say if your snake is eating and living a healthy life, you are doing a great job, there may be Wobblers that will always have the bad wobble, but also it may need extra accommodations beyond the normal to feel less stressed (ex. extra hide, more foliage, less direct light, ect). Yes, I am suggesting the 2 hide, water bowl, cookie cutter setup may not be right for every ball python in general and the Wobblers just shows it. I have talked this over with many people and online and I think it all comes to the same conclusion that it's near impossible to test this theory. Some people have stories that strengthen the theory and some have stories that 100% conflict with it. So take it as you wish. If you have any input on this feel free to contect me, it would be great to hear what you have to say.

Black Head x Spider

We have rescently found out that the Black Head gene appears to mask the wobble when paired with Spider. This doesn't cure the wobble, as Spider offspring will still have a wobble, but it is reported that Spider Black Head combos do not wobble. It is unknown if this works with any other morphs.

Sable x Spider

Along with the severe wobble issue, the Sable x Spider combo has issues even thriving in the first place.

Spider Champagne

t is reported that this combo does not live very long after hatching.


Pearls that are alive display a sereve wobble and do not thrive for long. Known to be Lethal. However, there was a snake that is thought to be a Soulsucker Pearl (Homozygous Hidden Gene Woma, Heterozygous Lesser) that not only thrives, it displays no wobble at all. Hopefully there will be more information soon.

Super Champagne

So far two have been hatched and did not thrive very long at all. Appears to be homozygous lethal.

Super Spider

There was a long running debate about the Super Spider that can be concluded as being homozygous lethal, the explination gets its own page here.


There is significant evidence that Desert females are not able to produce viable eggs. There are many reports of females becoming egg bound and when they do lay, all slug eggs. One theory was that the females can not thermoregulate their eggs correctly and cook them. So a few have kept their females in a cooler cage in hopes of good eggs and so far they have all still laid slugs. Many are trying different methods to see if they can get the females to lay viable eggs, but so far have been unsucessful.

Caramel Albino

Caramel Albinos are known for having a very high kink rate. This means they can be born with a deformed spine. The kinks may or may not be an issue with the animal's ability to thrive. Also Caramel Albino Females are known for having what we call sub-fertility issues.

Albinos karamel,caramel labino  dikenal memiliki tingkat kekerapan yang sangat tinggi. Ini berarti mereka bisa terlahir dengan tulang belakang yang cacat. Kinks mungkin nya  atau mungkin tidak menjadi masalah dengan kemampuan hewan untuk berkembang. Juga Caramel Albino Females dikenal karena memiliki apa yang kita sebut masalah sub-kesuburan.
They can lay viable eggs, just there seem to be extreamly high rate of slugs for many. Now with that said, I have talked to a few breeders who have zero issues with the morph on both accounts and claim they do not do anything out of the ordinary. Hopefully more information can come out about this gorgeous morph.

Super Cinnamon & Super Black Pastel

Super Cinnamons/Black Pastels sometimes have an issue called a duckbill. They can have a narrowed nose near their eyes, making the end of their nose look wider, giving the illision they have a bill. I have read of a few cases where the deformity was too great for the animal to eat, but most of the time, it does not seem to effect their eating or cause any other issues, they just look different. There are also reports of having a higher than normal kink rate, while it still appears to be pretty rare.

Super Lesser Platinum & Super Butter

Super Lesser Platinums/Butters are known for sometimes having bug eyes. All this means is their eye ball sticks out farther from their head than a normal ball python would. Besides looking different, there are no issues with the bug eyes.

Lesser Platinum x Piebald

It is repoted many Lesser Platinum x Piebald have smaller than normal eyes, it does not appear to affect them.

Banana & Coral Glow

I will start with the only thing that is fact about this gene. Female Banana/CG appear to be completely normal, as they throw typical clutch results, something close to, 25% male banana, 25% female banana, 25% normal male, 25% normal female. Male Banana/CG tend to throw weird ratios outside of the typical. That is all that is fact at the time I am writing this.
Now I have heard it explained in a complicated ways. I have also heard it call a sex-linked mutation, which what is being reported does not fit the definition of sex-linked. Honestly at the time I am writing this, I see nothing that doesn't point toward this simple explaination. If the male Banana/CG came from a female Banana/CG, then it will mostly produce female Banana/CG and very few male Banana/CG, also meaning it will produce mostly male normals and very few female normals. If the male Banana/CG came from a male Banana/CG, then it will mostly produce male Banana/CG and very few female Banana/CG, also meaning it will produce mostly female normals and very few male normals. Now as for why the gene acts this way and why it only happens to males? I haven't seen an explaination without any holes in it yet. Hopefully time will reveal more answers for us.