Jumat, 01 September 2017

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result : CITRUS—MORPH—BASIC MORPH—CO DOM—CO DOMINANT (part 6b)

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result : CITRUS—MORPH—BASIC MORPH—CO DOM—CO DOMINANT (part 6b)


Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search,result.search result  :
C,M,B,CITRUS,MORPH,BASIC MORPH,CO DOM,CO DOMINANT,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result ,search,result.search result  :

C,M,B,CITRUS,MORPH,BASIC MORPH,CO DOM,CO DOMINANT,Herpetofauna,herpetology,biodiversity,keanekaragaman hayati,flora,fauna,konservasi,habitat,komunitas,reptil,satwa,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Hanya berusaha merangkum segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan ..........  dari sumber sumber yang ada di pencarian google search , semoga dapat membantu dan bermanfaat

Just trying to summarize everything connected with .......... from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful
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Link chloepedia  :
Herpetofauna 1
herpetofauna  2
herpetologi 1
herpetologi 2
herpetologi 3
herpetologi 4
herpetologi 5
herpetologi 6


metode penelitian herpetofauna-1
metode penelitian herpetofauna-2
metode penelitian herpetofauna-3
metode penelitian herpetofauna-4
L : leucistic-part 1
L : leucistic-part 2
L : leucistic-part 3
L : leucistic-part 4



CH- Captive hatched
CB- Captive bred
TD- to date
BEL - Blue eyed Leucistic
YB - Yellow belly
0.1- Female
1.0 - Male
0.0.1 - unsexed

(Also known as amelanosis) is a pigmentation abnormality characterized by the lack of pigments called melanins, commonly associated with a genetic loss of tyrosinase function. The appearance of an amelanistic animal depends on the remaining non-melanin pigments. The opposite of amelanism is melanism, an overabundance of melanin. The only pigments that mammals produce are melanins. For a mammal to be unable to chemically manufacture melanin renders it completely pigmentless. This condition is more commonly called albinism. Reddish eyes are due to the lack of pigment in the iris pigment epithelium. When the stroma is unpigmented but the iris pigment epithelium is not, mammalian eyes appear blue. Melanin in the pigment epithelium is critical for visual acuity and contrast. Loss of melanogenesis function is linked to the gene that encodes tyrosinase. Certain alleles of this gene, TYR, at the Color locus, cause oculocutaneous albinism type 1 in humans and the familiar red-eyed albino conditions in mice and other mammals.

Term used for a lighter muted color normally found in the pattern or on the head

Base Morph:
Is a term used for naturally occurring mutations. Animals that are found in the wild exhibiting genetic traits (albino, spider, pastel, yellow belly). When these animals are brought into the reptile trade and breeders combine these base morphs together designer morphs are made. 

Since ball pythons are egg layers "clutch" is a term used to describe the group of eggs a female can lay

Co-dominant is a phrase used when referring to a genetic mutation. Co dominant animals have a super form known as a dominant or "super" trait. There is no such thing as a Het for co-dominant morphs (ex there is not a het for pinstripe or het for pastel) it is either a visible morph or a normal. You can however have a co-dominant or dominant morph that is het for a recessive mutation (ex" pinstripe het for albino or bumble bee het for ghost). Co-dominant animals when bred to normals reproduce them self and when bred to their like co-dominant form produce a dominant "super" form (ex pastel to a normal produces pastel and normals, pastel bred to a pastel produces normals, pastels and super pastels.) A simple co-dominant is a single gene co-dom animal (ex pastel, mojave, lesser.) A more complex co-dominant animal would be an animal with more then one co-dominant gene (ex: lesser pastel, or pastel mojave.) Punnet squares are a good tool when dealing with genetic mutation. There are exceptions to every rule and there are a few with co-dominance as well. Although there is no super form TD and the "co-dominant" form does not reproduce only its self the following morphs are listed as dominant (spider, pinstripe and calico). Below are a few examples. 
Description: Picture
In the table to the left let Aa stand for a Co-dominate form (ex pastel, mojave, lesser). This table shows a co-dom being bred to another co-dom (ex mother is a pastel and father is also a pastel) The offspring is shown in the four boxes. Your breeding result is over a period of time because no clutch is ever 100% accurate to a punnet square.

