CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil
penelusuran,hasil result : LUCY,ULAR LUCY,BEL (part 1)
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lucy,ular lucy,BEL
lucy,ular lucy,BEL
penelusuran.hasil result,search,search result :
L,B,LUCY,ULAR LUCY,BEL,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles
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putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
penelusuran.hasil result,search,search result
L,B,LUCY,ULAR LUCY,BEL,biodiversity,keanekaragaman
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situ,alam,lingkungan,tanaman,tumbuhan,reptil,satwa,komunitas satwa,komunitas
satwa semarang,komunitas reptil ,komunitas amfibi,reptiles,amphibia,,t-rec,tugumuda
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semarang,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe ardella
raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
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Just trying to summarize everything connected with lucy,lucy snake,ular lucy,BEL, from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful
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leucistic-part 3
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leucistic-part 4
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For many of our customers that are new
to the hobby it is an outlandish idea to think of spending more than the cost
of a luxury car on a snake. There was a period of time not too long ago that
people were racing against each other to spend tens of thousands of dollars on
the ever elusive white snake now known as the Blue Eyed Lucy. This was before the breeders found
out there are multiple ways to make such a snake and today we are going to look
at some of the basic ways of doing this. If buying a baby Blue Eyed Lucy is out of your reach, here are three
affordable ways of doing it at home.
The Mojave Ball Python and Its Many Uses
The Mojave Ball
Python has been used to make a variety of interesting snakes from the Purple
Passion to the Crystal Ball and more, but the most popular combination happens
to be the solid white snake. The Blue Eyed Lucy can be made using this gene and
crossing it to anything from a Lesser and Butter to Mochas and Russos.
The Mojave Ball Python telah digunakan untuk membuat berbagai ular menarik dari Passion Purple hingga Crystal Ball dan masih banyak lagi, namun kombinasi yang paling populer adalah ular putih yang solid. Blue Eyed Lucy/ular lucy bermata biru dapat dibuat menggunakan gen ini dan menyeberanginya dari apa pun mulai dari Lesser and Butter sampai Mochas dan Russos. You can make a BEL by breeding two Mojaves together but the Super Mojave Ball will have a grey colored head and neck, which may defeat the purpose. Crossing a Mojave Ball to a Mocha or Russo will produce a solid white snake for a fraction of the cost of buying one.
The Mojave Ball Python telah digunakan untuk membuat berbagai ular menarik dari Passion Purple hingga Crystal Ball dan masih banyak lagi, namun kombinasi yang paling populer adalah ular putih yang solid. Blue Eyed Lucy/ular lucy bermata biru dapat dibuat menggunakan gen ini dan menyeberanginya dari apa pun mulai dari Lesser and Butter sampai Mochas dan Russos. You can make a BEL by breeding two Mojaves together but the Super Mojave Ball will have a grey colored head and neck, which may defeat the purpose. Crossing a Mojave Ball to a Mocha or Russo will produce a solid white snake for a fraction of the cost of buying one.
The Butter Ball Python and Its Significance to the Blue
Eyed Lucy
There has been an ongoing debate
about the difference between the Butter Ball
Python and Lesser Ball Python. Most people may not be able to
tell them apart and due to genetic variation in all living things, there
happens to be some overlapping color characteristics in the two animals. The
truth begins to emerge when you add other genes in to the mix and as the results
start to deviate from each other it becomes clearer to see that the two genes
are not the same. Super Butter Ball Pythons are a great looking white snake but
just like the Mojave gene it is possible to achieve a BEL by breeding any of
the aforementioned morphs to the Butter gene.
The Lesser Ball Python and Its Combos
The Lesser Ball Python has been used to make some really amazing combos
over the years. It is an important part of making everything from Soulsuckers
and Kingpins to Lesserbees. Like the first two genes we discussed Lesser Ball
Pythons can be bred to multiple different mutations to make a solid white snake
with blue eyes. At xyzReptiles we have a special category dedicated to Leucistic
Ball Pythons and the animals that are used to make them.
