CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil
penelusuran.hasil result : LEUCISM , LEUCISTIC , LEUCISTIK , (part 2)
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil
result,search, result :
L,leucism,leucistic.leucistik,t-rec,tugumuda reptiles
community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella raisya
putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil penelusuran.hasil
result ,search, result :
Leucism,leucistic,leucistik.hewan leucistic,hewan
leucism,hewan leucistik,binatang leucistic,binatang leucism,binatang
leucistik,mamalia leucistic,mamalia leucism,mamalia leucistik,satwa
leucistic,satwa leucistik,satwa leucism,burung leucistic,burung leucism,burung
leucistik,reptil leucistic,reptil leucistik,reptil leucism,ular leucistic,ular
leucism,ular leucistik ,Herpetofauna, herpetology, biodiversity,keanekaragaman
reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe
ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradanam,semarang
berusaha merangkum segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan
leucistic,leucism,leucistik dari sumber
sumber yang ada di pencarian google search , semoga dapat membantu dan
Just trying to summarize everything connected with leucistic,leucism,leucistik from existing sources in the google search engine, may be helpful and useful
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Leucistic or leucism
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metode penelitian herpetofauna-1
metode penelitian herpetofauna-2
metode penelitian herpetofauna-3
metode penelitian herpetofauna-4
Leucism (/ˈljuːkɪzəm/;[1] or /ˈluːsɪzəm/[2][3]) is a
condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting in white, pale, or
patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or cuticle, but not the
eyes.[1] Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in
multiple types of pigment, not just melanin. Leucism;leucistic/leucistik
(/ ljuːkɪzəm /; [1] atau / luːsɪzəm /
[2] [3]) adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi
pada hewan yang menghasilkan warna putih, pucat, atau warna tambal sulam dari
kulit, rambut, bulu , sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada mata. [1] Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu
disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin.
Leucism (occasionally spelled leukism)
is a general term for the phenotype resulting from defects in pigment celldifferentiation and/or migration from
the neural crest to skin, hair, or feathers during development. This results in either the entire
surface (if all pigment cells fail to develop) or patches of body surface (if
only a subset are defective) having a lack of cells capable of making pigment. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik (kadang-kadang
dieja leukism) adalah istilah umum untuk fenotipe yang dihasilkan dari
kerusakan cell differentiation pigmen dan / atau migrasi dari puncak saraf pada
kulit, rambut, atau bulu selama pengembangan. Hal ini menyebabkan baik seluruh
permukaan (jika semua sel pigmen gagal berkembang ) atau patch dari permukaan
tubuh (jika hanya subset atau cacat) menyebabkan
sel kurang mampu membuat pigmen.
Since all pigment cell-types differentiate from the same multipotent precursor cell-type, leucism can cause
the reduction in all types of pigment. This is in contrast to albinism, for which leucism is often mistaken.
Albinism results in the reduction ofmelanin production only, though the melanocyte (or melanophore) is still present. Thus in species
that have other pigment cell-types, for example xanthophores, albinos are not entirely white, but
instead display a pale yellow colour. Karena semua pigmen jenis-sel membedakan dari
multipoten prekursor sel-jenis yang sama, leucism dapat menyebabkan pengurangan
semua jenis pigmen. Hal ini berbeda dengan albinisme, yang menyebabkan leucism/leucistic/leucistik sering dianggap keliru. Hasil albinisme dalam pengurangan melanin
produksi saja, meskipun melanosit (atau melanophore) masih ada. Jadi dalam
spesies yang memiliki pigmen sel-jenis lainnya, misalnya xanthophores, albino
tidak sepenuhnya putih, melainkan menampilkan warna kuning pucat.
More common than a complete absence of pigment cells is localized or
incomplete hypopigmentation, resulting in irregular patches of
white on an animal that otherwise has normal colouring and patterning. This
partial leucism is known as a "pied" or "piebald" effect; and the ratio of white
to normal-coloured skin can vary considerably not only between generations, but
between different offspring from the same parents, and even between members of
the same litter. This is notable in horses,cows, cats, dogs,
the urban crow[4] and the ball python[5] but is also found in many other
species. Lebih
umum dari sel pigmen tidak lengkap
terlokalisir atau hipopigmentasi tidak lengkap, sehingga patch teratur warna putih
pada hewan yang dinyatakan memiliki pewarnaan yang normal dan pola. leucism
parsial ini dikenal sebagai "pied" atau efek
"belang-belang"; dan rasio putih untuk kulit normal berwarna dapat
bervariasi tidak hanya antar generasi, tetapi antara keturunan yang berbeda
dari orang tua yang sama, dan bahkan antara anggota dari keturunan yang
sama. Hal ini penting pada kuda, sapi,
kucing, anjing, burung gagak urban[4] dan ball python [5] tetapi juga ditemukan
pada banyak spesies lainnya.
A further difference between albinism and leucism is in eye colour. Due to the lack of melanin production
in both the retinalpigmented epithelium (RPE) and iris, those affected by albinism typically have red eyes due
to the underlying blood vessels showing through. In contrast, most leucistic
animals have normally coloured eyes. This is because the melanocytes of the RPE
are not derived from the neural crest, instead an outpouching of the neural tube generates the optic cup which, in turn, forms the retina. As these cells are from an
independent developmental origin, they are typically unaffected by the genetic
cause of leucism.
Perbedaan lainnya antara albinisme dan leucism dalam warna mata. Karena kurangnya produksi melanin di kedua epitel retinalpigmented (RPE) dan iris, mereka yang terkena albinisme biasanya memiliki mata merah karena pembuluh darah yang mendasari nya . Sebaliknya, sebagian besar hewan leucistic biasanya berwarna mata seperti biasanya . Hal ini karena melanosit dari RPE tidak berasal dari neural crest, bukan sebuah outpouching dari tabung saraf yang menghasilkan cangkir optik yang, pada gilirannya, membentuk retina. Sepertinya sel-sel ini dari asal perkembangan independen, mereka biasanya tidak terpengaruh oleh penyebab genetik leucism/leucistic/leucistik.
