Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result : LEUCISM , LEUCISTIC , LEUCISTIK , (part 1)

CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result : LEUCISM , LEUCISTIC , LEUCISTIK , (part 1)


Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result,search, result  :
L,leucism,leucistic.leucistik,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil result ,search, result  :

Leucism,leucistic,leucistik.hewan leucistic,hewan leucism,hewan leucistik,binatang leucistic,binatang leucism,binatang leucistik,mamalia leucistic,mamalia leucism,mamalia leucistik,satwa leucistic,satwa leucistik,satwa leucism,burung leucistic,burung leucism,burung leucistik,reptil leucistic,reptil leucistik,reptil leucism,ular leucistic,ular leucism,ular leucistik ,Herpetofauna, herpetology, biodiversity,keanekaragaman hayati,flora,fauna,konservasi,habitat,komunitas,reptil,satwa.t-rec,tugumuda reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana
Hanya berusaha merangkum segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan leucistic,leucism,leucistik  dari sumber sumber yang ada di pencarian google search , semoga dapat membantu dan bermanfaat

Just trying to summarize everything connected with leucistic,leucism,leucistik  from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful

Leucistic or leucism
Link chloepedia  :
Herpetofauna 1
herpetofauna  2
herpetologi 1
herpetologi 2
herpetologi 3
herpetologi 4
herpetologi 5
herpetologi 6

metode penelitian herpetofauna-1
metode penelitian herpetofauna-2
metode penelitian herpetofauna-3
metode penelitian herpetofauna-4
Leucism (/ˈljuːkɪzəm/;[1] or /ˈluːsɪzəm/[2][3]) is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes.[1] Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment, not just melanin. Leucism;leucistic/leucistik  (/ ljuːkɪzəm /; [1] atau / luːsɪzəm / [2] [3]) adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi pada hewan yang menghasilkan warna putih, pucat, atau warna tambal sulam dari kulit, rambut, bulu , sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada  mata. [1] Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin.
Leucism (occasionally spelled leukism) is a general term for the phenotype resulting from defects in pigment celldifferentiation and/or migration from the neural crest to skin, hair, or feathers during development. This results in either the entire surface (if all pigment cells fail to develop) or patches of body surface (if only a subset are defective) having a lack of cells capable of making pigment. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik (kadang-kadang dieja leukism) adalah istilah umum untuk fenotipe yang dihasilkan dari kerusakan cell differentiation pigmen dan / atau migrasi dari puncak saraf pada kulit, rambut, atau bulu selama pengembangan. Hal ini menyebabkan baik seluruh permukaan (jika semua sel pigmen gagal berkembang ) atau patch dari permukaan tubuh (jika hanya subset  atau cacat) menyebabkan sel kurang mampu membuat pigmen.
Since all pigment cell-types differentiate from the same multipotent precursor cell-type, leucism can cause the reduction in all types of pigment. This is in contrast to albinism, for which leucism is often mistaken. Albinism results in the reduction ofmelanin production only, though the melanocyte (or melanophore) is still present. Thus in species that have other pigment cell-types, for example xanthophores, albinos are not entirely white, but instead display a pale yellow colour. Karena semua pigmen jenis-sel membedakan dari multipoten prekursor sel-jenis yang sama, leucism dapat menyebabkan pengurangan semua jenis pigmen. Hal ini berbeda dengan albinisme, yang menyebabkan  leucism/leucistic/leucistik sering dianggap  keliru. Hasil albinisme dalam pengurangan melanin produksi saja, meskipun melanosit (atau melanophore) masih ada. Jadi dalam spesies yang memiliki pigmen sel-jenis lainnya, misalnya xanthophores, albino tidak sepenuhnya putih, melainkan menampilkan warna kuning pucat.
More common than a complete absence of pigment cells is localized or incomplete hypopigmentation, resulting in irregular patches of white on an animal that otherwise has normal colouring and patterning. This partial leucism is known as a "pied" or "piebald" effect; and the ratio of white to normal-coloured skin can vary considerably not only between generations, but between different offspring from the same parents, and even between members of the same litter. This is notable in horses,cows, cats, dogs, the urban crow[4] and the ball python[5] but is also found in many other species. Lebih umum dari sel pigmen  tidak lengkap terlokalisir atau hipopigmentasi tidak lengkap, sehingga patch teratur warna putih pada hewan yang dinyatakan memiliki pewarnaan yang normal dan pola. leucism parsial ini dikenal sebagai "pied" atau efek "belang-belang"; dan rasio putih untuk kulit normal berwarna dapat bervariasi tidak hanya antar generasi, tetapi antara keturunan yang berbeda dari orang tua yang sama, dan bahkan antara anggota dari keturunan   yang sama. Hal ini penting pada  kuda, sapi, kucing, anjing, burung gagak urban[4] dan ball python [5] tetapi juga ditemukan pada banyak spesies lainnya.
A further difference between albinism and leucism is in eye colour. Due to the lack of melanin production in both the retinalpigmented epithelium (RPE) and iris, those affected by albinism typically have red eyes due to the underlying blood vessels showing through. In contrast, most leucistic animals have normally coloured eyes. This is because the melanocytes of the RPE are not derived from the neural crest, instead an outpouching of the neural tube generates the optic cup which, in turn, forms the retina. As these cells are from an independent developmental origin, they are typically unaffected by the genetic cause of leucism.
Genes that, when mutated, can cause leucism include, c-kit,[6] mitf[7] and EDNRB.[8]
Perbedaan lainnya antara albinisme dan leucism dalam warna mata. Karena kurangnya produksi melanin di kedua epitel retinalpigmented (RPE) dan iris, mereka yang terkena albinisme biasanya memiliki mata merah karena pembuluh darah yang mendasari nya . Sebaliknya, sebagian besar hewan leucistic  biasanya berwarna mata seperti biasanya . Hal ini karena melanosit dari RPE tidak berasal dari neural crest, bukan sebuah outpouching dari tabung saraf yang menghasilkan cangkir optik yang, pada gilirannya, membentuk retina. Sepertinya  sel-sel ini dari asal perkembangan independen, mereka biasanya tidak terpengaruh oleh penyebab genetik leucism/leucistic/leucistik.
Gen itu, ketika bermutasi, dapat menyebabkan leucism/leucistic/leucistik termasuk, c-kit, [6] MITF [7] dan EDNRB. [8]


In leucistic birds, affected plumage lacks melanin pigment due to the cells responsible for melanin production being absent. This results in a white feathers, unless the normal plumage colour also comprises carotenoids (e.g. yellows), which remain unaffected by the condition. Although leucism is inherited, the extent and positioning of the white colouration can vary between adults and their young, and can also skip generations if leucistic genes are recessive. Pada burung leucistic/lucistic/leucistik, bulu yang terkena kekurangan pigmen melanin karena sel-sel yang bertanggung jawab untuk produksi melanin absen/hilang . Hal ini menghasilkan bulu putih, kecuali warna bulu yang normal juga terdiri karotenoid (mis kuning), yang tetap tidak terpengaruh oleh kondisi tersebut. Meskipun leucism diwariskan, tingkat dan posisi dari warna putih dapat bervariasi antara dewasa dan anak-anak mereka, dan juga dapat melewati generasi jika gen leucistic adalah  resesif.
Leucisim is often mistaken for albinism, but they are two very different conditions. So next time you see an animal you think is albino, look to see if it is only mostly white and, importantly, take a look at the eyes. Leucisim/leucistic/leucistik sering keliru untuk albinisme, tetapi mereka adalah dua kondisi yang sangat berbeda. Jadi lain kali Anda melihat binatang Anda berpikir adalah albino, lihat apakah itu hanya sebagian besar putih dan yang penting, lihatlah matanya.
Leucism, or leukism, is an abnormal plumage condition caused by a genetic mutation that prevents pigment, particularly melanin, from being properly deposited on a bird’s feathers. As a result, the birds do not have the normal, classic plumage colors listed in field guides, and instead the plumage have several color changes, including: Leucism/leucistic/leucistik, atau leukism, adalah kondisi bulu abnormal yang disebabkan oleh mutasi genetik yang mencegah pigmen, terutama melanin, dari biasanya  diendapkan pada bulu burung. Akibatnya, burung tidak normal, warna bulu klasik yang  tercantum dalam panduan lapangan, dan bukannya bulu yang memiliki beberapa perubahan warna, termasuk:

·         White patches where the bird should not have any
·         Paler overall plumage that looks faint, diluted or bleached
·         Overall white plumage with little or no color discernable
The degree of leucism, including the brightness of the white and the extent of pigment loss, will vary depending on the bird’s genetic makeup. Birds that show only white patches or sections of leucistic feathers – often in symmetrical patterns – are often called pied or piebald birds, while birds with fully white plumage are referred to as leucistic birds.
• Bercak putih di mana burung tidak senya harus memilikinya
• Paler bulu keseluruhan yang terlihat samar, diencerkan atau dikelantang
• Secara keseluruhan bulu putih dengan sedikit atau tanpa warna discernable
Tingkat leucism, termasuk kecerahan putih dan besarnya kehilangan  pigmen, akan bervariasi tergantung pada genetik burung. Burung yang menunjukkan patch hanya putih atau bagian dari bulu leucistic - sering dalam pola simetris - sering disebut burung pied atau belang, sementara burung dengan bulu sepenuhnya putih disebut burung sebagai leucistic/leucism/leucistik.