Lesser Ball Python telah digunakan untuk membuat beberapa combo yang sangat menakjubkan selama bertahun-tahun. Ini adalah bagian penting dari pembuatan segala sesuatu mulai dari Soulsuckers dan Kingpins hingga Lesserbees. Seperti dua gen pertama yang kita bahas Lesser Ball Pythons dapat dibiakkan ke berbagai mutasi untuk membuat ular putih padat dengan mata biru/ular lucy. Pada xyzReptiles kami memiliki kategori khusus yang didedikasikan untuk Leucistic ball python dan binatang yang digunakan untuk membuatnya.They are a popular item on our site along with the many different color mutations available on the market today. If you are interested in a white snake or would like to make your own don’t hesitate to contact us and see what we have currently available.
Lesser Ball Python telah digunakan untuk membuat beberapa combo yang sangat menakjubkan selama bertahun-tahun. Ini adalah bagian penting dari pembuatan segala sesuatu mulai dari Soulsuckers dan Kingpins hingga Lesserbees. Seperti dua gen pertama yang kita bahas Lesser Ball Pythons dapat dibiakkan ke berbagai mutasi untuk membuat ular putih padat dengan mata biru/ular lucy. Pada xyzReptiles kami memiliki kategori khusus yang didedikasikan untuk Leucistic ball python dan binatang yang digunakan untuk membuatnya.They are a popular item on our site along with the many different color mutations available on the market today. If you are interested in a white snake or would like to make your own don’t hesitate to contact us and see what we have currently available.
Re: How to make a Blue
Eyed Lucy?
First off, thanks a lot for the breakdown
NERD (not God but close enough) refers to BEL as the Holy Grail of Balls. With all these possible combo's, even at 25% shouldn't there be more? I mean for instance, 4.4 mojaves x 5 eggs per season that's at least 20 balls.
NERD mengacu pada BEL/blue eyes lucy/ular lucy bermata biru sebagai Holy Grail of Balls. Dengan semua kemungkinan combo ini, bahkan 25% seharusnya tidak ada lagi? Maksud saya misalnya, 4,4 mojaves x 5 butir telur per musim yang setidaknya 20 balls.I get worse odds at the casino, but i still play. How rare are these now? Is it possible that when they say Holy Grail they mean "prettiest" not the "most rare?"
NERD (not God but close enough) refers to BEL as the Holy Grail of Balls. With all these possible combo's, even at 25% shouldn't there be more? I mean for instance, 4.4 mojaves x 5 eggs per season that's at least 20 balls.
NERD mengacu pada BEL/blue eyes lucy/ular lucy bermata biru sebagai Holy Grail of Balls. Dengan semua kemungkinan combo ini, bahkan 25% seharusnya tidak ada lagi? Maksud saya misalnya, 4,4 mojaves x 5 butir telur per musim yang setidaknya 20 balls.I get worse odds at the casino, but i still play. How rare are these now? Is it possible that when they say Holy Grail they mean "prettiest" not the "most rare?"
2.0 Normal BP
0.1 Pastel
0.1 Albino Cal King
1.1 Albino ASF
0.0.3 YellowBelly Sliders
1.1 Orange Cats
0.0.2 Goldfish
0.1 Pastel
0.1 Albino Cal King
1.1 Albino ASF
0.0.3 YellowBelly Sliders
1.1 Orange Cats
0.0.2 Goldfish
Re: How to make a Blue
Eyed Lucy?
I always interpreted "holy
grail" in that write-up to mean "most sought after". However, I
believe that was written at least a year or 2 ago. I'm not sure they would use
that same phrase now. A lot of people are realizing that as pretty as a BEL is,
a white snake is a dead-end for combos, so other genetics have more appeal for
many people.
Re: How to
make a Blue Eyed Lucy?
First off,
thanks a lot for the breakdown Wallace.
NERD (not God but close enough) refers to BEL as the Holy Grail of Balls. With all these possible combo's, even at 25% shouldn't there be more? I mean for instance, 4.4 mojaves x 5 eggs per season that's at least 20 balls. I get worse odds at the casino, but i still play. How rare are these now? Is it possible that when they say Holy Grail they mean "prettiest" not the "most rare?"
NERD (not God but close enough) refers to BEL as the Holy Grail of Balls. With all these possible combo's, even at 25% shouldn't there be more? I mean for instance, 4.4 mojaves x 5 eggs per season that's at least 20 balls. I get worse odds at the casino, but i still play. How rare are these now? Is it possible that when they say Holy Grail they mean "prettiest" not the "most rare?"