Gen itu, ketika bermutasi, dapat menyebabkan leucism/leucistic/leucistik termasuk, c-kit, [6] MITF [7] dan EDNRB. [8]
In leucistic birds, affected plumage lacks melanin
pigment due to the cells responsible for melanin production being absent. This
results in a white feathers, unless the normal plumage colour also comprises
carotenoids (e.g. yellows), which remain unaffected by the condition. Although
leucism is inherited, the extent and positioning of the white colouration can
vary between adults and their young, and can also skip generations if leucistic
genes are recessive. Pada burung leucistic/lucistic/leucistik, bulu yang terkena
kekurangan pigmen melanin karena sel-sel yang bertanggung jawab untuk produksi melanin
absen/hilang . Hal ini menghasilkan bulu putih, kecuali warna bulu yang normal
juga terdiri karotenoid (mis kuning), yang tetap tidak terpengaruh oleh kondisi
tersebut. Meskipun leucism diwariskan, tingkat dan posisi dari warna putih
dapat bervariasi antara dewasa dan anak-anak mereka, dan juga dapat melewati generasi
jika gen leucistic adalah resesif.
is often mistaken for albinism, but they are two very different conditions. So
next time you see an animal you think is albino, look to see if it is only
mostly white and, importantly, take a look at the eyes. Leucisim/leucistic/leucistik sering keliru
untuk albinisme, tetapi mereka adalah dua kondisi yang sangat berbeda. Jadi
lain kali Anda melihat binatang Anda berpikir adalah albino, lihat apakah itu
hanya sebagian besar putih dan yang penting, lihatlah matanya.
Leucism, or leukism, is an abnormal plumage condition caused by a genetic mutation that prevents pigment, particularly melanin, from being properly deposited on a bird’s feathers. As a result, the birds do not have the normal, classic plumage colors listed in field guides, and instead the plumage have several color changes, including: Leucism/leucistic/leucistik, atau leukism, adalah kondisi bulu abnormal yang disebabkan oleh mutasi genetik yang mencegah pigmen, terutama melanin, dari biasanya diendapkan pada bulu burung. Akibatnya, burung tidak normal, warna bulu klasik yang tercantum dalam panduan lapangan, dan bukannya bulu yang memiliki beberapa perubahan warna, termasuk:
White patches where the bird should not have any
Paler overall plumage that looks faint, diluted or bleached
Overall white plumage with little or no color discernable
The degree of leucism, including the brightness of the white and the
extent of pigment loss, will vary depending on the bird’s genetic makeup. Birds
that show only white patches or sections of leucistic feathers – often in
symmetrical patterns – are often called pied or piebald birds, while birds with fully
white plumage are referred to as leucistic birds.
• Bercak putih di mana burung tidak senya harus memilikinya
• Paler bulu keseluruhan yang terlihat samar, diencerkan atau dikelantang
• Secara keseluruhan bulu putih dengan sedikit atau tanpa warna discernable
Tingkat leucism, termasuk kecerahan putih dan besarnya kehilangan pigmen, akan bervariasi tergantung pada genetik burung. Burung yang menunjukkan patch hanya putih atau bagian dari bulu leucistic - sering dalam pola simetris - sering disebut burung pied atau belang, sementara burung dengan bulu sepenuhnya putih disebut burung sebagai leucistic/leucism/leucistik.
How to Identify Leucistic
leucistic birds will show irregular plumage coloration, it is still possible to
identify the birds easily. Many birds with leucism still show a faint wash of
color in recognizable patterns on their feathers, even though the color may not
be as strong as would be typical. Of course, piebald leucistic birds still show
other colors and only have patches of white feathers, but their plumage can
easily be used for identification aside from those feathers.
Cara Mengidentifikasi Leucistic Birds
Sementara burung leucistic/leucistik/leucism akan menunjukkan warna bulu tidak teratur , masih mungkin untuk mengidentifikasi burung dengan mudah. Banyak burung dengan leucism masih menunjukkan sapuan samar warna dalam pola yang dikenali pada bulu mereka, meskipun warna mungkin tidak sekuat sebagai tipikal . Tentu saja, burung belang leucistic masih menunjukkan warna lain dan hanya memiliki patch dari bulu putih, tapi bulu mereka dapat dengan mudah digunakan untuk identifikasi
Leucism and Albinism in Birds
The ornithological literature is quite
confusing regarding definitions of leucism and various states of albinism.
Whereas recent ornithological texts define albinism (e.g., Welty and Baptista
1988, Gill 1990, Clark 2001), none refers specifically to leucism. Thomson
(1964) states that leucism “results from varying degrees of dilution of normal
Leucism dan Albinisme di Burung
Literatur ornitologi cukup membingungkan mengenai definisi leucism/leucistic/leucistik dan berbagai state dari albinisme. Sedangkan teks ornitologi baru-baru ini mendefinisikan albinisme (misalnya, Welty dan Baptista 1988, Gill 1990, Clark 2001), tidak mengacu khusus untuk leucism. Thomson (1964) menyatakan bahwa leucism "hasil dari berbagai tingkat pengenceran pigmentasi normal."
In a review of albinism in British
birds, Sage (1962) referred to leucistic individuals “in which the normal
pattern and colour of the plumage is discernable but very pale or washed out in
appearance” and (citing Hutt 1949) distinguished this dilution of all pigments
from albinism, which affects melanin but not necessarily the carotenoid
pigments. Lucas and Stettenheim (1972) point out that a genetically complete
albino could still have highly colored feathers if a pigment other than melanin
were present.
Dalam review albinisme pada burung Inggris, Sage (1962) sebutkan individu leucistic/leucism/leucistik "di mana pola normal dan warna bulu yang discernable tapi sangat pucat atau wash dalam penampilan" dan (mengutip Hutt 1949) dibedakan pengenceran semua pigmen dari albinisme, yang mempengaruhi melanin tetapi belum tentu pigmen karotenoid. Lucas dan Stettenheim (1972) menunjukkan bahwa genetik albino lengkap masih masih sangat berwarna pada bulu jika pigmen selain melanin juga hadir.
According to these authors, leucism is
caused not by a lack of pigment, but by a reduced deposition of pigment in the
feathers. Several of these references refer further to partial albinism as the
lack of melanin from part of the plumage, either symmetrically or
asymmetrically (Gross 1965, Lucas and Stettenheim 1972, Clark 2001).
Menurut para penulis ini, leucism/leucistic/leucistik tidak disebabkan oleh kurangnya pigmen, tetapi oleh deposisi berkurangnya pigmen di bulu. Beberapa referensi ini merujuk lebih lanjut untuk albinisme parsial sebagai kurangnya melanin dari bagian bulu, baik secara simetris atau asimetris (Gross 1965, Lucas dan Stettenheim 1972, Clark 2001).
Harrison (1963) made a different
distinction, stating that leucistic individuals have melanin in the body,
giving dark eyes and colored soft parts, but the melanin does not enter the
feather structure and the plumage is white, whereas albinistic individuals lack
melanin in the body as well as the plumage.
(1963) membuat perbedaan yang berbeda, yang menyatakan bahwa individu
leucistic/leucism/leucistik memiliki melanin dalam tubuh, memberikan mata gelap
dan berwarna di bagian lembut, tapi melanin tidak masuk struktur bulu dan bulu
berwarna putih, sedangkan individu albinistic kekurangan melanin dalam tubuh
serta bulu tersebut.
Other recent authors follow this
“all-or-none” definition of albinism and believe that a bird with any amount of
abnormal white in the plumage, but with dark eyes, would be leucistic (e.g.