25% of the clutch will be AA= Super pastel (AA is the dominant form)
25% of the clutch being aa= normal or wild form
50% of the clutch being Aa= pastels (co-dominant form)

This punnet square can also be used for more co-dominant traits by letting Aa show individual co-dom traits (ex mother pastel, father lesser)

The percentages will still remain the same for your chances of normals (25%aa), AA will represent your complex co-dom (pastel lessers) Aa will be 25% co-dom pastels and Aa will be 25% co-dom lessers. 

The table to the left shows a co-dominant animal being bred to a normal "wild type"

Let Aa represent the co-dominant animal (ex pastel), aa will represent the normal "wild" type animal

Results will be as followed
50% of the clutch yielding co-dominant animals (pastels)
50% of the clutch yielding normal "wild" type animals 
Cool down:
Term used for the temperature drops breeders use to stimulate the breeding process of ball pythons and other snakes. 

Term used for the "lock up" or breeding of snakes. Snakes intertwine their tails and the male use their hemipenes to fertilize the females eggs. This process can be quick or can last up to 24 hours.  

Designer Morphs:
A phrase to explain the genes of an animal. Designer morphs are not typically a mutation occurring in the wild. Designer morphs are combinations of multiple genes a breeder decides to breed together in captivity. (ex bumble bees, lemon blasts ext).

Dominant is a phrase used when reffering to genetic mutations. A dominant or "super" form is the product of two co-dominant animals with the same gene being bred together (pastel X pastel.) A dominant animal when bred to a normal will produce itself in co-dominant form or when bred to another unrelated co-dominant or dominant gene reproduce itself and the newly added gene (ex: super pastel bred to a normal will result in all pastel (co-dom) offspring, a super pastel bred to a lesser will still produce all pastel offspring with some of the hatchlings also being pastel lessers)  There are exceptions to every rule and there are a few with co-dominance as well. Although there is no super form TD and the "co-dominant" form does not reproduce only its self the following morphs are listed as dominant (spider, pinstripe and calico). Below are a few examples showed with punnet squares
Description: Picture

The punnet square to the left shows a dominant animal being bred to a normal "wild" type animal (ex: super pastel X normal)

Let AA be the dominant form and aa be the normal gene

100% of your offspring will be Aa which is the co-dominant form of your super (ex: if a super pastel was bred (AA) all of you babies will be pastels (Aa) 

The table to the left shows a dominant animal being bred to a co-dominant animal (ex Pastel X Super pastel)

Super pastel will be shown as AA, pastel will be shown as Aa

The results will be as followed

50% of your clutch will yield AA dominant animals (super pastels)
50% of your clutch will yield Aa co-dominant animals (pastels) 
A term used for the pattern on the side of the snake, most commonly where the pattern meets the belly scales. 

Term used for the un-developed eggs in a female. Folicules grow until fertilized and the female goes through ovulation. Once the female has ovulated these folicules become eggs. 

An animal that carries a genetic gene is an animal that can reproduce itself over and over again. It is built into the animals DNA to carry certain qualities that can breed true over generations. Animals that are genetic are also referred to as "proven" animals

Also known as and referred to as HET. The only time you can have an animal that is het for a trait is when discussing recessive genes. There are many different types of hets that breeders use, 33% het, 50% het, 66% het and 100 % het. 100% hets are the only animals that are guaranteed to produce the gene they carry. Het animals are normal looking in appearance but carry the gene to create a recessive visible mutation when combined with the same recessive trait (ex albino X het albino or albino X albino) There are many co-dominant animals available on the market that carry the gene for a recessive trait (ex pastel het ghost) The only way to have a 100% het animal is if either the mother or father was a visible recessive animal (ex mother albino, father normal all babies will be 100% het). If two animals that are het for the same gene are bred together some of the offspring will carry the heterozygous trait and some will not, others will be showing the recessive trait in visible form, since there is no visible way of telling which normal animals carry the gene they are referred to as 66% poss hets, because they have a 66% chance of carrying the gene for the recessive trait. If a 100% het recessive trait animal is bred to a normal "wild" animal some babies will carry the gene and some will not, since there is no way to tell which animals they are referred to as 50% poss hets because they have a 50% chance of carrying the gene for the recessive trait. If a 50% poss het animal is bred to a normal some of the babies will be heterozygous and some will not, since there is no way of telling they are referred to as 33% poss hets because there is a 33% chance they may carry the gene for the recessive trait. Below are some examples on punnet squares
Description: Picture