It doesn't quite work that way... BELs often times aren't even produced from a cross clutch. Like Het. Albino x Het. Albino you only have a 25% chance PER egg that it will be an Albino. Its the same with BELs. It is completely possible to have 20 snakes, and none of them turn out to be BELs.. thats the chance of genetics. Also, mass producing BELs would be very difficult and drown the market even more, so it's a bad idea. Anda hanya memiliki 25% kemungkinan per telur yang akan menjadi Albino. Its sama dengan BELs./ular lucy
Sangat mungkin untuk memiliki 20 ular,
dan tidak satupun dari mereka ternyata BELS .. itulah kemungkinan genetika.
Juga, produksi massal BELs akan sangat
sulit dan menenggelamkan pasar lebih banyak lagi, jadi ini adalah ide yang
Also, certain combos make better looking BELs than others. Of course, those are more expensive. Mojaves are probably the least cleanest looking BEL out there.
My favorite is the Fire's Black Eyed Lucy. However, I'm not willing to pay 12 hundred for a Fire, when I don't even like Fires that much..
Selain itu, combo tertentu lebih baik membuat BELs/ular lucy bermata biru daripada yang lain. Tentu saja harganya lebih mahal. Mojaves mungkin adalah yang paling terdekat untuk BEL di luar sana. Favorit saya adalah Fire's Black Eyed Lucy
If you purchased a Mojave, (lets say it was male) and bred it to a normal about 1-2 years later, you might get a female mojave to breed with it.. which it's a 50% chance per egg for both female and mojave.
Then you wait 2-3 more years to grow up the female, and breed her to the male.
You could get a BEL, or you could not.
And if you miss the first time, it's another 1-2 years before breeding again, depending on the female.
It takes 5-7 years to get these babies from a single gene. :]
Re: How to make
a Blue Eyed Lucy?
Yes, but out of those 20 balls.. only 4-5 should come out BEL. That's the 25% part. One in four should come out BEL out of any of those pairings. BUt.. the Egg Gods might not smile upon you.. and you could have no BELs.. or they might shine brightly and you get 50%. I think a lot of folks hold back the females especially, so those would be more rare to see for sale. I have seen quite a few BEL for sale each season, and expect to see more this season for sure. Ya, tapi dari 20 bp itu .. hanya 4-5 yang keluar BEL/lucy/ular lucy. Itu bagian 25%. Satu dari empat orang harus keluar dari pasangan mereka.
BUt .. Dewa Telur mungkin tidak tersenyum padamu .. dan kamu tidak bisa memiliki BELs/ular lucynya .. atau mereka bisa bersinar terang dan kamu mendapatkan 50%.
Saya pikir banyak orang menahan betina terutama, jadi mereka lebih jarang melihat penjualan. Saya telah melihat beberapa BEL untuk dijual setiap musim, dan berharap untuk melihat lebih banyak musim ini pastinya.
A lot of people are already disenchanted with all-white snakes.. since there are so many combos to make them. So those people are instead crossing the lessers/mojave/fires/etc into OTHER morphs to make new exciting combos. So all those possible BELs are lost by the possible breedings being made to other morphs, and so less BELs will be produced.
If the BEL was still the 'end-all' of ball breeding, I think we would see huge amounts this season. They are striking.. but as each combo that does produce a BEL made brighter cleaner luets, I think people were less interested in the former combo that made more muddy BELs.
Banyak orang sudah kecewa dengan semua ular putih. Karena ada begitu banyak combo untuk membuatnya. Jadi orang-orang tersebut malah melintasi penyimpangan / mojave / fires / etc ke morphs LAIN untuk membuat combo baru yang menarik. Jadi semua kemungkinan BELs/lucy,ular lucy hilang oleh kemungkinan breedings dibuat untuk morphs lain, dan dengan demikian kurang BELs yang akan diproduksi. Jika BEL masih menjadi 'end-all' dalam pembiakan bp, saya pikir kita akan melihat jumlah yang besar musim ini. Mereka mencolok .. tapi karena setiap combo yang menghasilkan BEL membuat luber bersih lebih bersih, saya pikir orang kurang tertarik dengan former combo yang membuat BELS lebih berlumpur
Ivorys are a good example. When yellowbellys first produced the Ivory.. everyone screeched loudly about how "clean and bright" a white snake it was. But... later comes the lesser/lesser combo... which made what I believe is the cleanest of the BELs.. and now the ivory looks like a (pardon the term!!) "cheap knockoff" of the lesser BEL.