Jehl 1985, Cooke and Buckley 1987, Lawrence 1989).
penulis lainnya mengikuti "semua-atau-tidak"dari definisi albinisme dan percaya bahwa burung dengan jumlah putih yang abnormal dalam bulu, tapi dengan mata gelap, akan leucistic/leucism/leucistik (misalnya Jehl 1985, Cooke dan Buckley tahun 1987, Lawrence 1989 ).
The different
types of albinism all have to do with the body’s inability to produce melanin,
leading to white, gray, or cream-colored hair and skin (but not necessarily red
eyes). Leucism occurs when color pigments are produced in a lower amount than
normal, and normal skin, fur, or feather patterns and textures remain. Berbagai jenis albinisme semua harus dilakukan
dengan ketidakmampuan tubuh untuk memproduksi melanin, menyebabkan rambut
putih, abu-abu, atau berwarna krim dan
kulit (tapi mata tidak selalu merah). Leucism/leucistic/leucistik terjadi ketika pigmen warna diproduksi dalam
jumlah yang lebih rendah dari normal, dan kulit, bulu, atau pola bulu normal
dan tekstur tetap.
happens when normally dark-pigmented areas develop as a sort of washed-out
grayish-yellow, and it’s supposedly named for an archduchess who refused to
remove her underwear for three years.
Isabellinism terjadi ketika daerah yang biasanya berpigmen gelap berkembang sebagai semacam wash-out kuning keabu-abuan
Isabellinism terjadi ketika daerah yang biasanya berpigmen gelap berkembang sebagai semacam wash-out kuning keabu-abuan
individuals produce melanin as normal, but the deposition of the pigments is
affected - so eye and bill/leg colours tends to be unaffected, but the colour
of feathers (or hair) can be. individu Leucistic/leucism/leucistik memproduksi melanin seperti biasa, tapi
pengendapan pigmen mempengaruhi - sehingga mata dan warna bill / kaki cenderung
tidak terpengaruh, tapi warna bulu (atau rambut) bisa.
Leucism is a rare genetic
mutation where two recessive genes produce a white phenotype or pale
appearance. Leucism/leucistik/leucistic adalah mutasi genetik yang langka di mana dua
gen resesif menghasilkan fenotipe putih atau penampilan pucat.
Albinism: occurs when the body does
not possess any pigmentation. It’s characterised by pink eyes.
Leucism: Is the result of an recessive
allele that causes a reduction in pigmentation. Leucism affects all types
of pigmentations in the body.
Albinisme: terjadi ketika tubuh tidak memiliki
pigmentasi apapun. Ini ditandai dengan mata merah muda.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik : Apakah hasil dari
alel resesif yang menyebabkan penurunan pigmentasi. Leucism mempengaruhi semua
jenis pigmentasi dalam tubuh.
Leucism is a
condition in which there is partial loss of pigmentation in an animal resulting
in white, pale, or patchy coloration of the skin, hair, feathers, scales or
cuticle, but not the eyes. Unlike albinism, it is caused by a reduction in
multiple types of pigment, not just melanin.[1]
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi pada hewan menghasilkan putih, pucat, atau tambal sulam warna kulit, rambut, bulu, sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada mata. Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin. [1]
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana ada hilangnya sebagian dari pigmentasi pada hewan menghasilkan putih, pucat, atau tambal sulam warna kulit, rambut, bulu, sisik atau kutikula, tetapi tidak pada mata. Tidak seperti albinisme, hal itu disebabkan oleh penurunan beberapa jenis pigmen, bukan hanya melanin. [1]
Leucistic Owls
Leucism is a genetic mutation that prevents melanin and
other pigments from being deposited normally on feathers, resulting in pale or
muted colors on the entire bird.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah mutasi genetik yang mencegah melanin dan pigmen lainnya disimpan biasanya pada bulu, sehingga warna pucat atau diredam pada seluruh burung.
In this case
the bird would be considered leucistic because the mutation only applies to
depositing melanin in the feathers, not the absence of melanin in the body. Dalam hal ini burung akan dianggap leucistic /leucism/leucistik
karena mutasi hanya berlaku untuk melanin dalam bulu, tidak adanya melanin
dalam tubuh.
- Leucism is also a genetic mutation.
Leucistic birds have dilute, paler/ whitish plumage overall. A faint
pattern may be visible. Leucism is also uncommon, but is more common that
· Leucism/leucistic/leucistik juga mutasi genetik. burung Leucistic memiliki bulu bwerwarna encer, pucat / keputihan secara keseluruhan. Pola samar dapat terlihat. Leucism juga jarang, tetapi lebih sering terjadi pada albinisme .
Leucistic snakes have no
melanophores (dark pigment cells), no xanthophores (yellow pigment cells) and
only very limited amounts of iridophores (reflective pigment cells) this is why
their skin appears white. The eyes get there colour from cells that migrate
from the neural tube and not the neural crest (where the body colour cells
migrates from). It is because of this independent developmental origin that the
eyes are typically unaffected by the genetic cause of Leucism.
ular Leucistic/leucism/leucistik tidak memiliki melanophores (sel pigmen gelap), tidak ada xanthophores (sel pigmen kuning) dan hanya jumlah yang sangat terbatas dari iridophores (sel pigmen reflektif) ini mengapa kulit mereka tampak putih. Warna Mata dari sel-sel yang bermigrasi dari tabung saraf dan tidak neural crest (di mana sel-sel warna tubuh bermigrasi dari). Hal ini karena asal perkembangan independen hingga mata biasanya tidak terpengaruh oleh penyebab genetik leucism.
- Medically defined this is a defect
in the skin, not the pigment cells. Classical leucism is caused by a
faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support
pigment cells
- Leucicism is a naturally occurring
pigmentation morph. True leucisticanimals are completely white without any
hint of patterning or pigmentation. They also have blue eyes,
whereas Albino animals will have red eyes
- White animals are still able to be
produced by mixing several morphs that remove different color
pigmentation. If you remove the yellow, red, and black, you will end up
with the white appearance as well. Patternless morphs will improve the
“white” appearance of the animal so you can get nearly as pure white as a
true leucistic, but they will have black eyes
· Secara medis didefinisikan ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak pada sel-sel pigmen. leucism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen
· • Leucicism/leucistic/leucistik adalah pigmentasi morph alami. Leucistic animals benar-benar putih tanpa petunjuk dari pola atau pigmentasi. Mereka juga memiliki mata biru, sedangkan hewan Albino akan memiliki mata merah
· • hewan Putih masih bisa diproduksi dengan mencampur beberapa morphs yang menghapus pigmentasi warna yang berbeda. Jika Anda menghapus kuning, merah, dan hitam, Anda akan berakhir dengan penampilan putih juga. morphs berpola akan meningkatkan penampilan "putih" hewan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan hampir putih bersih sebagai benar benar leucistic , tetapi mereka akan memiliki mata hitam
Leucicism is a naturally
occuring pigmentation morph. True leucistic animals are completely white
without any hint of patterning or pigmentation. They also have blue eyes. So it
will always mean white with blue eyes.