In the punett square to the left let AA stand for a visible recessive trait (ex Albino) let Aa be a normal looking animal that is 100% het for the recessive trait (in this case albino)
Results will be as followed

50% of the clutches will be visible recessive traits (albino)
50% of the clutches will be normal looking but since one parent was a visible gene they will be 100% het for albino
In the punnet square to the left let Aa be 100%het for a recessive trait (albino)

Both parents will be normal in appearance but will be carrying for the albino gene (100% het)

25% of the offspring will be visible recessive (albinos)
25% of the offspring will be normal "wild" animals (they will not carry the gene for albino)
50% of the offspring will be 100% het for the recessive trait ( they will look normal in appearance but they will carry the gene for albino

*** In this case because there is no way of telling which animals that look "wild" carry the gene for albino all of the normal appearing offspring are classified as 66% poss hets, because they have a 66% chance of carrying the gene (if an albino if produced in the clutch)

If no Albinos were produced they would be classified as 50% poss hets.

If one of the parents was a normal (aa) and one parent was a 50%poss het, the babies would then be classified as 33% poss hets. 
Melanins are produced in organelles called melanosomes. The production of melanins is called melanogenesis. Melanosomes are found in specialized pigment cells called melanocytes, but may also be engulfed by other cells, which are then called melanophages. A critical step in the production of melanins is the catalysis of tyrosine by an enzyme called tyrosinase, producing dopaquinone. Dopaquinone may become eumelanin, or phaeomelanin. Eumelanin, meaning true black, is a dense compound that absorbs most wavelengths of light, and appears black or brown as a result. Phaeomelanin, meaning rufous-black, is characterized by the presence of sulfur-containing cysteine, and it appears reddish to yellowish as a result. Melanosomes containing eumelanin are eumelanosomes, while those containing phaeomelanin are phaeomelanosomes. A hormone called Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) commits melanocytes to the production of eumelanin. Another chemical, Agouti signalling peptide, can attach itself to MC1R and interfere with this signalling. In the absence of MC1R, melanocytes produce phaeomelanin. Melanocytes, and the parallel melanophores found in fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, are derived from a strip of tissue in the embryo called the neural crestStem cells in the neural crest give rise to the cells of the autonomic nervous system, supportive elements of the skeleton such as chondrocytes, cells of the endocrine system, and melanocytes. This strip of tissue is found along the dorsal midline of the embryo, and multipotent cells migrate down along the sides of the embryo, or through germ layers, to their ultimate destinations. Melanocyte stem cells are called melanoblasts. Conditions associated with abnormalities in the migration of melanoblasts are known collectively as piebaldism. Pigment cells of the iris pigment epithelium have a separate embryological origin.[2]Piebaldism and amelanism are distinct conditions

Term used for the process a female goes through when converting folicules into eggs. Females tend to swell in their mid section during this time and can become lighter in coloration before they ovulate. 

Simply a term used either to state that the animal has bred successfully in the past or a term used to state whether a genetic mutation will constantly re-produce itself. Breeders will breed the same group of animals for many years or breeding season until they have "proven" a gene. A gene is not proven until there are records to support the fact that the gene in question can be reproduced.

This term is used when referring to a type of genetic morph. There are three main types of base morphs, recessive, co-dominant, and dominant. Recessive morphs are the only morphs that have a heterozygous gene. Please refer to the above description of heterozygous for a further explanation on how the gene works in the ball python world. 

Super is another word used by breeders to describe a dominant gene. Please refer to the top of the page to the definition of Dominant for a further explanation.

Term used to describe the color and pattern of a normal ball python. 