I personally like most of the luets.. and I like the ever so slight smudging that shows on the mojave/mojave BEL. Eventually all of the BEL prices will slowly drop, but it's still one of the most striking examples of a morph.
Re: How to
make a Blue Eyed Lucy?
Yes, but out of those 20 balls.. only 4-5 should
come out BEL. That's the 25% part. One in four should come out BEL out of any
of those pairings.
BUt.. the Egg Gods might not smile upon you.. and you could have no BELs.. or they might shine brightly and you get 50%.
Ya, tapi dari 20 bp itu .. hanya 4-5 yang harus keluar BEL,lucy,ular lucy . Itu bagian 25%. Satu dari empat orang harus keluar dari pasangan mereka. BUt .. Dewa Telur mungkin tidak tersenyum padamu .. dan kamu tidak bisa memiliki BELs .. atau mereka bisa bersinar terang dan kamu mendapatkan 50%.
I think a lot of folks hold back the females especially, so those would be more rare to see for sale. I have seen quite a few BEL for sale each season, and expect to see more this season for sure.
A lot of people are already disenchanted with all-white snakes.. since there are so many combos to make them. So those people are instead crossing the lessers/mojave/fires/etc into OTHER morphs to make new exciting combos. So all those possible BELs are lost by the possible breedings being made to other morphs, and so less BELs will be produced.
Saya pikir banyak orang menahan betina terutama, jadi mereka lebih jarang melihat penjualan. Saya telah melihat beberapa BEL...lucy...ular lucy untuk dijual setiap musim, dan berharap untuk melihat lebih banyak musim ini pasti. Banyak orang sudah kecewa dengan semua ular putih. Karena ada begitu banyak combo untuk membuatnya. Jadi orang-orang tersebut malah melintasi penyimpangan / mojave / fires / etc ke morphs LAIN untuk membuat combo baru yang menarik. Jadi semua kemungkinan BELs hilang oleh kemungkinan breedings dibuat untuk morphs lain, dan dengan demikian kurang BELs akan diproduksi.
If the BEL was still the 'end-all' of ball breeding, I think we would see huge amounts this season. They are striking.. but as each combo that does produce a BEL made brighter cleaner luets, I think people were less interested in the former combo that made more muddy BELs.
Ivorys are a good example. When yellowbellys first produced the Ivory.. everyone screeched loudly about how "clean and bright" a white snake it was. But... later comes the lesser/lesser combo... which made what I believe is the cleanest of the BELs.. and now the ivory looks like a (pardon the term!!) "cheap knockoff" of the lesser BEL.
Jika BEL,lucy,ular lucy masih menjadi 'end-all' dalam pembiakan bp, saya pikir kita akan melihat jumlah yang besar musim ini. Mereka mencolok .. tapi karena setiap combo yang menghasilkan BEL membuat luber bersih lebih bersih, saya pikir orang kurang tertarik dengan former combo yang membuat BELS lebih berlumpur. Gading /ivory adalah contoh yang bagus. Ketika yellowbellys pertama kali memproduksi Gading/ivory .. semua orang berdecak keras tentang bagaimana "bersih dan cerah"nya ular putih itu. Tapi ... nanti datang combo yang lebih rendah / lebih kecil ... yang membuat apa yang saya yakini terbersih dari BELs .. dan sekarang gadingnya / ivory seperti (maafkan istilahnya !!) "tiruan murah" dari BEL yang lebih rendah.
I personally like most of the luets.. and I like the ever so slight smudging that shows on the mojave/mojave BEL. Eventually all of the BEL prices will slowly drop, but it's still one of the most striking examples of a morph.
Saya pribadi suka sebagian besar luets .. dan saya suka corengan begitu sedikit yang menunjukkan pada mojave / mojave BEL. Akhirnya semua harga BEL perlahan akan turun, tapi itu masih merupakan salah satu contoh morf yang paling mencolok.
BUt.. the Egg Gods might not smile upon you.. and you could have no BELs.. or they might shine brightly and you get 50%.