How to Identify Leucistic Birds

While leucistic birds will show irregular plumage coloration, it is still possible to identify the birds easily. Many birds with leucism still show a faint wash of color in recognizable patterns on their feathers, even though the color may not be as strong as would be typical. Of course, piebald leucistic birds still show other colors and only have patches of white feathers, but their plumage can easily be used for identification aside from those feathers.
Cara Mengidentifikasi Leucistic Birds
Sementara burung leucistic/leucistik/leucism akan menunjukkan warna bulu tidak teratur , masih mungkin untuk mengidentifikasi burung dengan mudah. Banyak burung dengan leucism masih menunjukkan sapuan samar warna dalam pola yang dikenali pada bulu mereka, meskipun warna mungkin tidak sekuat sebagai tipikal . Tentu saja, burung belang leucistic masih menunjukkan warna lain dan hanya memiliki patch dari bulu putih, tapi bulu mereka dapat dengan mudah digunakan untuk identifikasi 


Leucism and Albinism in Birds

The ornithological literature is quite confusing regarding definitions of leucism and various states of albinism. Whereas recent ornithological texts define albinism (e.g., Welty and Baptista 1988, Gill 1990, Clark 2001), none refers specifically to leucism. Thomson (1964) states that leucism “results from varying degrees of dilution of normal pigmentation.”  
Leucism dan Albinisme di Burung
Literatur ornitologi cukup membingungkan mengenai definisi leucism/leucistic/leucistik dan berbagai state dari albinisme. Sedangkan teks ornitologi baru-baru ini mendefinisikan albinisme (misalnya, Welty dan Baptista 1988, Gill 1990, Clark 2001), tidak mengacu khusus untuk leucism. Thomson (1964) menyatakan bahwa leucism "hasil dari berbagai tingkat pengenceran pigmentasi normal."

In a review of albinism in British birds, Sage (1962) referred to leucistic individuals “in which the normal pattern and colour of the plumage is discernable but very pale or washed out in appearance” and (citing Hutt 1949) distinguished this dilution of all pigments from albinism, which affects melanin but not necessarily the carotenoid pigments. Lucas and Stettenheim (1972) point out that a genetically complete albino could still have highly colored feathers if a pigment other than melanin were present.
Dalam review albinisme pada burung Inggris, Sage (1962) sebutkan  individu leucistic/leucism/leucistik  "di mana pola normal dan warna bulu yang discernable tapi sangat pucat atau wash  dalam penampilan" dan (mengutip Hutt 1949) dibedakan pengenceran semua pigmen dari albinisme, yang mempengaruhi melanin tetapi belum tentu pigmen karotenoid. Lucas dan Stettenheim (1972) menunjukkan bahwa genetik  albino  lengkap masih masih sangat berwarna pada bulu jika pigmen selain melanin juga  hadir.

According to these authors, leucism is caused not by a lack of pigment, but by a reduced deposition of pigment in the feathers. Several of these references refer further to partial albinism as the lack of melanin from part of the plumage, either symmetrically or asymmetrically (Gross 1965, Lucas and Stettenheim 1972, Clark 2001). 
Menurut para penulis ini, leucism/leucistic/leucistik tidak disebabkan oleh kurangnya pigmen, tetapi oleh deposisi berkurangnya  pigmen di bulu. Beberapa referensi ini merujuk lebih lanjut untuk albinisme parsial sebagai kurangnya melanin dari bagian bulu, baik secara simetris atau asimetris (Gross 1965, Lucas dan Stettenheim 1972, Clark 2001).

Harrison (1963) made a different distinction, stating that leucistic individuals have melanin in the body, giving dark eyes and colored soft parts, but the melanin does not enter the feather structure and the plumage is white, whereas albinistic individuals lack melanin in the body as well as the plumage.
Harrison (1963) membuat perbedaan yang berbeda, yang menyatakan bahwa individu leucistic/leucism/leucistik memiliki melanin dalam tubuh, memberikan mata gelap dan berwarna di bagian lembut, tapi melanin tidak masuk struktur bulu dan bulu berwarna putih, sedangkan individu albinistic kekurangan melanin dalam tubuh serta bulu tersebut.
Other recent authors follow this “all-or-none” definition of albinism and believe that a bird with any amount of abnormal white in the plumage, but with dark eyes, would be leucistic (e.g. Jehl 1985, Cooke and Buckley 1987, Lawrence 1989). 
penulis lainnya mengikuti "semua-atau-tidak"dari  definisi albinisme dan percaya bahwa burung dengan jumlah putih yang abnormal dalam bulu, tapi dengan mata gelap, akan leucistic/leucism/leucistik (misalnya Jehl 1985, Cooke dan Buckley tahun 1987, Lawrence 1989 ).

The different types of albinism all have to do with the body’s inability to produce melanin, leading to white, gray, or cream-colored hair and skin (but not necessarily red eyes). Leucism occurs when color pigments are produced in a lower amount than normal, and normal skin, fur, or feather patterns and textures remain. Berbagai jenis albinisme semua harus dilakukan dengan ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk memproduksi melanin, menyebabkan rambut putih, abu-abu, atau berwarna krim  dan kulit (tapi mata tidak selalu merah). Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  terjadi ketika pigmen warna diproduksi dalam jumlah yang lebih rendah dari normal, dan kulit, bulu, atau pola bulu normal dan tekstur tetap.
Isabellinism happens when normally dark-pigmented areas develop as a sort of washed-out grayish-yellow, and it’s supposedly named for an archduchess who refused to remove her underwear for three years.
Isabellinism terjadi ketika daerah yang biasanya  berpigmen  gelap berkembang sebagai semacam wash-out kuning keabu-abuan
Leucistic individuals produce melanin as normal, but the deposition of the pigments is affected - so eye and bill/leg colours tends to be unaffected, but the colour of feathers (or hair) can be. individu Leucistic/leucism/leucistik  memproduksi melanin seperti biasa, tapi pengendapan pigmen mempengaruhi - sehingga mata dan warna bill / kaki cenderung tidak terpengaruh, tapi warna bulu (atau rambut) bisa.
Leucism is a rare genetic mutation where two recessive genes produce a white phenotype or pale appearance.  Leucism/leucistik/leucistic  adalah mutasi genetik yang langka di mana dua gen resesif menghasilkan fenotipe putih atau penampilan pucat.

Albinism: occurs when the body does not possess any pigmentation. It’s characterised by pink eyes.
Leucism: Is the result of an recessive allele that causes a reduction in pigmentation.  Leucism affects all types of pigmentations in the body.
Albinisme: terjadi ketika tubuh tidak memiliki pigmentasi apapun. Ini ditandai dengan mata merah muda.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik : Apakah hasil dari alel resesif yang menyebabkan penurunan pigmentasi. Leucism mempengaruhi semua jenis pigmentasi dalam tubuh.

Leucism is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment, not just melanin.[1]
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi pada hewan menghasilkan putih, pucat, atau tambal sulam warna kulit, rambut, bulu, sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada mata. Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin. [1]

Leucistic Owls

Leucism is a genetic mutation that prevents melanin and other pigments from being deposited normally on feathers, resulting in pale or muted colors on the entire bird.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah mutasi genetik yang mencegah melanin dan pigmen lainnya disimpan biasanya pada bulu, sehingga warna pucat atau diredam pada seluruh burung.

In this case the bird would be considered leucistic because the mutation only applies to depositing melanin in the feathers, not the absence of melanin in the body. Dalam hal ini burung akan dianggap leucistic /leucism/leucistik karena mutasi hanya berlaku untuk melanin dalam bulu, tidak adanya melanin dalam tubuh.
  • Leucism is also a genetic mutation. Leucistic birds have dilute, paler/ whitish plumage overall. A faint pattern may be visible. Leucism is also uncommon, but is more common that albinism.
·         Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  juga mutasi genetik. burung Leucistic memiliki bulu bwerwarna  encer, pucat / keputihan secara keseluruhan. Pola samar dapat terlihat. Leucism juga jarang, tetapi lebih sering terjadi pada albinisme .
Leucistic snakes have no melanophores (dark pigment cells), no xanthophores (yellow pigment cells) and only very limited amounts of iridophores (reflective pigment cells) this is why their skin appears white. The eyes get there colour from cells that migrate from the neural tube and not the neural crest (where the body colour cells migrates from). It is because of this independent developmental origin that the eyes are typically unaffected by the genetic cause of Leucism. 
ular Leucistic/leucism/leucistik  tidak memiliki melanophores (sel pigmen gelap), tidak ada xanthophores (sel pigmen kuning) dan hanya jumlah yang sangat terbatas dari  iridophores (sel pigmen reflektif) ini mengapa kulit mereka tampak putih. Warna Mata  dari sel-sel yang bermigrasi dari tabung saraf dan tidak neural crest (di mana sel-sel warna tubuh bermigrasi dari). Hal ini karena asal perkembangan independen hingga  mata biasanya tidak terpengaruh oleh penyebab genetik leucism.

Leucistic Reptiles
  • Medically defined this is a defect in the skin, not the pigment cells. Classical leucism is caused by a faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support pigment cells
  • Leucicism is a naturally occurring pigmentation morph. True leucisticanimals are completely white without any hint of patterning or pigmentation. They also have blue eyes, whereas Albino animals will have red eyes
  • White animals are still able to be produced by mixing several morphs that remove different color pigmentation. If you remove the yellow, red, and black, you will end up with the white appearance as well. Patternless morphs will improve the “white” appearance of the animal so you can get nearly as pure white as a true leucistic, but they will have black eyes
·         Secara medis didefinisikan ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak  pada sel-sel pigmen. leucism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen
·         • Leucicism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah pigmentasi morph alami. Leucistic animals benar-benar putih tanpa petunjuk dari pola atau pigmentasi. Mereka juga memiliki mata biru, sedangkan hewan Albino akan memiliki mata merah
·         • hewan Putih masih bisa diproduksi dengan mencampur beberapa morphs yang menghapus pigmentasi warna yang berbeda. Jika Anda menghapus kuning, merah, dan hitam, Anda akan berakhir dengan penampilan putih juga. morphs berpola akan meningkatkan  penampilan "putih"  hewan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan hampir putih bersih sebagai  benar benar leucistic , tetapi mereka akan memiliki mata hitam

Leucicism is a naturally occuring pigmentation morph. True leucistic animals are completely white without any hint of patterning or pigmentation. They also have blue eyes. So it will always mean white with blue eyes. 
Leucicism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah pigmentasi morph yang terjadi secara alami. hewan leucistic benar-benar putih tanpa petunjuk dari pola atau pigmentasi. Mereka juga memiliki mata biru. Sehingga akan selalu berarti putih dengan mata biru.