An animal possessing high amount of yellow. Xanthic animals have no black pigmentation. 
These high yellow Citrons are the visual het for the Titanium gene.  These can be combined with your co-dom morphs, such as Tiger, Sunfire, or Platinum- to make gorgeous combos that glow in the dark, or a pair can be bred together to make Titaniums, a hot rare recessive morph that is extremely variable and is just now being played with to create amazing combos.  Citrons on their own grow into very nice, bright lemon yellow and blach beauties that look excellent on display for those who love the wild look, but want an exceptional example- and having that Het Titanium genetic will certainly pay off someday, if you did decide to breed.
These high yellow Citrons are the visual het for the Titanium gene.  These can be combined with your co-dom morphs, such as Tiger, Sunfire, or Platinum- to make gorgeous combos that glow in the dark, or a pair can be bred together to make Titaniums, a hot rare recessive morph that is extremely variable and is just now being played with to create amazing combos. These Citron Tigers are stunning animals, with lemon yellow sides and dark black patterning all over.  There is so much yellow infused from the Tiger And Citron genes combined into the pattern that it often begins to take over the patterning, overpowering the extension of black patterning, leaving behind bright yellow "Smileys" on the sides and tail.  Breed a pair of Ciron Tiger together, and make Titaniums, Tiger Titaniums, and Plutoniums, along with many other morphs in every clutch!
Citron Tiger Possible Het Albino
 The most common questions asked when it comes to ball pythons is about genetics. If you put this morph with this morph, what will I get? The answers can sometimes be confusing and we hope to get you started in the right direction. Even though we can give you the odds of producing your dream snake, its mother nature who makes the final decision. Before we go any further, I am not a professor or have any PHD in genetics. I will word everything in terms that may be easy to understand. Ball python genetics can be confusing at first, but with a little patience and time, you will  be a wizard.

Gene Types

Most Ball Pythons fall under different types of genetics. This is a must to learn and understand what will come out when you breed your ball pythons.

This is the end form or the last step of a morph. A Dominant gene has no “Super” that can be made by breeding it back to the same morph. For example, if you breed a Spider to a Spider, you only make Spiders. There is no Super Spider and that makes Spider a Dominant gene. Examples of Dominant genes are: Spider, Pinstripe, Blue and Black Eye Lucy and Ivory to name a few. 

This is where a morph can breed with the same morph type and produce a “Super” of itself. For example, If you breed a Pastel to a Pastel, Then you would make a Super Pastel. Examples of Co-Dominant genes are: Pastel, Cinnamon, Lesser, Mojave, and Yellow Belly to name a few.

Now this is where things can become tricky when understanding the outcome of breeding two snakes together. In simple terms, you need both mom and dad to carry the same recessive trait to produce that visual morph. This differs from co-Dominant and Dominant where you only need one parent to pass the gene into the babies.

Recessive Hets:
If you have done any looking around on the internet classifieds of ball pythons, you have came across people selling hets. Het simply means that the snake carries the gene, but is hidden and looks just like a normal. Now you also may have seen different percents listed with the Het such as 50%, 66%, or 100%. I will cover later on how we get these percents, but each percent is your odds of carrying the gene. It should be clear that 100% is what you prefer when buying a het snake. The lower percents are sometimes confused by thinking thats how much of the gene they carry. That is not the case. Each snake either carries the entire gene, or no gene at all. This percent is the odds of the snake having the gene. Still confused? Don’t worry, we will talk more on this soon.

New types of ball pythons are still being discovered. This makes this industry exciting because anyone new to ball pythons could produce a snake that the world has never seen. The more you research, go to trade shows, and talk with fellow breeders, you will learn that not all snakes have a proven track history when breeding. For the beginners, start simple and stick with the common genes. As your collection grows, so will your desire to branch out and have fun with uncommon projects.


Now its time to understand what your chances are when you put two different, or two of the same snakes together. Now back in 6th grade, I was passing notes, sleeping, or asking the teacher, “When will we ever use this garbage?”. What I missed in class was the lesson on genetics and the “Punnett Square”. For all those who were not paying attention in class, its time to get a refresher course.

Breeding Co-Dominant and/or Dominant Genes

The Punnett Square will give you the odds and possible outcome of babies. Remember, just cause the Punnett Square says one thing, mother nature has the ultimate control. Unlike other reptiles, we can not control sex, color, or morph by changing incubation temperatures or conditions of the eggs. Lets get started with a simple breeding. For our first example, lets say you breed your Spider male to a normal female. It will not matter which parent carries the gene, it will still work the same.