Leucicism/leucistic/leucistik adalah pigmentasi morph yang terjadi secara alami. hewan leucistic benar-benar putih tanpa petunjuk dari pola atau pigmentasi. Mereka juga memiliki mata biru. Sehingga akan selalu berarti putih dengan mata biru. In some species (especially lizards) true leucistic genes have not yet been discovered. White animals are still able to be produced by mixing several morphs that remove different color pigmentations. If you remove the yellow, red, and black, you will end up with the white appearance as well. Patternless morphs will improve the "white" appearance of the animal so you can get nearly as pure white as a true leucistic.
Dalam beberapa spesies (terutama kadal) gen yang benar benar leucistic/leucism/leucistik belum ditemukan. hewan putih masih bisa diproduksi dengan mencampur beberapa morphs yang menghapus pigmentasi warna yang berbeda. Jika Anda menghapus kuning, merah, dan hitam, Anda akan berakhir dengan penampilan putih juga. morphs berpola akan meningkatkan penampilan "putih" hewan sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan hampir putih bersih sebagai benar benar leucistic.
In bearded dragons the true leucicism has not yet been discovered (as far as I know). There are "white" bearded dragons that have been dubbed leucistic but these are not really true leucistic. You can tell by the lack of blue eyes. But although the "leucistic" animals sold are fake leucistics, they are still beautiful and white. The same is true for "leucistic" leopard geckos.
Dalam bearded dragon yang benar benar leucicism/leucistic/leucistik belum ditemukan (sejauh yang saya tahu). Ada bearded dragon "putih" yang telah dijuluki leucistic tetapi ini tidak benar benar leucistic. Anda dapat tahu oleh kurangnya mata biru. Tapi meskipun hewan "leucistic" yang dijual adalah leucistics palsu, mereka masih cantik dan putih. Hal yang sama berlaku untuk leopard gecko "leucistic".
True leucicism is much more common in snakes. Leucicism has been discovered in texas rat snakes and more recently in ball pythons as well as some other species.
Yang benar Benar leucicism/leucistic/leucistik jauh lebih umum di ular. Leucicism telah ditemukan di ular tikus texas dan di ball serta beberapa spesies lainnya.
Leucism is a condition in which pigmentation is reduced but not
entirely absent, as in albinism.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana pigmentasi berkurang tapi tidak sepenuhnya absen/hilang, seperti di albinisme
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana pigmentasi berkurang tapi tidak sepenuhnya absen/hilang, seperti di albinisme
(LEUCISM)- medically defined this is a defect in the skin, not the pigment
cells. There are other derangements of pigment that can cause a whitening
effect, but they are not classical leukism. Classical leukism is caused by a
faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support
pigment cells.
2) LEUKISM (leucism) /leocistic/leucistik – definisi medis ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak di sel-sel pigmen. Ada derangements lain dari pigmen yang dapat menyebabkan efek pemutihan, tetapi mereka tidak leukism klasik. leukism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen.
2) LEUKISM (leucism) /leocistic/leucistik – definisi medis ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak di sel-sel pigmen. Ada derangements lain dari pigmen yang dapat menyebabkan efek pemutihan, tetapi mereka tidak leukism klasik. leukism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen.
Berbeda dengan albino yang kekurangan pigmen melanin, leucistic adalah
kelainan pada pigmen yaitu kekurangan jumlah semua jenis pigmen sehingga
warnanya cenderung putih bukan kekuningan seperti albino.
Leucistic parsial- (Mosaic)
Ketika leucistic hanya terjadi pada beberapa bagian kulit (atau bulu)
saja, maka disebut sebagai pied, atau dalam dunia SG disebut juga sebagai
Memiliki bulu
berwarna putih yang solid tanpa garis di tubuh dan di telinganya. Leucitic
memiliki mata berwarna hitam. Sugar Glider jenis ini merupakan Sugar Glider
dengan gen resesif sehingga harus dipasangkan dengan Sugar Glider lain dengan
gen resesif yang sama agar dapat mereproduksi leucistic.
White (also called Leucistic)
Commonly known as leucistic, the phenotype is d/d, non-melanoid, non-albino and non-axanthic. Here's a picture of a large adult female. Notice the black eyes and small number of melanophores on the head and back which indicate that it is not an albino. White axolotls with black eyes are not albino. While d/d prevents the axolotl's pigment cells from migrating off the top of the animal, this does not necessarily mean that all leucistics will possess colour cells on the the head and back - look at the eyes to be certain. Putih (juga disebut Leucistic)
Umumnya dikenal sebagai leucistic/leucistik/leucism , fenotipe adalah d / d, non-melanoid, non-albino dan non-Axanthic. Berikut adalah gambar dari betina dewasa besar. Perhatikan mata hitam dan sejumlah kecil melanophores di kepala dan belakang yang menunjukkan bahwa itu bukan albino. axolotl putih dengan mata hitam tidak albino. Sementara d / d mencegah sel-sel pigmen axolotl ini dari migrasi dari atas binatang, ini tidak berarti bahwa semua leucistics akan memiliki sel-sel warna pada kepala dan punggung - melihat mata menjadi penemtu.
WHITE LION GENETICSWhite lions are not albino (unpigmented) but are leucistic - leucism describes an effect rather than a particular gene. They have pigmentation which is visible in the eyes, paw pads and lips. Their eyes are usually the normal hazel or golden colour although some have blue, blue-green or greyish-green eyes. At birth, the cubs are snowy white and may be described as resembling polar bear cubs. The birth colour gradually darkens to a pale cream colour known as blond (another name for white lions is blond lions). The mane and tail tuft remain a paler shade. singa putih tidak albino (tidak berpigmen) tetapi leucistic/leucistik - leucism menggambarkan efek daripada gen tertentu. Mereka memiliki pigmentasi yang terlihat di mata, bantalan kaki dan bibir. Mata mereka biasanya cokelat normal atau warna emas meskipun beberapa memiliki biru, mata biru-hijau atau hujau-keabu. Saat lahir, anaknya yang bersalju putih dan dapat digambarkan sebagai menyerupai anak beruang kutub. Warna lahir secara bertahap menggelap menjadi warna cream pucat dikenal sebagai pirang (nama lain untuk singa putih singa pirang). Surai dan ekor seberkas tetap berwarna pucat.