Ya, tapi dari 20 bp itu .. hanya 4-5 yang harus keluar BEL,lucy,ular lucy . Itu bagian 25%. Satu dari empat orang harus keluar dari pasangan mereka. BUt .. Dewa Telur mungkin tidak tersenyum padamu .. dan kamu tidak bisa memiliki BELs .. atau mereka bisa bersinar terang dan kamu mendapatkan 50%.
I think a lot of folks hold back the females especially, so those would be more rare to see for sale. I have seen quite a few BEL for sale each season, and expect to see more this season for sure.
A lot of people are already disenchanted with all-white snakes.. since there are so many combos to make them. So those people are instead crossing the lessers/mojave/fires/etc into OTHER morphs to make new exciting combos. So all those possible BELs are lost by the possible breedings being made to other morphs, and so less BELs will be produced.
Saya pikir banyak orang menahan betina terutama, jadi mereka lebih jarang melihat penjualan. Saya telah melihat beberapa BEL...lucy...ular lucy untuk dijual setiap musim, dan berharap untuk melihat lebih banyak musim ini pasti. Banyak orang sudah kecewa dengan semua ular putih. Karena ada begitu banyak combo untuk membuatnya. Jadi orang-orang tersebut malah melintasi penyimpangan / mojave / fires / etc ke morphs LAIN untuk membuat combo baru yang menarik. Jadi semua kemungkinan BELs hilang oleh kemungkinan breedings dibuat untuk morphs lain, dan dengan demikian kurang BELs akan diproduksi.
If the BEL was still the 'end-all' of ball breeding, I think we would see huge amounts this season. They are striking.. but as each combo that does produce a BEL made brighter cleaner luets, I think people were less interested in the former combo that made more muddy BELs.
Ivorys are a good example. When yellowbellys first produced the Ivory.. everyone screeched loudly about how "clean and bright" a white snake it was. But... later comes the lesser/lesser combo... which made what I believe is the cleanest of the BELs.. and now the ivory looks like a (pardon the term!!) "cheap knockoff" of the lesser BEL.
Jika BEL,lucy,ular lucy masih menjadi 'end-all' dalam pembiakan bp, saya pikir kita akan melihat jumlah yang besar musim ini. Mereka mencolok .. tapi karena setiap combo yang menghasilkan BEL membuat luber bersih lebih bersih, saya pikir orang kurang tertarik dengan former combo yang membuat BELS lebih berlumpur. Gading /ivory adalah contoh yang bagus. Ketika yellowbellys pertama kali memproduksi Gading/ivory .. semua orang berdecak keras tentang bagaimana "bersih dan cerah"nya ular putih itu. Tapi ... nanti datang combo yang lebih rendah / lebih kecil ... yang membuat apa yang saya yakini terbersih dari BELs .. dan sekarang gadingnya / ivory seperti (maafkan istilahnya !!) "tiruan murah" dari BEL yang lebih rendah.
I personally like most of the luets.. and I like the ever so slight smudging that shows on the mojave/mojave BEL. Eventually all of the BEL prices will slowly drop, but it's still one of the most striking examples of a morph.
Saya pribadi suka sebagian besar luets .. dan saya suka corengan begitu sedikit yang menunjukkan pada mojave / mojave BEL. Akhirnya semua harga BEL perlahan akan turun, tapi itu masih merupakan salah satu contoh morf yang paling mencolok.
I'm sorry, but this misconception bothers me quite
a bit. After being beaten into my head in statistics, this statement is false.
Because each egg is independent from the other eggs, and does not have any statistical association, each egg has it's own .25 chance of being a BEL.
Just like flipping a coin. Each trial is independent, and after 1,000 trials or so, the 50/50 shows, but after 100, it may not and could be surprisingly off balance.
It is entirely possible that all 20 eggs could not produce a BEL. Just like it's possible (and likely!) to flip a coin and get tails 10 times in a row.