In some species (especially lizards) true leucistic genes have not yet been discovered. White animals are still able to be produced by mixing several morphs that remove different color pigmentations. If you remove the yellow, red, and black, you will end up with the white appearance as well. Patternless morphs will improve the "white" appearance of the animal so you can get nearly as pure white as a true leucistic. 
Dalam beberapa spesies (terutama kadal) gen  yang benar benar leucistic/leucism/leucistik  belum ditemukan. hewan putih masih bisa diproduksi dengan mencampur beberapa morphs yang menghapus pigmentasi warna yang berbeda. Jika Anda menghapus kuning, merah, dan hitam, Anda akan berakhir dengan penampilan putih juga. morphs berpola akan meningkatkan  penampilan "putih"  hewan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan hampir putih bersih sebagai benar benar leucistic.

In bearded dragons the true leucicism has not yet been discovered (as far as I know). There are "white" bearded dragons that have been dubbed leucistic but these are not really true leucistic. You can tell by the lack of blue eyes. But although the "leucistic" animals sold are fake leucistics, they are still beautiful and white. The same is true for "leucistic" leopard geckos. 
Dalam bearded dragon  yang benar benar  leucicism/leucistic/leucistik   belum ditemukan (sejauh yang saya tahu). Ada bearded dragon  "putih"  yang telah dijuluki leucistic tetapi ini tidak benar benar  leucistic. Anda dapat tahu  oleh kurangnya mata biru. Tapi meskipun hewan  "leucistic"  yang dijual adalah leucistics palsu, mereka masih cantik dan putih. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk leopard gecko "leucistic".

True leucicism is much more common in snakes. Leucicism has been discovered in texas rat snakes and more recently in ball pythons as well as some other species. 
Yang benar Benar leucicism/leucistic/leucistik  jauh lebih umum di ular. Leucicism telah ditemukan di ular tikus texas dan di ball  serta beberapa spesies lainnya.

Leucism is a condition in which pigmentation is reduced but not entirely absent, as in albinism.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana pigmentasi berkurang tapi tidak sepenuhnya absen/hilang, seperti di albinisme
2)LEUKISM (LEUCISM)- medically defined this is a defect in the skin, not the pigment cells. There are other derangements of pigment that can cause a whitening effect, but they are not classical leukism. Classical leukism is caused by a faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support pigment cells.
2) LEUKISM (leucism) /leocistic/leucistik – definisi medis  ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak di sel-sel pigmen. Ada derangements lain dari pigmen yang dapat menyebabkan efek pemutihan, tetapi mereka tidak leukism klasik. leukism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen. 
Berbeda dengan albino yang kekurangan pigmen melanin, leucistic adalah kelainan pada pigmen yaitu kekurangan jumlah semua jenis pigmen sehingga warnanya cenderung putih bukan kekuningan seperti albino.
Leucistic parsial- (Mosaic)
Ketika leucistic hanya terjadi pada beberapa bagian kulit (atau bulu) saja, maka disebut sebagai pied, atau dalam dunia SG disebut juga sebagai Mosaic
Memiliki bulu berwarna putih yang solid tanpa garis di tubuh dan di telinganya. Leucitic memiliki mata berwarna hitam. Sugar Glider jenis ini merupakan Sugar Glider dengan gen resesif sehingga harus dipasangkan dengan Sugar Glider lain dengan gen resesif yang sama agar dapat mereproduksi leucistic.

White (also called Leucistic)

Commonly known as leucistic, the phenotype is d/d, non-melanoid, non-albino and non-axanthic. Here's a picture of a large adult female. Notice the black eyes and small number of melanophores on the head and back which indicate that it is not an albino. White axolotls with black eyes are not albino. While d/d prevents the axolotl's pigment cells from migrating off the top of the animal, this does not necessarily mean that all leucistics will possess colour cells on the the head and back - look at the eyes to be certain. Putih (juga disebut Leucistic)
Umumnya dikenal sebagai leucistic/leucistik/leucism , fenotipe adalah d / d, non-melanoid, non-albino dan non-Axanthic. Berikut adalah gambar dari betina dewasa besar. Perhatikan mata hitam dan sejumlah kecil melanophores di kepala dan belakang yang menunjukkan bahwa itu bukan albino. axolotl putih dengan mata hitam tidak albino. Sementara d / d mencegah sel-sel pigmen axolotl ini dari migrasi dari atas binatang, ini tidak berarti bahwa semua leucistics akan memiliki sel-sel warna pada kepala dan punggung - melihat mata menjadi penemtu.

White lions are not albino (unpigmented) but are leucistic - leucism describes an effect rather than a particular gene. They have pigmentation which is visible in the eyes, paw pads and lips. Their eyes are usually the normal hazel or golden colour although some have blue, blue-green or greyish-green eyes. At birth, the cubs are snowy white and may be described as resembling polar bear cubs. The birth colour gradually darkens to a pale cream colour known as blond (another name for white lions is blond lions). The mane and tail tuft remain a paler shade. singa putih tidak albino (tidak berpigmen) tetapi leucistic/leucistik - leucism menggambarkan efek daripada gen tertentu. Mereka memiliki pigmentasi yang terlihat di mata, bantalan kaki dan bibir. Mata mereka biasanya cokelat normal atau warna emas meskipun beberapa memiliki biru, mata biru-hijau atau hujau-keabu. Saat lahir, anaknya yang bersalju putih dan dapat digambarkan sebagai menyerupai anak beruang kutub. Warna lahir secara bertahap menggelap menjadi warna cream pucat dikenal sebagai pirang (nama lain untuk singa putih singa pirang). Surai dan ekor seberkas tetap berwarna pucat.

Leucism is a complete or partial lack of melanin in the feathers, but not necessarily the soft tissues.  It is sometimes referred to as ‘partial albanism’ but if you’re familiar with the definition of albanism (which hopefully you are now!) you know the term ‘partial albinism’ is oxymoronic.  Leusistic birds can have one or multiple white feathers, as is the case with my friend in Bellevue, or be completely white but with regularly colored eyes.  Their feet and bills may or may not appear pink like that of an albino bird’s. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah kurangnya lengkap atau sebagian dari melanin dalam bulu, tetapi belum tentu di  jaringan lunak. Hal ini kadang-kadang disebut sebagai 'albanism parsial' tetapi jika Anda terbiasa dengan definisi albanism , Anda tahu istilah  'albinisme parsial'  adalah oxymoronic. burung Leusistic dapat memiliki satu atau beberapa bulu putih, seperti halnya dengan teman saya di Bellevue, atau benar-benar putih tapi dengan mata berwarna teratur. kaki dan bills mereka mungkin atau tidak mungkin  muncul merah muda seperti pada burung albino ..

  Leucism kerap disalahpahami sebagai albinism. Contohnya, ada katak yang memiliki jenis pigmen xanthophores (jenis pigmen selain melanin), maka warnanya tidak putih polos, melainkan kuning pucat.

  Last but not least, hewan al;bino di muka bumi tergolong sangat langka. Sebuah studi di universitas Wisconsin, memperkirakan mutasi albino muncul satu dalam setiap 42.500 kelahiran!

Leucism sering keliru dengan albino, padahal keduanya adalah kondisi yang berbeda. Kedua kondisi ini tidak dikategorikan "tidak normal" karena perbedaan tersebut adalah bukti keragaman hayati. Tidak ada istilah normal atau tidak, yang ada hanya keragaman hayati.
3. Leucism
Leucism adalah salah satu peristiwa / kasus yang menyebabkan timbulnya warna pada Love Bird pied ( Blorok) . Leucism merupakan peristiwa rusak atau hilangnya melanoblast yang di bentuk di Puncak syaraf sehingga berakibat melanosit hampir sepenuhnya tidak ada pada bulu . Ketika melanosit absen di bagian bulu maka tidaklah mungkin pigmen disetorkan di daerah tersebut. Jadi Leucism bukan di sebabkan oleh kesalahan aktivitas pada enzim tyrosinase atau deposit eumelanin hitam.

Why is this humpback all white? Willow has a condition called leucism, which causes a reduction in all skin pigments. How is leucism different from albinism you may ask? Albinism only effects the production of melanin, while leucism prevents formation of all pigments. disebut leucism/leucistic/leucistik , yang menyebabkan pengurangan semua pigmen kulit. Bagaimana leucism berbeda dari albinisme Anda mungkin bertanya? Albinisme hanya efek produksi melanin, sementara leucism mencegah pembentukan semua pigmen.

What is Leucism? 
It is similar and often confused with Albinism, but the difference between the two is that in Albinism there is a defect in the production and distribution of melanin (affects entire animal); while in Leucism there is only a reduction in skin, hair or feather pigment in the process of development (normally only affects patches of the animal).
One key difference is that when an animal is Albino it has red eyes, while with Leucism it doesn't

Apa leucism/leucistic/leucistik ? Hal ini mirip dan sering membingungkan  dengan Albinisme, tetapi perbedaan antara keduanya adalah bahwa di Albinisme ada cacat dalam produksi dan distribusi melanin (mempengaruhi seluruh hewan); sementara di leucism hanya ada pengurangan di  kulit, rambut atau pigmen bulu dalam proses pembangunan (biasanya hanya mempengaruhi patch dari hewan). Salah satu perbedaan utama adalah bahwa ketika hewan adalah albino akan memiliki mata merah, sementara dengan leucism itu tidak
What is the Endosymbiotic theory of an Leucistic Alliagtor?