Leucism is a complete or partial lack of melanin in the feathers, but not necessarily the soft tissues. It is sometimes referred to as ‘partial albanism’ but if you’re familiar with the definition of albanism (which hopefully you are now!) you know the term ‘partial albinism’ is oxymoronic. Leusistic birds can have one or multiple white feathers, as is the case with my friend in Bellevue, or be completely white but with regularly colored eyes. Their feet and bills may or may not appear pink like that of an albino bird’s. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah kurangnya lengkap atau sebagian dari melanin dalam bulu, tetapi belum tentu di jaringan lunak. Hal ini kadang-kadang disebut sebagai 'albanism parsial' tetapi jika Anda terbiasa dengan definisi albanism , Anda tahu istilah 'albinisme parsial' adalah oxymoronic. burung Leusistic dapat memiliki satu atau beberapa bulu putih, seperti halnya dengan teman saya di Bellevue, atau benar-benar putih tapi dengan mata berwarna teratur. kaki dan bills mereka mungkin atau tidak mungkin muncul merah muda seperti pada burung albino ..
Leucism kerap
disalahpahami sebagai albinism. Contohnya, ada katak yang memiliki jenis pigmen
xanthophores (jenis pigmen selain melanin), maka warnanya tidak putih polos,
melainkan kuning pucat.
Last but not
least, hewan al;bino di muka bumi tergolong sangat langka. Sebuah studi di
universitas Wisconsin, memperkirakan mutasi albino muncul satu dalam setiap
42.500 kelahiran!
Leucism sering
keliru dengan albino, padahal keduanya adalah kondisi yang
berbeda. Kedua kondisi ini tidak dikategorikan "tidak normal"
karena perbedaan tersebut adalah bukti keragaman hayati. Tidak ada istilah
normal atau tidak, yang ada hanya keragaman hayati.
3. Leucism
Leucism adalah salah satu
peristiwa / kasus yang menyebabkan timbulnya warna pada Love Bird pied (
Blorok) . Leucism merupakan peristiwa rusak atau hilangnya melanoblast yang di
bentuk di Puncak syaraf sehingga berakibat melanosit hampir sepenuhnya tidak
ada pada bulu . Ketika melanosit absen di bagian bulu maka tidaklah mungkin
pigmen disetorkan di daerah tersebut. Jadi Leucism bukan di sebabkan oleh
kesalahan aktivitas pada enzim tyrosinase atau deposit eumelanin hitam.
Why is this humpback all white? Willow has a condition called leucism, which causes a reduction in all skin pigments. How is leucism different from albinism you may ask? Albinism only effects the production of melanin, while leucism prevents formation of all pigments. disebut leucism/leucistic/leucistik , yang menyebabkan pengurangan semua pigmen kulit. Bagaimana leucism berbeda dari albinisme Anda mungkin bertanya? Albinisme hanya efek produksi melanin, sementara leucism mencegah pembentukan semua pigmen.
What is Leucism?
It is similar and often confused with Albinism, but the difference between the two is that in Albinism there is a defect in the production and distribution of melanin (affects entire animal); while in Leucism there is only a reduction in skin, hair or feather pigment in the process of development (normally only affects patches of the animal).
One key difference is that when an animal is Albino it has red eyes, while with Leucism it doesn't
Apa leucism/leucistic/leucistik ? Hal ini mirip dan sering membingungkan dengan Albinisme, tetapi perbedaan antara keduanya adalah bahwa di Albinisme ada cacat dalam produksi dan distribusi melanin (mempengaruhi seluruh hewan); sementara di leucism hanya ada pengurangan di kulit, rambut atau pigmen bulu dalam proses pembangunan (biasanya hanya mempengaruhi patch dari hewan). Salah satu perbedaan utama adalah bahwa ketika hewan adalah albino akan memiliki mata merah, sementara dengan leucism itu tidak
It is similar and often confused with Albinism, but the difference between the two is that in Albinism there is a defect in the production and distribution of melanin (affects entire animal); while in Leucism there is only a reduction in skin, hair or feather pigment in the process of development (normally only affects patches of the animal).
One key difference is that when an animal is Albino it has red eyes, while with Leucism it doesn't
Apa leucism/leucistic/leucistik ? Hal ini mirip dan sering membingungkan dengan Albinisme, tetapi perbedaan antara keduanya adalah bahwa di Albinisme ada cacat dalam produksi dan distribusi melanin (mempengaruhi seluruh hewan); sementara di leucism hanya ada pengurangan di kulit, rambut atau pigmen bulu dalam proses pembangunan (biasanya hanya mempengaruhi patch dari hewan). Salah satu perbedaan utama adalah bahwa ketika hewan adalah albino akan memiliki mata merah, sementara dengan leucism itu tidak
What is the Endosymbiotic theory of an Leucistic Alliagtor? All of the Leucistic Alligator's cells have evolved from Prokaryotes (cells with no nucleus) to Eukaryotes (cells with nucleus') and then specifically from there to Aerobic Eukaryotes (ones that require oxygen). Apa teori endosimbiotik dari Leucistic Alliagtor?
Semua sel-sel Leucistic/leucistik/leucism
Alligator ini telah berevolusi dari
Prokariota (sel tanpa inti) ke Eukariota (sel dengan nukleus ') dan kemudian
secara khusus dari sana ke Aerobic Eukariota (yang membutuhkan oksigen).
Melanin is the main pigment found in mammals. It
is responsible for the color of hair and fur. There are different types of melanin (eumelanin and
pheomelanin), and they produce a huge color range, from black to sandy to red.
Melanin adalah pigmen utama yang ditemukan pada mamalia. Hal ini bertanggung jawab untuk warna rambut dan bulu. Ada berbagai jenis melanin (eumelanin dan pheomelanin), dan mereka memproduksi berbagai warna besar, dari hitam ke berpasir merah.
Melanin adalah pigmen utama yang ditemukan pada mamalia. Hal ini bertanggung jawab untuk warna rambut dan bulu. Ada berbagai jenis melanin (eumelanin dan pheomelanin), dan mereka memproduksi berbagai warna besar, dari hitam ke berpasir merah.
. Leucism is sometimes mistaken for albinism, but leucism is a condition characterized by reduced pigmentation in animals. It affects all pigments, not just melanin, and animals with leucism have normal eye color, while animals with albinism tend to have red eyes. Leucism/leucistic/leucistik kadang-kadang keliru untuk albinisme, tetapi leucism adalah suatu kondisi yang ditandai oleh berkurangnya pigmentasi pada hewan. Ini mempengaruhi semua pigmen, bukan hanya melanin, dan hewan dengan leucism memiliki warna mata normal, sedangkan hewan dengan albinisme cenderung memiliki mata merah.
Brazilian Investigators Cracking the Case of
Missing One-of-a-Kind Snake
Search continues for a rare boa constrictor stolen from
Brazil to breed for the reptile trade.
With its
abundant rare species and remote locales, Brazil has long been known as an
epicenter for wildlife
trafficking. But that's changing, thanks to a group of
dedicated investigators who are pursuing smugglers to the ends of their
jurisdiction and beyond.