Maaf, tapi kesalahpahaman ini mengganggu saya sedikit. Setelah dipukul dalam ke ke palaku dalam statistik, pernyataan ini salah. Karena masing-masing telur terlepas dari telur lainnya, dan tidak memiliki asosiasi statistik, masing-masing telur memiliki bobot 25 untuk menjadi BEL,lucy,ular lucy . Sama seperti membalik koin. Setiap percobaan bersifat independen, dan setelah 1.000 percobaan atau lebih, 50/50 menunjukkan, namun setelah 100, tidak mungkin dan secara mengejutkan dapat diimbangi. Sangat mungkin bahwa semua 20 telur tidak bisa menghasilkan BEL. Sama seperti itu mungkin (dan mungkin!) Untuk membalik koin dan mendapatkan ekor 10 kali berturut-turut
Because each egg is independent from the other eggs, and does not have any statistical association, each egg has it's own .25 chance of being a BEL.
Just like flipping a coin. Each trial is independent, and after 1,000 trials or so, the 50/50 shows, but after 100, it may not and could be surprisingly off balance.
It is entirely possible that all 20 eggs could not produce a BEL. Just like it's possible (and likely!) to flip a coin and get tails 10 times in a row.
Maaf, tapi kesalahpahaman ini mengganggu saya sedikit. Setelah dipukul dalam ke ke palaku dalam statistik, pernyataan ini salah. Karena masing-masing telur terlepas dari telur lainnya, dan tidak memiliki asosiasi statistik, masing-masing telur memiliki bobot 25 untuk menjadi BEL,lucy,ular lucy . Sama seperti membalik koin. Setiap percobaan bersifat independen, dan setelah 1.000 percobaan atau lebih, 50/50 menunjukkan, namun setelah 100, tidak mungkin dan secara mengejutkan dapat diimbangi. Sangat mungkin bahwa semua 20 telur tidak bisa menghasilkan BEL. Sama seperti itu mungkin (dan mungkin!) Untuk membalik koin dan mendapatkan ekor 10 kali berturut-turut
Re: How to
make a Blue Eyed Lucy?
That's why I
said "should". If each egg has a 25% chance.. then in real life the
odds mean out of 20 eggs, you should end up with about 5 morphs. Yes, I know..
each egg has the same 25% chance.
If you flip the same coin the same way 100 times.. it SHOULD come out as 50 times heads, and 50 times tails. Saying 'that' in no way assumes that each coin toss is not completely independant of the one before or the one after. It is however a real life scenario.
If you flip the same coin the same way 100 times.. it SHOULD come out as 50 times heads, and 50 times tails. Saying 'that' in no way assumes that each coin toss is not completely independant of the one before or the one after. It is however a real life scenario.
I'm sorry, but this
misconception bothers me quite a bit. After being beaten into my head in
statistics, this statement is false.
Because each egg is independent from the other eggs, and does not have any statistical association, each egg has it's own .25 chance of being a BEL.
Just like flipping a coin. Each trial is independent, and after 1,000 trials or so, the 50/50 shows, but after 100, it may not and could be surprisingly off balance.
It is entirely possible that all 20 eggs could not produce a BEL. Just like it's possible (and likely!) to flip a coin and get tails 10 times in a row.
Because each egg is independent from the other eggs, and does not have any statistical association, each egg has it's own .25 chance of being a BEL.
Just like flipping a coin. Each trial is independent, and after 1,000 trials or so, the 50/50 shows, but after 100, it may not and could be surprisingly off balance.
It is entirely possible that all 20 eggs could not produce a BEL. Just like it's possible (and likely!) to flip a coin and get tails 10 times in a row.
not a misconception. It makes more sense to stick to the statistical odds than
to assume differently. From any het BEL complex snake x Het BELs, if you get 20
eggs, 5 should be BELs. Each egg has the independant odds of 25% and that
carries over to a clutch of 4 eggs, where the clutch then has a 25% chance, or
statistically speaking, youshould get one BEL from those four eggs.
I'm not saying you will, but for every four eggs you have, one of them should
be a BEL. While 4 is a very small sample size, those are still the odds. Out of
20 eggs, I'd bet you even money that you hatch between 3-7 BELs, with 5 being
the average. The larger the sample group, the closer the odds tend to even out,
as you said, but whatever the sample size is, the entire group still has the
same 1 in 4 odds as every egg in it. Every probability per egg carries over to
the sample size. If you have a 1 in 16 shot and 32 eggs, the only guess I would
ever make as to the actual number of those I would hatch would be 2. To say anything
else goes against basic logic. I hope this isn't coming off as harsh in any
way, but my point is that I see a lot of people saying, "No, it's not 25%
of the eggs should be so-and-so, each EGG has a 25% chance of it". Then
people reply, "Oh, ok. Thanks". The odds for each egg carry over and
become the same odds for the entire clutch or sample size.