All of the Leucistic Alligator's cells have evolved from Prokaryotes (cells with no nucleus) to Eukaryotes (cells with nucleus') and then specifically from there to Aerobic Eukaryotes (ones that require oxygen). Apa teori endosimbiotik dari Leucistic Alliagtor?
Semua sel-sel Leucistic/leucistik/leucism  Alligator ini telah berevolusi dari Prokariota (sel tanpa inti) ke Eukariota (sel dengan nukleus ') dan kemudian secara khusus dari sana ke Aerobic Eukariota (yang membutuhkan oksigen).

Melanin is the main pigment found in mammals. It is responsible for the color of hair and fur. There are different types of melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin), and they produce a huge color range, from black to sandy to red.
Melanin adalah pigmen utama yang ditemukan pada mamalia. Hal ini bertanggung jawab untuk warna rambut dan bulu. Ada berbagai jenis melanin (eumelanin dan pheomelanin), dan mereka memproduksi berbagai warna besar, dari hitam ke berpasir merah.

. Leucism is sometimes mistaken for albinism, but leucism is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals. It affects all pigments, not just melanin, and animals with leucism have normal eye color, while animals with albinism tend to have red eyes. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  kadang-kadang keliru untuk albinisme, tetapi leucism adalah suatu kondisi yang ditandai oleh berkurangnya pigmentasi pada hewan. Ini mempengaruhi semua pigmen, bukan hanya melanin, dan hewan dengan leucism memiliki warna mata normal, sedangkan hewan dengan albinisme cenderung memiliki mata merah.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Leucism (/ˈljuːkɪzəm/;[1] or /ˈluːsɪzəm/[2][3]) is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes.[1] Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment, not just melanin. Leucism;leucistic/leucistik  (/ ljuːkɪzəm /; [1] atau / luːsɪzəm / [2] [3]) adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi pada hewan yang menghasilkan warna putih, pucat, atau warna tambal sulam dari kulit, rambut, bulu , sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada  mata. [1] Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin.


Leucism (occasionally spelled leukism) is a general term for the phenotype resulting from defects in pigment celldifferentiation and/or migration from the neural crest to skin, hair, or feathers during development. This results in either the entire surface (if all pigment cells fail to develop) or patches of body surface (if only a subset are defective) having a lack of cells capable of making pigment. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik (kadang-kadang dieja leukism) adalah istilah umum untuk fenotipe yang dihasilkan dari kerusakan cell differentiation pigmen dan / atau migrasi dari puncak saraf pada kulit, rambut, atau bulu selama pengembangan. Hal ini menyebabkan baik seluruh permukaan (jika semua sel pigmen gagal berkembang ) atau patch dari permukaan tubuh (jika hanya subset  atau cacat) menyebabkan sel kurang mampu membuat pigmen.
Since all pigment cell-types differentiate from the same multipotent precursor cell-type, leucism can cause the reduction in all types of pigment. This is in contrast to albinism, for which leucism is often mistaken. Albinism results in the reduction ofmelanin production only, though the melanocyte (or melanophore) is still present. Thus in species that have other pigment cell-types, for example xanthophores, albinos are not entirely white, but instead display a pale yellow colour. Karena semua pigmen jenis-sel membedakan dari multipoten prekursor sel-jenis yang sama, leucism dapat menyebabkan pengurangan semua jenis pigmen. Hal ini berbeda dengan albinisme, yang menyebabkan  leucism sering dianggap  keliru. Hasil albinisme dalam pengurangan melanin produksi saja, meskipun melanosit (atau melanophore) masih ada. Jadi dalam spesies yang memiliki pigmen sel-jenis lainnya, misalnya xanthophores, albino tidak sepenuhnya putih, melainkan menampilkan warna kuning pucat.
More common than a complete absence of pigment cells is localized or incomplete hypopigmentation, resulting in irregular patches of white on an animal that otherwise has normal colouring and patterning. This partial leucism is known as a "pied" or "piebald" effect; and the ratio of white to normal-coloured skin can vary considerably not only between generations, but between different offspring from the same parents, and even between members of the same litter. This is notable in horses,cows, cats, dogs, the urban crow[4] and the ball python[5] but is also found in many other species. Lebih umum dari sel pigmen  tidak lengkap terlokalisir atau hipopigmentasi tidak lengkap, sehingga patch teratur warna putih pada hewan yang dinyatakan memiliki pewarnaan yang normal dan pola. leucism parsial ini dikenal sebagai "pied" atau efek "belang-belang"; dan rasio putih untuk kulit normal berwarna dapat bervariasi tidak hanya antar generasi, tetapi antara keturunan yang berbeda dari orang tua yang sama, dan bahkan antara anggota dari keturunan   yang sama. Hal ini penting pada  kuda, sapi, kucing, anjing, burung gagak urban[4] dan ball python [5] tetapi juga ditemukan pada banyak spesies lainnya.
A further difference between albinism and leucism is in eye colour. Due to the lack of melanin production in both the retinalpigmented epithelium (RPE) and iris, those affected by albinism typically have red eyes due to the underlying blood vessels showing through. In contrast, most leucistic animals have normally coloured eyes. This is because the melanocytes of the RPE are not derived from the neural crest, instead an outpouching of the neural tube generates the optic cup which, in turn, forms the retina. As these cells are from an independent developmental origin, they are typically unaffected by the genetic cause of leucism.
Genes that, when mutated, can cause leucism include, c-kit,[6] mitf[7] and EDNRB.[8]
Perbedaan lainnya antara albinisme dan leucism dalam warna mata. Karena kurangnya produksi melanin di kedua epitel retinalpigmented (RPE) dan iris, mereka yang terkena albinisme biasanya memiliki mata merah karena pembuluh darah yang mendasari nya . Sebaliknya, sebagian besar hewan leucistic  biasanya berwarna mata seperti biasanya . Hal ini karena melanosit dari RPE tidak berasal dari neural crest, bukan sebuah outpouching dari tabung saraf yang menghasilkan cangkir optik yang, pada gilirannya, membentuk retina. Sepertinya  sel-sel ini dari asal perkembangan independen, mereka biasanya tidak terpengaruh oleh penyebab genetik leucism.
Gen itu, ketika bermutasi, dapat menyebabkan leucism termasuk, c-kit, [6] MITF [7] dan EDNRB. [8]


The terms leucistic and leucism are derived from medical terminology (leuc- + -ism). The stem leuc- is the Latin variant ofleuk- from the Greek leukos meaning "white" (see Stedman’s, Dorland’s or Taber’s medical dictionaries).
·         This page was last modified on 5 September 2016, at 21:03.


Leucism & albinism


In leucistic birds, affected plumage lacks melanin pigment due to the cells responsible for melanin production being absent. This results in a white feathers, unless the normal plumage colour also comprises carotenoids (e.g. yellows), which remain unaffected by the condition. Although leucism is inherited, the extent and positioning of the white colouration can vary between adults and their young, and can also skip generations if leucistic genes are recessive. Pada burung leucistic/lucistic/leucistik, bulu yang terkena kekurangan pigmen melanin karena sel-sel yang bertanggung jawab untuk produksi melanin absen/hilang . Hal ini menghasilkan bulu putih, kecuali warna bulu yang normal juga terdiri karotenoid (mis kuning), yang tetap tidak terpengaruh oleh kondisi tersebut. Meskipun leucism diwariskan, tingkat dan posisi dari warna putih dapat bervariasi antara dewasa dan anak-anak mereka, dan juga dapat melewati generasi jika gen leucistic adalah  resesif.
The reduction of pigment in leucistic birds causes feathers to weaken and be more prone to wear. In some situations this can hinder flight, which, in addition to leucistic birds usually being more conspicuous, can heighten risk of predation. There is also evidence that leucistic birds might, on occasion, not be recognised or accepted by a potential mate.
In our Abnormal Plumage Survey, ‘leucism’ is being used as an umbrella term to encompass a number of plumage irregularities that can be difficult to distinguish from each other. One of these is called ‘progressive greying’, which also results in white feathers. While leucism is heritable, progressive greying is not – but without knowing the history of a bird, these two conditions are difficult to tell apart.
‘Dilution’ is another condition that we have grouped under the category ‘leucism’ in our Abnormal Plumage Survey. Here, plumage colour often appears ‘washed out’ (i.e. ‘diluted’). This Collared Dove (pictured) is a good example of this. In dilution, melanin cells are present (unlike in leucistic birds) but produce less pigment than normal. White feathers can also be caused by chromatophore (pigment cell) defects, rather than an absence of melanin-producing cells.


Albinism also results in white feathers but true albinos are thought to be rare in the wild. Albinism is caused a genetic mutation causing an absence of tyrosinase in pigment cells. An albino individual is unable to produce melanin pigments. This leads to a good diagnostic feature with which to distinguish leucistic and albino individuals – the colour of the eye.
Albinos have pink eyes while the iris pigmentation of leucistic birds remains dark. Most albino birds die soon after fledging, primarily as a consequence of their poor eyesight, and albino birds are not thought to progress to adulthood in the wild. As with leucistic individuals, albinos can retain carotenoid pigments if normally present in the plumage. A common misnomer is ‘partial albino’ – this is not possible since albinism affects the whole plumage of a bird, not just part.
If you have seen a bird with unusual plumage in your garden please complete our simple online questionnaire.
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What's the difference between albino and leucistic?