In 2006
firefighters in the Niterói district of Rio de Janeiro stumbled across a boa
constrictor. But this was no ordinary boa. It was the
world's first known—and remains the only known—wild leucistic specimen of Boa constrictor constrictor, better known as the red-tailed
boa. The snake was just a few weeks old.
Leucism is a condition in which pigmentation
is reduced but not entirely absent, as in albinism.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana pigmentasi berkurang tapi tidak sepenuhnya absen/hilang, seperti di albinisme. The young boa appeared white, but it had dark eyes. Because the white color would attract predators, its chances of surviving in the wild were slim.
Leucism/leucistic/leucistik adalah suatu kondisi di mana pigmentasi berkurang tapi tidak sepenuhnya absen/hilang, seperti di albinisme. The young boa appeared white, but it had dark eyes. Because the white color would attract predators, its chances of surviving in the wild were slim.
brought the snake to the Niterói Zoo, a private foundation that rescued and
rehabilitated injured wild animals. Shortly afterward, a YouTube video
announced the find to the world.
when the trouble started.
"Boa Holy Grail"
As the
only one of its kind, the white boa was coveted in the reptile trade for its
ability to propagate uniquely colored descendants, or "morph" snakes.
Almost as
soon as the video was posted, collectors in online forums expressed their
desire for the snake's progeny, with specialists valuing the rare specimen at
$350,000 to $1 million.
American snake breeder, Jeremy Stone, was captivated and visited Brazil to see the "boa holy
He wanted
to buy the snake and take it back to the United States for breeding, but he
knew he'd never be able to do so—at least not legally. Brazilian law allows
exportation of a wild-caught snake only with a permit, and obtaining a permit
for this particular boa seemed to be a pipe dream.
got a Special Call from a friend," he later wrote on his website.
"This was the most amazing Boa Constrictor I have ever laid my eyes on,
and we quietly worked out negotiations to obtain the animal."
In 2009
Stone set out to breed a similar leucistic boa. He called it his Princess
Diamond project.
snakes to produce unusual color combinations is popular. "I'm trying to
find the rarer, the funner, the coolest looking," Stone said in an
Internet radio interview. "I want stuff that pops out. That's the stuff
that keeps me going."
When a
snake with a recessive gene, like leucism, is paired with a normal one, the
resulting offspring will be heterozygous (or het), meaning that it won't
exhibit the trait but will carry the gene for it. Over generations, if both
parents have the recessive trait and pass it on, that trait will appear in their
initial attempts were unsuccessful, but by 2010 he'd produced a handful of
babies. In 2011 he began offering Princess
Diamond snakes for sale. Prices ranged from $12,500
to $25,000—ten to a hundred times higher than for other boas—reflecting the
commercial value of snakes with the potential to have entirely white offspring.
Snake Missing
In 2011
Brazil's National Environment Agency (IBAMA) closed
the Niterói Zoo for mistreatment of animals. Their inspection also revealed
that three-quarters of the zoo's 635 animals had disappeared, among them the
white boa. IBAMA agents questioned the zoo's administrator, Giselda Candiotto,
who said she'd taken the boa home and that it had died.
agents doubted her claims. They wondered why the carcass of such a rare animal
would be trashed rather than sent to a research facility.
Zoo's veterinarian confirmed that he'd cared for the snake for a year at
Candiotto's house but that one day she said not to come because it had died. He
said he should have done a necropsy, but he never saw the dead snake's body.
officers notified the Brazilian federal police (BFP) about the possibility of
smuggling and provided a comprehensive report detailing the snake's
disappearance and where it might have gone.
Operation Lucy
The BFP's
environmental crimes division launched an investigation into the snake's
disappearance. They called it Operation Lucy. Key support came from the
division's offices in Rio de Janeiro and Boa Vista, in Roraima state; its
central authority for international legal compliance; the INTERPOL authority in
Brazil; the Superintendency in Manaus, in Amazonas state; and IBAMA.
found photos and videos of what seemed to be an identical snake on several
Internet venues—YouTube, online forums, Facebook—all connected to American
snake breeder Jeremy Stone.
The first
step was to confirm that Stone's white boa, Princess Diamond, was the one from
Stone claimed his snake was a different subspecies (Boa
constrictor imperator rather than Boa
constrictor constrictor), the sleuths believed that
because those two types of boas are essentially identical, this was a ruse by
Stone to throw them off the track.
forensic scientists used zoometrics—body marks and measurements—to compare
videos and photographs of the Brazilian snake and Stone's. The similarities
were remarkable. Both had the rare leucism gene. Their scales were white, but
the irises of their eyes had dark pigmentation. Both had black spots at
identical locations on their backs, left sides, and right cheeks. And both had
identical yellowish stains on their nose and face.
Suspicions Confirmed
strong suspicions that Stone's snake was the Brazilian original, investigators
next had to prove that it had been smuggled out of the country.
immigration databases, they found that Stone had traveled to Rio de Janeiro in
2006, probably to visit the Niterói Zoo, and again in January 2009.
latter trip raised red flags. Entry records showed that Stone and his sister,
Keri Ann Stone, had entered and exited Brazil on foot on the same day (January
22) at a little village (Bonfim) in the extreme north of the country, on the
border with Guyana.
did not make sense for me," said Franco Perazzoni, a special agent with
the BFP. "Why would this guy come to Brazil and spend just a day in a
little village in the middle of the Amazon?"
addition, four days earlier authorities had questioned Stone and his sister at
the Manaus airport. Officials had suspected the two of drug trafficking because
the sister was wearing a fake pregnancy belly (it had a hollow compartment),
which neither she nor her brother could adequately explain. Also, they both had
multiple tickets out of Brazil by various modes of transportation, a ploy
smugglers often use to avoid surveillance.
records of zoo administrator Candiotto proved she was in Manaus at the same
time as Stone, and that her husband, José Carlos Schirmer, who also worked at
the zoo, traveled with Stone that same day.
of their banking records showed a deposit at that time of 500,000 reais (about
fact is," Perazzoni said, "that Stone came to Brazil in 2009, the
same year the Brazilian leucistic boa constrictor disappeared from the Niterói
Zoo and the same year that he started his Princess Diamond project in the
United States."
Searches and Arrests
September 5, 2013, Brazilian authorities searched the homes of Candiotto and
her husband in Niterói and Ipanema. That same day, U.S. federal authorities
scoured Stone's premises in Utah and seized eight of the white boa's babies.
The boa itself was nowhere to be seen. Stone claimed it had died in January
2013 and was buried in the backyard.
A short
time later, on September 24, the BFP arrested Candiotto and her husband on
charges of international wildlife trafficking and smuggling. They also issued
an arrest warrant for Stone on the same charges, which was disseminated via an INTERPOL
red notice.