Designer morph
Lesser Mojave Specter
Yellow Belly
Use this morph as:
Langsung aja ni
agan2 penampakan nya harga boleh goyang dan pasti nya MURMER D
SUPER FIRE (lucy black eye) 400 gr up
Super fire female solddddd
pinstripe albino 600 gr up
betina ,high contrast yellow, mulus , sehat makan rakus
SUPER FIRE (lucy black eye) 400 gr up
Super fire female solddddd
pinstripe albino 600 gr up
betina ,high contrast yellow, mulus , sehat makan rakus
Blue-Eyed Lucy (But/Moj) Ball Pythons for Sale
We have thousands of exotic Ball Pythons for sale from top
breeders like Brian Barczyk, Kevin McCurley, Bob Clark, Greg Graziani, Garrick
DeMeyer, Ozzy Boids and more. Try browsing the index of Ball
Python by Gene if
you're looking for a particular morph. For more information, check out How It Works.
how to create blue eyed lucy
hi this is my first post so her it goes, i
am new to royals but have become facinated with morphs especialy blue eyed lucy. my
question is what is the best cross to produce them. i currently have a cb11
normal and wondered what i could do with that also. thanks.
There are a number of combinations that
will give a blue-eyed lucy.
Combine any of the following morphs together to get varying quality BeLs....
mojave (although mojave x mojave gives a 'super mojave' which has a 'muddy yellow grey head)
Also I think that lesser/butter x mystic and lesser/butter x phantom also throws out Bels.
Combine any of the following morphs together to get varying quality BeLs....
mojave (although mojave x mojave gives a 'super mojave' which has a 'muddy yellow grey head)
Also I think that lesser/butter x mystic and lesser/butter x phantom also throws out Bels.
Het russo x het russo
throw out nice clean bels
dont they?
thanks ive also read
that lesser platxlesser. would that work. and lesser x normal would make a
spider. is this true
thanks ive also read that lesser platxlesser.
would that work. and lesser x normal would make a spider. is this true
Lesser platnium is the same thing as a 'lesser', so yes, that would work.
lesser x normal = normals and lessers. No spiders at all.
To get a spider you need a spider! (i.e. spider x normal = normals and spiders)
Wherever you read that a
Lesser x Normal pairing gives you Spiders I would avoid completely forever and
ever...just a suggestion
As for BELs I think they look amazing. I have a male Lesser that I'm going to put to m female Lesser and female Mojave...thought I'd double my chances of hitting the BEL good luck with your project
As for BELs I think they look amazing. I have a male Lesser that I'm going to put to m female Lesser and female Mojave...thought I'd double my chances of hitting the BEL good luck with your project
theres quite a few
different basic morphs in the BEL complex
Lesser Mystic Mojave Butter Phantom Mocha Het Russo
Not 100% on them all, also in terms of the lesser producing a spider, a rule of thumb in all cases really a basic morph will never make a different basic morph unless the other basic morph was part of the breeding or unless one of the basic morphs where mutated somehow but that would most likely be a new morph altogether please correct me if im wrong
Lesser Mystic Mojave Butter Phantom Mocha Het Russo
Not 100% on them all, also in terms of the lesser producing a spider, a rule of thumb in all cases really a basic morph will never make a different basic morph unless the other basic morph was part of the breeding or unless one of the basic morphs where mutated somehow but that would most likely be a new morph altogether please correct me if im wrong
Lesser x Phantom make beautifully clean
BEL's. Also known as the 'Karma' morph.
Here's hoping for one next season
Here's hoping for one next season
10 Types of Ball Pythons and Morphs
Albino Ball Python
The albino ball python was the first proven recessive ball
python mutation. Being albino, this python has no dark pigments, leaving this
snake bright white and yellow with pink/red eyes.
Price: $300 – $400
Axanthic ball
The axanthic ball python is a recessive mutation that produces a
snake that has varying shades of silver/grey, white, black, and brown. As
axanthic’s age, they develop more of a brown color to them. Only a select few
will keep the same coloration they had as juveniles. The image shown is a VPI
axanthic ball python.
Price: $375 +