February 26, 2015

This all-white Laysan albatross chick stands out from the rest. Laysan albatross chicks are a slate grey color, with a dark grey bill and very dark grey feet. Instead this chick is powder white all over, and has a pale pink bill and pale pink feet. And yet, it is not albino. The give-away is in the eyes.
Albinism is a condition in which there is an absence of melanin, which gives color to the skin, feathers, hair and eyes. Vertebrates with albinism are not only white (or sometimes pale yellowish) in color but they also have very pale eyes, often pink or red in color as the blood vessels show through. Leucism, on the other hand, is a partial loss of pigmentation, which can make the animal have white or patchily colored skin, hair, feathers and so on, but the pigment cells in the eyes are not affected by the condition.
Leucisim is often mistaken for albinism, but they are two very different conditions. So next time you see an animal you think is albino, look to see if it is only mostly white and, importantly, take a look at the eyes. Leucisim/leucistic/leucistik sering keliru untuk albinisme, tetapi mereka adalah dua kondisi yang sangat berbeda. Jadi lain kali Anda melihat binatang Anda berpikir adalah albino, lihat apakah itu hanya sebagian besar putih dan yang penting, lihatlah matanya.

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Jaymi Heimbuch is a writer and photographer at Mother Nature Network. Follow her on TwitterGoogle+ and Facebook.
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Bird Leucism
About Leucistic Birds and Abnormal Plumages
Updated August 29, 2015.
Many birders enjoy lifelong hobbies relying birds’ plumage alone to distinguish the hundreds of different species on their life lists, but not all birds have predictable plumage and conditions such as bird leucism can make identification more of a challenge.

What is Leucism

Leucism, or leukism, is an abnormal plumage condition caused by a genetic mutation that prevents pigment, particularly melanin, from being properly deposited on a bird’s feathers. As a result, the birds do not have the normal, classic plumage colors listed in field guides, and instead the plumage have several color changes, including: Leucism/leucistic/leucistik, atau leukism, adalah kondisi bulu abnormal yang disebabkan oleh mutasi genetik yang mencegah pigmen, terutama melanin, dari biasanya  diendapkan pada bulu burung. Akibatnya, burung tidak normal, warna bulu klasik yang  tercantum dalam panduan lapangan, dan bukannya bulu yang memiliki beberapa perubahan warna, termasuk:

·         White patches where the bird should not have any
·         Paler overall plumage that looks faint, diluted or bleached
·         Overall white plumage with little or no color discernable
The degree of leucism, including the brightness of the white and the extent of pigment loss, will vary depending on the bird’s genetic makeup. Birds that show only white patches or sections of leucistic feathers – often in symmetrical patterns – are often called pied or piebald birds, while birds with fully white plumage are referred to as leucistic birds.
• Bercak putih di mana burung tidak senya harus memilikinya
• Paler bulu keseluruhan yang terlihat samar, diencerkan atau dikelantang
• Secara keseluruhan bulu putih dengan sedikit atau tanpa warna discernable
Tingkat leucism, termasuk kecerahan putih dan besarnya kehilangan  pigmen, akan bervariasi tergantung pada genetik burung. Burung yang menunjukkan patch hanya putih atau bagian dari bulu leucistic - sering dalam pola simetris - sering disebut burung pied atau belang, sementara burung dengan bulu sepenuhnya putih disebut burung sebagai leucistic/leucism/leucistik.

Leucistic and Albino Birds

Albinism is another genetic condition that can turn a bird’s plumage pale, but there are distinct differences between albino and leucistic birds. Leucism affects only the bird’s feathers, and typically only those with melanin pigment – usually dark feathers. A leucistic bird with different colors may show some colors brightly, especially red, orange or yellow, while feathers that should be brown or black are instead pale or white. Some leucistic birds, however, can lose all the pigment in their feathers and may appear pure white.
Albinism, on the other hand, affects all the pigments, and albino birds show no color whatsoever in their feathers. Furthermore, an albino mutation also affects the bird’s other pigments in the skin and eyes, and albino birds show pale pink or reddish eyes, legs, feet and a pale bill, while leucistic birds often have normally colored eyes, legs, feet and bills.

How to Identify Leucistic Birds

While leucistic birds will show irregular plumage coloration, it is still possible to identify the birds easily. Many birds with leucism still show a faint wash of color in recognizable patterns on their feathers, even though the color may not be as strong as would be typical. Of course, piebald leucistic birds still show other colors and only have patches of white feathers, but their plumage can easily be used for identification aside from those feathers.
Cara Mengidentifikasi Leucistic Birds
Sementara burung leucistic/leucistik/leucism akan menunjukkan warna bulu tidak teratur , masih mungkin untuk mengidentifikasi burung dengan mudah. Banyak burung dengan leucism masih menunjukkan sapuan samar warna dalam pola yang dikenali pada bulu mereka, meskipun warna mungkin tidak sekuat sebagai tipikal . Tentu saja, burung belang leucistic masih menunjukkan warna lain dan hanya memiliki patch dari bulu putih, tapi bulu mereka dapat dengan mudah digunakan untuk identifikasi 

Pure white leucistic birds can be more challenging to identify. The size and shape of the bird as well as its range, feeding habits, behavior and what other birds it associates or flocks with can be clear indicators of its species. Birders who know how to bird by ear can identify birds by sounds and songs, regardless of what the bird’s plumage may look like. If a close, detailed view of the bird is possible, identification may be able to be made from the patterning of the feathers and their orientation in different sections of plumage – sections that would normally be different colors.

Problems With Bird Leucism

While leucism can be unusual and exciting for a birder to see, birds with the condition face special challenges in the wild. Lighter plumage may rob the birds of protective camouflage and make them more vulnerable to predators such as hawks and feral cats. Because plumage colors play an important role in courtship rituals, birds with leucism may be unable to find strong, healthy mates. Melanin is also an important structural component of feathers, and birds with extensive leucism have weaker feathers that will wear out more swiftly, making flight more difficult and eliminating some of the bird’s insulation against harsh weather. White feathers also reflect heat more efficiently, which can be fatal for birds that rely on sunbathing and solar radiation for heat in northern climates.
Because so many birders rely on plumage colors and patterns for bird identification, seeing an unusual bird with lighter colors or white patches can initially be confusing. By understanding what leucism is and how it can affect birds, birders can better appreciate the great variety of avian life they see.
See a gallery of different leucistic birds and how their plumage varies!
Photo – Leucistic American Crow © Dominic Sherony
·         Pictures of Leucistic Birds
·         Bird Plumages
·         Pied

Leucism and Albinism in Birds

The ornithological literature is quite confusing regarding definitions of leucism and various states of albinism. Whereas recent ornithological texts define albinism (e.g., Welty and Baptista 1988, Gill 1990, Clark 2001), none refers specifically to leucism. Thomson (1964) states that leucism “results from varying degrees of dilution of normal pigmentation.”  
Leucism dan Albinisme di Burung
Literatur ornitologi cukup membingungkan mengenai definisi leucism/leucistic/leucistik dan berbagai state dari albinisme. Sedangkan teks ornitologi baru-baru ini mendefinisikan albinisme (misalnya, Welty dan Baptista 1988, Gill 1990, Clark 2001), tidak mengacu khusus untuk leucism. Thomson (1964) menyatakan bahwa leucism "hasil dari berbagai tingkat pengenceran pigmentasi normal."

In a review of albinism in British birds, Sage (1962) referred to leucistic individuals “in which the normal pattern and colour of the plumage is discernable but very pale or washed out in appearance” and (citing Hutt 1949) distinguished this dilution of all pigments from albinism, which affects melanin but not necessarily the carotenoid pigments. Lucas and Stettenheim (1972) point out that a genetically complete albino could still have highly colored feathers if a pigment other than melanin were present.
Dalam review albinisme pada burung Inggris, Sage (1962) sebutkan  individu leucistic/leucism/leucistik  "di mana pola normal dan warna bulu yang discernable tapi sangat pucat atau wash  dalam penampilan" dan (mengutip Hutt 1949) dibedakan pengenceran semua pigmen dari albinisme, yang mempengaruhi melanin tetapi belum tentu pigmen karotenoid. Lucas dan Stettenheim (1972) menunjukkan bahwa genetik  albino  lengkap masih masih sangat berwarna pada bulu jika pigmen selain melanin juga  hadir.

According to these authors, leucism is caused not by a lack of pigment, but by a reduced deposition of pigment in the feathers. Several of these references refer further to partial albinism as the lack of melanin from part of the plumage, either symmetrically or asymmetrically (Gross 1965, Lucas and Stettenheim 1972, Clark 2001). 
Menurut para penulis ini, leucism/leucistic/leucistik tidak disebabkan oleh kurangnya pigmen, tetapi oleh deposisi berkurangnya  pigmen di bulu. Beberapa referensi ini merujuk lebih lanjut untuk albinisme parsial sebagai kurangnya melanin dari bagian bulu, baik secara simetris atau asimetris (Gross 1965, Lucas dan Stettenheim 1972, Clark 2001).

Harrison (1963) made a different distinction, stating that leucistic individuals have melanin in the body, giving dark eyes and colored soft parts, but the melanin does not enter the feather structure and the plumage is white, whereas albinistic individuals lack melanin in the body as well as the plumage.
Harrison (1963) membuat perbedaan yang berbeda, yang menyatakan bahwa individu leucistic/leucism/leucistik memiliki melanin dalam tubuh, memberikan mata gelap dan berwarna di bagian lembut, tapi melanin tidak masuk struktur bulu dan bulu berwarna putih, sedangkan individu albinistic kekurangan melanin dalam tubuh serta bulu tersebut.
 Other recent authors follow this “all-or-none” definition of albinism and believe that a bird with any amount of abnormal white in the plumage, but with dark eyes, would be leucistic (e.g. Jehl 1985, Cooke and Buckley 1987, Lawrence 1989). 
penulis lainnya mengikuti "semua-atau-tidak"dari  definisi albinisme dan percaya bahwa burung dengan jumlah putih yang abnormal dalam bulu, tapi dengan mata gelap, akan leucistic/leucism/leucistik (misalnya Jehl 1985, Cooke dan Buckley tahun 1987, Lawrence 1989 ).