January 8, 2014, Stone
and his sister were indicted in the United States District Court in Utah for
unlawfully importing the white boa constrictor. The indictment says Stone
brought the snake from Brazil into Guyana, where a veterinarian provided a
false certificate of origin saying it had been caught in Guyana and that Stone
then used this false information to import the boa (along with others) into the
U.S. It further notes that Stone bred the white boa and sold its offspring to
buyers in the U.S., Canada, and Europe.
Where's Princess Diamond Now?
One of
the stolen boa's young was sold to Italian snake breeder Attilio-Franco
Gariboldi, who by June 2013 had succeeded in producing a white leucistic boa
just like Princess Diamond.
Over time
other breeders, too, could produce their own leucistic boas from Princess
Diamond's offspring, which they, like Gariboldi, presumably had purchased in
good faith.
authorities have two theories about the disappearance of the boa. One is that
the animal is alive and was sent somewhere out of reach of law enforcement,
perhaps to a colleague of Stone's in Canada or Europe. The Brazilians note that
Stone posted many videos of Princess Diamond during 2013 and provided no notice
of its death. Or, and this seems more likely, given how difficult it is to keep
these snakes healthy in a confined space, the boa is already dead.
"My main concern now is to find Princess Diamond and get it and its
offspring back to Brazil," said BFP special agent Perazzoni. "Boa
breeders worldwide must be alerted that smuggling Brazil's patrimony is wrong.
We will not tolerate things like that."
Veterinary Herpetologist
Leukism (Leucism)
Pronunciation Problems to Ponder
Many questions have been asked of me as a herpetologist and veterinarian. One of these is the nature of leucism. First of all, it is NOT pronounced "loo-si-zm" saying that immediately identifies a person as poorly educated in scientific and medical terminology. In Classical Latin the C is always pronounced like K - the so called hard C sound. You do not call a neoplasm of blood cells "loo-see-mee-ah" it is pronounced "loo-kee-mee-ah." The rule is the same for the prefix leuc- or leuk- across the board. White blood cells are pronounced "loo- ko- site" not "loose- o- site" (which incidentally, is spelled leukocyte or leucocyte with the k form being more common, but both correct). It is "loo- ko-" in the words leucoencephalomalacia and all other words with the prefix. Arrogant as it sounds, in many medical circles the mispronunciation of basic words like that makes people think of you as poorly educated and without a firm grasp of scientific or medical language. In fact, one colleague of mine once heard another doctor say "loo-sis-tic" and said "did you hear that? Where did he get his doctorate? From an online college staffed by trailer trash?" Ok, I agree that is harsh, but similar (though more tactfully expressed sentiments ) are frequently found in the halls of academia. So mispronouncing words can make people dismiss you as a rube, so make an effort not to do it.
Where does this come from? Leuc- is the Latin form of the Greek Leukos. Thus, technically any work that is spelled with the leuc- prefix can be spelled with the Greek prefix instead and spelled leuk-. An example is the word leukocyte. The Greek is used, but it is acceptable (though more rare) to spell it with the Latin to form leucocyte. In the case of leucism the opposite has become true. The Latin form has become more widespread, but the Greek is equally valid. Thus, leukism is correct. In fact, I have increasingly begun to spell it with the Greek spelling because of the pronunciation issue.
Unfortunately, most people that pronounce it "loo-si-zm" are hobbyists that are poorly trained in medical terminology, if they are trained at all. Most know nothing about science beyond their high school biology and chemistry classes. It is very difficult to correct people that have formed an entire community which is equally badly educated. You fall into a form of peer pressure to be wrong. If you pronounce a word correctly when everybody else is pronouncing it wrong you are looked at as a jerk or a wierdo. Veterinarians and some herpetologists then adopt the incorrect pronunciation so they will not offend their clients. This is what scientists and medical professionals have to combat. Peer ignorance pressure is difficult to overcome. I can remember speaking to a group of hobbyists not long ago and someone asked me a question about leukism. I corrected their pronounciation very politely, but you should have seen the looks from the whole room. I said, "I'm sorry, do you mean leukism?" The person looked a little puzzled. I continued by saying "the condition is called leukism, it comes from the Greek leukos meaning white." The whole room smiled and looked rather odd. I asked several people afterward why they looked odd. They laughed and said "everybody says 'leusism'." When I pointed out that was not correct, they replied "maybe, but if you say it like you say it, people will think you are wierd."
For that reason (as I mentioned before) I still tend to write using the more common spelling with a C, but I have increasingly begun to spell it with a k when dealing with hobbyists.
Concepts to Consider
There is a great deal of bad information out there (hence the new term "wikipedian information"). If you have not run across that term, you will eventually. One of the greatest sources of misinformation is wikipedia. I have read the article on leucism there and there is a great deal of misunderstanding. One of the things that is not understood is the fact that the words leucism (or leukism) and albinism are essentially the same in their roots. They both mean white. The medical field is what delineated a difference between them. Those not in the medical field rarely use the distinction correctly. Just because something looks white does not mean it is either leukistic or albino. There are other genetic mutations out there that cause feathers or hair to be white which have to do with deposition of melanin or other pigments (carotenoids in many avian species for example) that have nothing to do with leukism or albinism. Many PhD's (and I am one as well as a DVM) have a very poor concept of what constitutes these conditions. So I will break them down in the most basic forms.
The first thing we must remember is the definitions are artificial. The term albino and leucistic actually literally mean the same thing - white. The artificial division between them began in the veterinary and herpetological communities, and rather recently too. In fact the word leucism has not made it (as of this writing) into most dictionaries. Among those that study chromatophore biology and pigment mutations there are a set of definitions for these words that are accepted as the standard.
1) ALBINISM- genetic mutations that alter the pigment cells of the skin and other tissues in such a way that the pigments themselves are not formed in their final, normal biological form. NOTE I said skin and other tissues. If the skin and rest of the body is not devoid of pigment, but the hair or feathers are white, that does not equate to albino. Also albinism is a derangement of pigment formation, not deposition. There are numerous forms of albinism. In humans, there are two pigments. Eumelanin is brown to black and pheomelanin is rusty or even orange or red. They travel along a similar cascade when being formed but differ in the amount of sulfur in the final melanin compound. Any disruption along the cascade can cause a form of albinism. Some albinos have red hair because they have a gene that is faulty for the formation of eumelanin, so they are really only eumelanistic albinos. Other pigments found in reptiles can also have faulty genes. The pteridines and drosopterins in the other cells (xanthophors and a subset of xanthophores called erythrophores) can cause other forms of albinism. Currently the iridophores (which use crystals and refraction to cause color instead of pigment) are not really known to be faulty in the same way since there are not pigments, so iridophoric albinism is something that simply does not occur.