At the top of the square, we will place the genes of the father. For our example we stated he was a Spider. To complete the square we will need to list every gene that can be produced by the Spider and that also includes normal.

                                                     Normal (N)         Spider (S)

                               Normal (N)         NN(normal)         NS(spider)

                               Normal (N)         NN(normal)         NS(spider)

To the left, we will place the genes that make up a normal and that is only a normal. Now we fill in each side and top into the square. You can now see that you have a 50% chance of getting Spiders and 50% chance of getting normals if you breed them together. When working with Dom and Co-Dom snakes, the same outcome will happen if you breed Pastel, Spider, Pinstripe, etc.

Now lets say your breeding a Pastel to a Spider because you want a Bumble Bee. Using the same square, lets see the odds of what we will make.

                                                      Normal (N)       Spider (S)

                               Normal (N)         NN(normal)       NS(spider)

                                   Pastel (P)        NP(pastel)        PS(bumble bee)

We have placed the Spider on top and the Pastel on the side. Remember....you must place every gene that makes up the morph. The normal gene is present in both of these morphs. That includes all Co-Dom and Dom ball pythons as well. This rule does not apply when we get into recessive. From the outcome of the square, you have a 25% chance of getting each a Normal, Pastel, Spider, and Bumble Bee.

For my last example we are going to use a double morph male Bumble Bee and breed it to a female Bumble Bee. For single morphs we could you the 4 square box. As we increase the morphs, we must increase the square. Lets start by placing all the genes that are made up of a Bumble Bee. Because this example is using two Bumble Bees, each of them will be across the top and side.

                                   Normal (N)         Pastel (P)           Spider (S)     Bumble Bee (B)

            Normal (N)           NN(normal)       NP(pastel)          NP(spider)     NB(bumble bee)

            Pastel (P)        NP(pastel)         PP(super pastel)     PS(bumle bee)    PB(killer bee)

           Spider (S)       NS(spider)          SP(bemle bee)     SS(spider)           SB(bumble bee)  

   Bumble Bee (B)     NB(bumle bee)    BP(killer bee)    BS(bumble bee)    BB(killer bee)

Part of learning is knowing what the outcome of each morph would be. This may look confusing at first glance, but the more you learn your genetics, the easier it will be to create your own square using your own ball pythons. Now lets see what are the odds of producing each snake from the example

1/16 Chance of making a Normal
1/16 Super Pastel
2/16 Pastel
3/16 Spider
6/16 Bumble Bee
3/16 Killer Bee (Super Pastel Spider)

As you can see, you still have a slight chance of producing a normal. When first learning, start small and practice making different squares with different snakes. The more practice.....the better you become.

Breeding Recessive Genes

Before getting to this, make sure you have a complete understanding of what we just covered. This next part can and will be a lot more confusing to the person learning genetics.

To make this simple, each parent must carry the gene either Het or Visual to reproduce a visual baby. Unlike Co-Dom or Dom genes where only one parent is needed to pass the gene to the offspring. Listed below is the outcome of breeding recessive snakes. For the example, we are going to use a pied breeding.

Pied to Pied = All Visual Pieds

Pied to Het Pied =  1 in 2 - Visual Pieds
                             1 in 2 - 100% Het Pieds

Pied to Normal = All 100% Het Pieds

Het Pied to Het Pied = 1 in 4 - Visual Pieds
                                  1 in 4 - Normal
                                  2 in 4 - 100% Het Pieds

        Because we are unable to tell which 2 of the 3 are Het Pied, all the babies are considered to be   
        66% chance of being Het Pied. This is where the 66% comes from.

Het Pied to Normal = 2 in 4 - 100% Het Pied
                                2 in 4 - Normal

        Because we are unable to tell which half of the babies are Het Pied, all the babies are considered 
        to be 50% chance of being Het Pied. This is where the 50% comes from.

As you can see from the above breeding, anytime you breed a visual recessive, all the normal looking babies will be 100% Het for the gene. Of course you can mix your recessive with Co-Dom and Dom genes and get Hets that you would breed back to the Visual to produce the double morph.

I hope this has helped get you started on understanding the genetics of snake breeding. Keep practicing and learning as that will be the key to making great snakes. You may contact me anytime if you have further questions or would like help in understanding your next breeding project.

                                                                Scott Wisneski