Whether the result of partial albinism or leucism, the presence of atypical white patches in normally darker plumaged birds gives rise to the terms “pied” or “piebald.” The latter terms originated in the literature on domestic poultry and do not appear to have unique scientific meaning. The white Pileated Woodpecker described from the White River region would be termed a partial or even "nearly complete" albino by some authors (because melanin appears to be completely lacking through most of the plumage), but based on most recent technical definitions we might best consider it leucistic.

—Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Martjan Lammertink, Keith Brady, Sonny Bass, and Utami Setiorini
Literature cited
Clark, G. A., Jr. 2001. Form and function: the external bird. In Handbook of Bird Biology (S. Podulka, R. Rohrbaugh, Jr., and R. Bonney, eds.) The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY.
Cooke, F., and P. A. Buckley. 1987. Avian Genetics: A population and ecological approach. Academic Press Inc., Orlando, FL.
Gill, F. B. 1990. Ornithology. W. H. Freeman and Company, New York.
Gross, A. O. 1965. The incidence of albinism in North American Birds.Bird Banding 36:67-71.
Harrison, C.  J. O. 1962. Non-melanic, carotenistic and allied variant plumages in birds. Bull. British Ornithol. Club 83: 90-96.
Jehl, J. R., Jr. 1985. Leucism in Eared Grebes in Western North America.Condor 87:439-441.
Lawrence, E. (ed). 1989. Henderson’s dictionary of biological terms. Wiley/ Intersciences, Harlow, UK.
Lucas, A. M., and P. R. Stettenheim.  1972.  Avian Anatomy Integument Part II. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 362. Washington, D. C.
Sage, B. L.  1962. Albinism and melanism in birds. British Birds 55: 201-225.
Thomson, A. L. (Ed.) 1963. A new dictionary of birds. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Welty, J. C. and L. Baptista. 1988. The Life of Birds, fourth edition.Saunders College Publishing. New York.
By Debra Kelly on Friday, February 5, 2016

The Difference Between Albinism, Leucism & Isabellinism

In A Nutshell

The different types of albinism all have to do with the body’s inability to produce melanin, leading to white, gray, or cream-colored hair and skin (but not necessarily red eyes). Leucism occurs when color pigments are produced in a lower amount than normal, and normal skin, fur, or feather patterns and textures remain. Berbagai jenis albinisme semua harus dilakukan dengan ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk memproduksi melanin, menyebabkan rambut putih, abu-abu, atau berwarna krim  dan kulit (tapi mata tidak selalu merah). Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  terjadi ketika pigmen warna diproduksi dalam jumlah yang lebih rendah dari normal, dan kulit, bulu, atau pola bulu normal dan tekstur tetap.
 Isabellinism happens when normally dark-pigmented areas develop as a sort of washed-out grayish-yellow, and it’s supposedly named for an archduchess who refused to remove her underwear for three years.
Isabellinism terjadi ketika daerah yang biasanya  berpigmen  gelap berkembang sebagai semacam wash-out kuning keabu-abuan

The Whole Bushel

Every so often, a lucky nature photographer snaps a photo of a rare white animal. And every so often, one is born in captivity.
White alligators, white giraffes, white grizzly bears—they often don’t survive long in the wild without the benefit of their natural coloring, but they never fail to capture the world’s collective heart.
The standard description of a white animal is usually to call it an albino, but there are a few different genetic conditions that can result in this stunning coloration.
Humans with albinism are said to be clearly recognized by their red or pink eyes, but that’s not actually a defining feature of the condition. People can be diagnosed with albinism regardless of eye color, as the official defining factor is related to the production of melanin, the pigment that gives hair, skin, and eyes their color.
It’s estimated that about one in every 18,000–20,000 people in the United States have some form of albinism.
There are several different forms. Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) happens when there’s a mutation in one gene. OCA results in white skin, white hair, and blue eyes.
X-linked ocular albinism occurs only in men, and manifests as light-colored skin and hair that’s still considered within the “normal” range.
Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome has symptoms similar to OCA, but it’s more common in Puerto Rico and it’s usually accompanied by blood, lung, and bowel disorders.
And Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a rare version that gives hair a silver cast and causes skin to be grayish. White blood cell counts are often affected as well, making people with this type more prone to infections.
As for eye color in humans with albinism, the red, pink, or purple appearance can show up when the light is just right. While the eyes themselves can be blue or brown, the lack of pigmentation can make them seem translucent. When the light is just right, it can reflect off the blood vessels in the eyes and make them appear red.
Another condition, called leucism, is a genetic condition in which animals appear paler than normal and, in some cases, even white. While an albino animal will be pure white, one with leucism will still display the stripes, spots, or other kinds of patterning that their more standard brethren show.
Unlike an albino animal, they’ll still produce pigments, just in a smaller amount. Both conditions can appear in the bird world. While most albino birds tend to have a tragically short life span, leucistic birds have a different set of problems. They generally inherit feathers that wear more quickly, and in some cases, they may be condemned to the single life, not sporting the bright plumage that many species depend on for courtship.
Science is still bickering about the difference between leucism and isabellinism. According to the Ornithological Society of New Zealand, the former manifests more as white, while the latter is a uniform grayish-yellow seen most clearly (although rarely) in penguins. While they also report that albino penguins seem to be ostracized by their companions, isabelline penguins have been seen leading perfectly normal lives.
There’s definitely an easy way to remember just what color an isabelline animal is. The name supposedly comes from a legend about the Archduchess Isabella of Austria who, for some unspecified reason, made a bizarre pledge at the start of the 17th century. Until her husband conquered the city of Ostend and united the provinces of their country, she would not remove or wash her underwear.
“Isabella” is the name of a color, a sort of grayish-yellow.
We feel we can safely presume it is also the color of the underwear in question when the unification finally happened after three years of fighting.
Respectable sources call the story of Isabella a nonsense legend, but it’s still useful as a memory device.

Show Me The Proof


Albino or leucistic

Posted byrhonddaborn

had some pics today of the white blackbird just outside the Rhondda, its totally white other than black eyes. some sites say albino some Leucistic. im on the latter
It's Leucistic because it has black eyes. If it were albino it would have pink eyes.
i said leutistic as ive got pics of jackdaw very similar. some websites say albino but theyre wrong ,if its eyes are not pink its leutistic
Hi Thanks ive just found it. over the moon thanks again well chuffed
Hey, well done!!! Fame at last!  Pity the RSPB called him an albino.
This is why I asked the question because I looked at lots of pics today on various websites ,on here theres a pic of one like mine and the RSPB say Albino
I have seen a "heated discussion" on here between Aiki (the expert on avian abnormalities) and the Mods about the differences between leucism and albinism. The RSPB tend to call leucistic birds Partial Albinos. I personally can't agree with this as they are either albino or not albino, there is no such thing as partial albino. If Aiki sees this thread she will be along with a comment, I'm sure. And maybe also the Mods!
A true albino does not have normal amounts of melanin because they have a genetic defect that inhibits melanin production. It's complicated though, and there are a number of different medical conditions that are defined as albinism, ranging from a defect in the enzyme 'tyrosinase' (which is important in the production of melanin pigments), to defects in proteins that have links to pigment production.
Leucistic individuals produce melanin as normal, but the deposition of the pigments is affected - so eye and bill/leg colours tends to be unaffected, but the colour of feathers (or hair) can be. individu Leucistic/leucism/leucistik  memproduksi melanin seperti biasa, tapi pengendapan pigmen mempengaruhi - sehingga mata dan warna bill / kaki cenderung tidak terpengaruh, tapi warna bulu (atau rambut) bisa.
So disagreements are only to be expected really - because the definitions are often unclear, different definitions are used in medical/scientific circles than by the general public, and it is not always easy to tell by sight whether a lack of colour is because the pigment hasn't been produced, or just hasn't been deposited!
...and contrary to commonly held beliefs, albinos don't necessarily have to be completely white!
How right you are, RoyW. Genetics is extremely complicated, and with the huge variety of plumage abnormalities it is very difficult to say without a genetic analysis what precisely has caused the abnormality. The best we can do is to categorise a bird by the way it looks, eg leucism for washed out appearance, albinism for white feathering, melanism for excess dark pigment, xanthochromism for abnormally yellow individuals and so on. The current tendency by some people to lump all manner of abnormal colourings as leucistic certainly does not help with the clarity, and will confuse novice birders no end.
albinism for white feathering
The current tendency by some people to lump all manner of abnormal colourings as leucistic certainly does not help with the clarity, and will confuse novice birders no end.
Calling all white feathered birds albinos might be less confusing, but it is also wrong
Surely it is better to say that the situation is confusing, and that a bird like this white Blackbird is not necessarily an albino, rather than incorrectly naming it an albino just to keep things simple?
In my opinion the fact that this individual clearly has normal melanin in it's eyes means that it is better to describe it as leucistic rather than albino.
Genetics is complicated, and so a number of genotypes can produce phenotypes that are not easy to distinguish from each other. Hence, for all of us normal birdwatchers who are not academic experts on either human or avian genetics and do not have the opportunity to do genetic testing on any one abnormally coloured bird they come across, it is best to stick to describing the phenotype within the broad categories that make sense.
As even the experts agree, leucism is a distinct genetic condition, and as such to call birds with white bits on them leucistic does not clarify things, but muddies the water in a different direction. Those purists that do not want anything but those individuals that are 100% lacking in all pigment to be called albino, should come up with a new term to describe birds with white bits on them (particularly as these can be caused by a wide range of genetic and environmental factors), rather than hijack another genetic condition instead as a dumping ground for those cases they don't really know what to do with.
Until such a time, describing birds with white feathers where white should not be as either true albinos or as birds with albinistic tendencies seems the most sensible and rational way to go about this, and leave leucism to refer to those birds the term was intended to refer to - birds with faded or washed out appearance.
I mostly understand where you are coming from with regard to trying to keep things simple, but I completely disagree with most of what you have said in the above postTrochilus.
If it is difficult (or impossible) to identify the condition that is affecting a bird, without carrying out genetic testing or similar, then why not just say that the bird's plumage is being affected by a condition that may be albinism, but may be something else, such as leucism?
Calling all birds that show abnormal white plumage 'albino' or 'albinistic', which is what you are suggesting, and what the RSPB page on albinism suggests ( ), means that you are doing exactly what you suggest shouldn't be done:
hijack another genetic condition instead as a dumping ground for those cases they don't really know what to do with.
Albinism is a condition that is well defined (with several well defined types), and isalways genetic (in contrast to what is said on the RSPB page). Part of the definition is that the condition only affects melanin production, so if there really are "purists that do not want anything but those individuals that are 100% lacking in all pigment to be called albino", then these "purists" are also using an incorrect definition for albinos. Birds with abnormal white plumage may be affected by albinism, but they do not have to be albino to have abnormal white plumage - so should not be called albino/albinistic as a 'catch all' title.
and leave leucism to refer to those birds the term was intended to refer to - birds with faded or washed out appearance.
I also believe that you are wrong about the definition that you are applying to leucism, and especially the suggestion that the term was not intended to apply to white birds. The name is accepted to stem from a latinisation of the Greek word "Leukos" meaning white - if the term was mean to apply only to birds with a faded or washed out appearance it would seem likely that a latin or Greek word meaning 'faded', 'washed out', or 'pale' would have been used when the term was coined.
In general leucistic, rather than albino, birds are more likely to be seen in the wild - in part because their eyesight is no more likely to be affected than that of 'normal' birds, so they have a much better chance of survival than genuine albinos which always have their eyesight affected.
A good paper about pigment abnormalities was published a few years ago in Dutch Birding magazine:
As Sparrow said, I've had this discussion before (though I can't say I'm any kind of expert about this, just v interested). I wasn't keen to go over it again so I'm very happy that RoyW has said pretty much what I would have said, but much more eloquently :) Also agree that the Dutch Birding paper is well worth a read for anyone interested, and has numerous photos of various pigmentation oddities.
Whatever it is, I would like to add that I think the pic is great well spotted Rhonddaborn, good capture.
Textbook definition of 'leucism' in scientific writing or 'dilution' by cage bird enthusiasts is "partial loss of pigment, affecting all the colours present and reducing them in intensity". In other words, not white but washed out. Again, according to textbooks, albinism affects all pigments present. Complete lack of pigment is controlled by one genetic set-up, and partial whiteness is controlled by another, related, genetic set-up. In both cases, all pigments are affected. As a further complication, lack of one or more forms of melanin is called schizochroism. Since this condition does not affect non-melanin pigments, it is obvious on species like robin and great spotted woodpecker, which have unaffected red pigment on them. Since blackbirds for instance do not have red - even hidden by melanins - it is difficult or impossible to assign a condition to a white blackbird. It could be schizochroic or it could be affected by the-genetic-condition-akin-to-'albinism'-that-affects-feathers-but-not-skin. However, this would definitely not be leucism, as we do not see the normal colours with reduced intensity.
I have located the term 'heterochroism', which is used to describe atypical pigmentation (especially where precise cause cannot be determined). While I personally am perfectly comfortable using the definitions of true albino and partial albino/bird with albinistic tendencies, and am not going to change my opinion in a hurry, can I propose that in the future birds with variable amount of white that do not have pink eyes are referred to as heterochroic, and only those that fit the above definition of leucistic are labelled as such. This can hopefully put an end to the repeated arguments on these forums, and can finally bring some clarity that can be acceptable to all when discussing plumage abnormalities.
Thanks everyone. i now have a bird that seems to be a ALBINISTIC or just a plain bog standarg LEUCINO  ..i am utterly confused,
Thats the last time im getting up at 4.30 of a morning to see a whitebird or white blackbird..
phew thanks all

Sibuya’s leucistic Cape buffalo

Posted: September 15, 2015
Leucism is a rare genetic mutation where two recessive genes produce a white phenotype or pale appearance.  Leucism/leucistik/leucistic  adalah mutasi genetik yang langka di mana dua gen resesif menghasilkan fenotipe putih atau penampilan pucat.

On the 17th of July a white buffalo calf was spotted in Sibuya’s Cape buffalo herd and since then she has become quiet the sensation! However, it was not clear if she was leucistic or albino.

Albinism: occurs when the body does not possess any pigmentation. It’s characterised by pink eyes.
Leucism: Is the result of an recessive allele that causes a reduction in pigmentation.  Leucism affects all types of pigmentations in the body.
Albinisme: terjadi ketika tubuh tidak memiliki pigmentasi apapun. Ini ditandai dengan mata merah muda.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik : Apakah hasil dari alel resesif yang menyebabkan penurunan pigmentasi. Leucism mempengaruhi semua jenis pigmentasi dalam tubuh.

The team at Sibuya has been lucky enough to see the calf frequently and have confirmed that she a leucistic animal and not an albino. True albinos have no pigment whatsoever and pink eyes which makes the sun a challenge for them. This little buffalo has a black nose and hooves with brown eyes.
Experts believe she’ll gradually become darker over the next couple of years but we’ll just have to wait and see! It’s certainly going to be an interesting journey that has everyone at Sibuya very excited.
Sibuya is a magnificent, malaria-free game reserve spanning the meandering Kariega River. With just 12 luxury tents in two camps, professional guides are able to offer personalised game drives, rewarding walks and exclusive boat trips. The ancient floodplains and pristine coastal forest host an abundance of birds and game (45 species including the “Big Five”). The splendor of the vistas, with the Indian Ocean as their backdrop, will leave you saying “Sibuya” – we will return.


Leucistic Owls

About Leucism

Leucism is a condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the eyes. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in multiple types of pigment, not just melanin.[1]
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi pada hewan menghasilkan putih, pucat, atau tambal sulam warna kulit, rambut, bulu, sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada mata. Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin. [1]

Leucistic Owls



Albinism is a genetic mutation that prevents the production of melanin (but not other pigments). Some colors come from pigments other than melanin, such as carotenoids. Albinism only applies to an absence of melanin; consequently, it is possible for a bird to be albinistic and still have color, although most consider true albinism to be an absence of all pigment.
Leucism is a genetic mutation that prevents melanin and other pigments from being deposited normally on feathers, resulting in pale or muted colors on the entire bird.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah mutasi genetik yang mencegah melanin dan pigmen lainnya disimpan biasanya pada bulu, sehingga warna pucat atau diredam pada seluruh burung.

Albinistic birds have pink eyes because without melanin in the body, the only color in the eyes comes from the blood vessels behind the eyes. It is possible for a bird to be completely white and still have melanin in the body, as when a white bird has dark eyes. In this case the bird would be considered leucistic because the mutation only applies to depositing melanin in the feathers, not the absence of melanin in the body. Dalam hal ini burung akan dianggap leucistic /leucism/leucistik karena mutasi hanya berlaku untuk melanin dalam bulu, tidak adanya melanin dalam tubuh.
A third type of mutation that results in pied birds--birds that have white patches--is called partial albinism by some and leucism by others. The white patches are caused by an absence of pigment in some feathers.
To further confuse things, occasionally a bird will lose feathers in a close call with a predator. When this happens the new feathers sometimes grow in white and then change back to the normal color at the next regular molt. This kind of white coloring looks like leucism but is not and most frequently happens in the tail, causing a bird that lost its tail feathers to a predator to have an all white tail.
White Bluebirds
Occasionally there are reports of abnormally colored bluebirds (or other species of birds) that are all or partially white. Scientific literature on the definitions of color abnormalities like leucism and various states of albinism is very confusing and inconsistent. Here's my stab at sorting it out (also see table of termsbelow.)
  • Albinism is a genetic (inherited) condition resulting in a complete lack of production of melanin pigmentation in the eyes, skin and feathers. Albinos are extremely uncommon.
  • Leucism is also a genetic mutation. Leucistic birds have dilute, paler/ whitish plumage overall. A faint pattern may be visible. Leucism is also uncommon, but is more common that albinism.
·         Leucism/leucistic/leucistik  juga mutasi genetik. burung Leucistic memiliki bulu bwerwarna  encer, pucat / keputihan secara keseluruhan. Pola samar dapat terlihat. Leucism juga jarang, tetapi lebih sering terjadi pada albinisme .
  • Some other color abnormalities may be due to disease, diet/malnutrition or injury, or other factors. for example:
    • Sometimes after an injury that damages feather follicles, the feathers that grow in may be white. When those feathers are replaced in the next regular molt, the new feathers may be a normal color.
    • Flamingos not provided with carotenoids in their diet turn white.
    • Feathers can become bleached in the sun.
    • Some birds develop stray white feathers as they age.
  • Other unusual pigmentation conditions that may appear in birds include abundism, erythrism, melanism, schizochroism, and xanthochroism. Seeglossary for details.
Some people use terms like partial/complete/true vs. incomplete or imperfect albinism and leucism. They also refer to pied or piebald and pattern mutation. As noted above, there is no clear agreement among authors on this subject. I'm using the three terms Albinism, Leucism and Pied/Piebald (see table below) for now, but I am NOT confident that my categorization is correct!


Morph: Leucistic Black Ratsnake
Eyes: Bluey Grey with a black pupil
Ventrals: Plain pearly white

History: Reports of two WC Leucistic Ratsnakes have been rumored, one from Maryland the other Ohio.
In the early to mid-1980's an unusually coloured male Black Ratsnake was found in the wild in North Baltimore Co. Maryland. It was deep grayish-brown dorsally, with dark red tones, the ventral scales were unmarked except for some reddish and gray suffusion posteriorly. The eyes had an unusual copper tint to the irises. This trait is apparently some form of hypomelanism,and is now generally referred to as the Rusty Black Ratsnake

This snake ended up in the collection of Larry Rouch, formerly of Stafford, VA.

Larry proved the Rusty trait to be codominant, evidenced by F1 offspring exhibiting the trait. The original Rusty was bred to a normal wild caught female. He further discovered that the Rusty trait was linked to leucism as well when he did a Rusty x Rusty breeding and produced leucistics in the clutch.
The first leucistics he had available for around $500-$750 a pair.

Appearance: Hatchlings are born pink, as they mature they turn white. It is not unusual for them to develop a few random coloured scales on the body. 

Snakes develop there colour whilst still in the egg approx two weeks before hatching. If you have ever had a hatchling leave it's egg prematurely you will of noticed that it looks very faded compared to a fully developed baby. This is due to the chromophores not having fully migrated from the neural crest to the skin. The neural crest is like a cell nursery and at various points in the embyo's development these cells leave the nursery (neural crest) in waves known as chromatoblasts. 
What the leucistic gene does is stop the chromatophores from developing or prevents the chromatoblasts from reaching the dermis (skin).
Leucistic snakes have no melanophores (dark pigment cells), no xanthophores (yellow pigment cells) and only very limited amounts of iridophores (reflective pigment cells) this is why their skin appears white. The eyes get there colour from cells that migrate from the neural tube and not the neural crest (where the body colour cells migrates from). It is because of this independent developmental origin that the eyes are typically unaffected by the genetic cause of Leucism. 
ular Leucistic/leucism/leucistik  tidak memiliki melanophores (sel pigmen gelap), tidak ada xanthophores (sel pigmen kuning) dan hanya jumlah yang sangat terbatas dari  iridophores (sel pigmen reflektif) ini mengapa kulit mereka tampak putih. Warna Mata  dari sel-sel yang bermigrasi dari tabung saraf dan tidak neural crest (di mana sel-sel warna tubuh bermigrasi dari). Hal ini karena asal perkembangan independen hingga  mata biasanya tidak terpengaruh oleh penyebab genetik leucism.

The terms leucistic and leucism are derived from medical terminology. The prefix leuc- is the Latin variant of leuk- from the Greek leukos meaning "white" 

Leucistic is pronounced loo-kiss-tic
Leucism is pronounced loo-kism

Some (if not all ?) Leucistic Black Ratsnakes are also carrying the Rusty gene, some breeders have reported that breeding Leucistic to Leucistic has resulted in some Rustys in the clutch and others have had Leucistics pop out of a clutch of Rusty x Rusty parents.
It has also been speculated that Leucism in Black Ratsnakes is the 'Super' of the Rusty as this is a Co-Dominate gene. The genetics of this cultivar are complicated it would seem and also not conclusive at this time.

Combinations: Albino Leucistic Black Ratsnake

Other Leucistic Ratsnakes: Leucistic Texas Ratsnake
Leucistic Reptiles
  • Medically defined this is a defect in the skin, not the pigment cells. Classical leucism is caused by a faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support pigment cells
  • Leucicism is a naturally occurring pigmentation morph. True leucisticanimals are completely white without any hint of patterning or pigmentation. They also have blue eyes, whereas Albino animals will have red eyes
  • White animals are still able to be produced by mixing several morphs that remove different color pigmentation. If you remove the yellow, red, and black, you will end up with the white appearance as well. Patternless morphs will improve the “white” appearance of the animal so you can get nearly as pure white as a true leucistic, but they will have black eyes
·         Secara medis didefinisikan ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak  pada sel-sel pigmen. leucism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen
·         • Leucicism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah pigmentasi morph alami. Leucistic animals benar-benar putih tanpa petunjuk dari pola atau pigmentasi. Mereka juga memiliki mata biru, sedangkan hewan Albino akan memiliki mata merah
·         • hewan Putih masih bisa diproduksi dengan mencampur beberapa morphs yang menghapus pigmentasi warna yang berbeda. Jika Anda menghapus kuning, merah, dan hitam, Anda akan berakhir dengan penampilan putih juga. morphs berpola akan meningkatkan  penampilan "putih"  hewan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan hampir putih bersih sebagai  benar benar leucistic , tetapi mereka akan memiliki mata hitam

Here is a link to a Veterinarian who specializes in Herpetology. HERE


What is a Leucistic reptile?

what does it mean? i saw a "Leucistic" bearded dragon for sale and it was white. am just wondering, does it mean white? will a Leucistic bearded dragon always be white? a bearded dragon baby for sale says its Leucistic but i dont want to buy one if its not the color i want.
Best Answer:  Leucicism is a naturally occuring pigmentation morph. True leucistic animals are completely white without any hint of patterning or pigmentation. They also have blue eyes. So it will always mean white with blue eyes. 
Leucicism/leucistic/leucistik  adalah pigmentasi morph yang terjadi secara alami. hewan leucistic benar-benar putih tanpa petunjuk dari pola atau pigmentasi. Mereka juga memiliki mata biru. Sehingga akan selalu berarti putih dengan mata biru.

In some species (especially lizards) true leucistic genes have not yet been discovered. White animals are still able to be produced by mixing several morphs that remove different color pigmentations. If you remove the yellow, red, and black, you will end up with the white appearance as well. Patternless morphs will improve the "white" appearance of the animal so you can get nearly as pure white as a true leucistic. 
Dalam beberapa spesies (terutama kadal) gen  yang benar benar leucistic/leucism/leucistik  belum ditemukan. hewan putih masih bisa diproduksi dengan mencampur beberapa morphs yang menghapus pigmentasi warna yang berbeda. Jika Anda menghapus kuning, merah, dan hitam, Anda akan berakhir dengan penampilan putih juga. morphs berpola akan meningkatkan  penampilan "putih"  hewan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan hampir putih bersih sebagai benar benar leucistic.

In bearded dragons the true leucicism has not yet been discovered (as far as I know). There are "white" bearded dragons that have been dubbed leucistic but these are not really true leucistic. You can tell by the lack of blue eyes. But although the "leucistic" animals sold are fake leucistics, they are still beautiful and white. The same is true for "leucistic" leopard geckos. 
Dalam bearded dragon  yang benar benar  leucicism/leucistic/leucistik   belum ditemukan (sejauh yang saya tahu). Ada bearded dragon  "putih"  yang telah dijuluki leucistic tetapi ini tidak benar benar  leucistic. Anda dapat tahu  oleh kurangnya mata biru. Tapi meskipun hewan  "leucistic"  yang dijual adalah leucistics palsu, mereka masih cantik dan putih. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk leopard gecko "leucistic".

True leucicism is much more common in snakes. Leucicism has been discovered in texas rat snakes and more recently in ball pythons as well as some other species. 
Yang benar Benar leucicism/leucistic/leucistik  jauh lebih umum di ular. Leucicism telah ditemukan di ular tikus texas dan di ball  serta beberapa spesies lainnya.

Always make sure you can get a picture of the baby you buy if it's a morph. You can never be sure exactly what a breeder calls a "leucistic" because often different lines have subtle differences. Ask for photos of the parents if possible.

You should always make sure you can get pictures

it's a genetic mutation that affects pigmentation... and yes, leucistics will always be white and true leucistics will always have blue eyes (as opposed to the red eyes of an albino)... they will also lack patterning except in some cases a few black spots will be present...

Leucism is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in all types of skin pigment, not just melanin. 
so lighter



Posted on January 29, 2016  xyzreptiles
The Blue Eyed Leucistic Ball Python is not only a crowd favorite but also our number one selling snake and when you consider all of the potential that one of these snakes holds it is easy to see why they are so much more than just a beautiful white snake. There are many different ways to make a white snake and in this article we are going to focus on the Latte, the White Diamond and the super Mojave. When combined with some of the other base ball python morphs these simple looking patternless and colorless snakes open up a whole new world of possibilities.

The Phantom ball python and its mysterious combos

As the first of the few single gene morphs to be bred into the BEL (Blue Eyed Lucy) complex, the Phantom Ball Python set of an avalanche of great looking combos. By itself, the Super Phantom is a mysterious and oddly colored purple and yellow ball python. When bred to a Mojave Ball Python you have the amazing looking Purple Passion combo which is a lighter version of the Super Phantom. Next you have the Leche Ball which is made by breeding a Mocha Ball to the Phantom and produces a much cleaner and brighter version of this complex. It is interesting to see the similarities and differences created when such closely related morphs are crossed.

The Mystic ball python also delivers great surprises

The Mystic Ball Python was the next player in the lineup to be combined into the BEL complex. There was no shortage of pleasant surprises as the Mojave combo AKA Mystic Potion was produced. The surprises kept coming as the Invisiball was made with a Russo het breeding and the Elixir with a Mocha breeding. On the surface these snakes seem to be different shades of the same overall look but that is the very heart of the matter because now you can control not only the color but the depth of the brightness and shading of the end result by switching different genes on and off. It is important to note that the Butter cross and the Lesser cross tend to produce solid white snakes and take away the mystical aspect of these breeding projects.

The Mojave ball python, Mocha & Russo fill out the BEL complex

Although the Mojave Ball Python is an important part of making Potions with Phantoms and Mystics, it too will make a very clean solid white snake when bred to a Mocha or Russo Ball Python. This seems a bit confusing as the very same snakes that bring out the yellow and purple colors in other combos will make the opposite of what you’re after so it is important to know the exact genetics of the animals you are getting so that you can come up with the crosses you’re after. At xyzReptiles we take great care to know the animals we are breeding and also the select group of breeders we purchase from to deliver the right genetics to our customers. We have also placed all of these animals related to the BEL complex in our category namedLeucistics & Combos to help get our customers to the correct animals needed for their projects.