2)LEUKISM (LEUCISM)- medically defined this is a defect in the skin, not the pigment cells. There are other derangements of pigment that can cause a whitening effect, but they are not classical leukism. Classical leukism is caused by a faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support pigment cells.
2) LEUKISM (leucism) /leocistic/leucistik – definisi medis ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak di sel-sel pigmen. Ada derangements lain dari pigmen yang dapat menyebabkan efek pemutihan, tetapi mereka tidak leukism klasik. leukism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen. Experiments have been done that illustrate this. In one set of experiments normal pigment cells from a normal animal were placed in albino skin and the cells were normal and produced pigment. This demonstrated that the albino defect was in the pigment cells of the albino but not in the skin itself. The same experiment done in leukistic skin caused the normal pigment cells to die. Some have claimed that the reason eyes are pigmented in leukistic animals is because the pigment in the eye comes from another origin (the non-neural crest theory). This is really not the case. In fact some (unfortunately as yet unpublished research that really needs to get published) experiments were done transplanting RPE eye pigment cells into the skin and they died. Conclusion? Well nothing. The eye pigment cells can't survive out of the eye is all that proved. So melanophores from the iris were transplanted and they died in leukistic skin but survived in albino skin. Conclusion? The defect has to do with the skin, not the origin of the pigment cells. Further evidence of this can be found in numerous species that have melanin or other pigments present in other tissues such as the peritoneum but are typical of leukistic animals on the outside when alive.
However, some leukistic animals are also leukistic internally. What does this mean? At present it is unknown. It might reflect a subtype of leukism where there is agenesis, dysgenesis or complete necrosis embryologically of the chromatophores. This could represent another branch on the leukism scheme and might indicate a disorder we might call Complete Leukism. Where forms just limited to the skin might be termed Cutaneous Leukism. One thing is clear, the definition of leukism is only semi set. There is room for other forms, but it should be understood that there must be a standard definition defined in pathological terms.
So are there other forms of leukism? Possibly, but one must not confuse leukism with dysregulation of dysfunction of chromatophores. For example, if the chormatophore cannot produce pigments, but is otherwise functional, that is albinism. However, what about a mutation in a receptor that causes the pigment cell to be unable to receive signals (a MSH receptor for example) to produce pigment? That situation is more closely related to albinism since the pigment cells are present but not functioning, though they are dysfunctional from a different cause. Thus it is probably better call the condition something else in order to eliminate confusion. I personally refer to these potential disorders as receptor mediated chromatophoropathies (or chromatopathy) or RMC's. I first coined that term back in 2003, but have had no real case where this could be proven. Since many of the immunohistochemical markers for mammal receptors do not work in reptiles and leucistic or RMC mammals are much harder to come by, I have not been able to publish the term in the mainstream literature. But published or not, it is useful for this discussion. We can separate some of the confusion like this:
Many questions have been asked of me as a herpetologist and veterinarian. One of these is the nature of leucism. First of all, it is NOT pronounced "loo-si-zm" saying that immediately identifies a person as poorly educated in scientific and medical terminology. In Classical Latin the C is always pronounced like K - the so called hard C sound. You do not call a neoplasm of blood cells "loo-see-mee-ah" it is pronounced "loo-kee-mee-ah." The rule is the same for the prefix leuc- or leuk- across the board. White blood cells are pronounced "loo- ko- site" not "loose- o- site" (which incidentally, is spelled leukocyte or leucocyte with the k form being more common, but both correct). It is "loo- ko-" in the words leucoencephalomalacia and all other words with the prefix. Arrogant as it sounds, in many medical circles the mispronunciation of basic words like that makes people think of you as poorly educated and without a firm grasp of scientific or medical language. In fact, one colleague of mine once heard another doctor say "loo-sis-tic" and said "did you hear that? Where did he get his doctorate? From an online college staffed by trailer trash?" Ok, I agree that is harsh, but similar (though more tactfully expressed sentiments ) are frequently found in the halls of academia. So mispronouncing words can make people dismiss you as a rube, so make an effort not to do it.
Where does this come from? Leuc- is the Latin form of the Greek Leukos. Thus, technically any work that is spelled with the leuc- prefix can be spelled with the Greek prefix instead and spelled leuk-. An example is the word leukocyte. The Greek is used, but it is acceptable (though more rare) to spell it with the Latin to form leucocyte. In the case of leucism the opposite has become true. The Latin form has become more widespread, but the Greek is equally valid. Thus, leukism is correct. In fact, I have increasingly begun to spell it with the Greek spelling because of the pronunciation issue.
Unfortunately, most people that pronounce it "loo-si-zm" are hobbyists that are poorly trained in medical terminology, if they are trained at all. Most know nothing about science beyond their high school biology and chemistry classes. It is very difficult to correct people that have formed an entire community which is equally badly educated. You fall into a form of peer pressure to be wrong. If you pronounce a word correctly when everybody else is pronouncing it wrong you are looked at as a jerk or a wierdo. Veterinarians and some herpetologists then adopt the incorrect pronunciation so they will not offend their clients. This is what scientists and medical professionals have to combat. Peer ignorance pressure is difficult to overcome. I can remember speaking to a group of hobbyists not long ago and someone asked me a question about leukism. I corrected their pronounciation very politely, but you should have seen the looks from the whole room. I said, "I'm sorry, do you mean leukism?" The person looked a little puzzled. I continued by saying "the condition is called leukism, it comes from the Greek leukos meaning white." The whole room smiled and looked rather odd. I asked several people afterward why they looked odd. They laughed and said "everybody says 'leusism'." When I pointed out that was not correct, they replied "maybe, but if you say it like you say it, people will think you are wierd."
For that reason (as I mentioned before) I still tend to write using the more common spelling with a C, but I have increasingly begun to spell it with a k when dealing with hobbyists.
Concepts to Consider
There is a great deal of bad information out there (hence the new term "wikipedian information"). If you have not run across that term, you will eventually. One of the greatest sources of misinformation is wikipedia. I have read the article on leucism there and there is a great deal of misunderstanding. One of the things that is not understood is the fact that the words leucism (or leukism) and albinism are essentially the same in their roots. They both mean white. The medical field is what delineated a difference between them. Those not in the medical field rarely use the distinction correctly. Just because something looks white does not mean it is either leukistic or albino. There are other genetic mutations out there that cause feathers or hair to be white which have to do with deposition of melanin or other pigments (carotenoids in many avian species for example) that have nothing to do with leukism or albinism. Many PhD's (and I am one as well as a DVM) have a very poor concept of what constitutes these conditions. So I will break them down in the most basic forms.
The first thing we must remember is the definitions are artificial. The term albino and leucistic actually literally mean the same thing - white. The artificial division between them began in the veterinary and herpetological communities, and rather recently too. In fact the word leucism has not made it (as of this writing) into most dictionaries. Among those that study chromatophore biology and pigment mutations there are a set of definitions for these words that are accepted as the standard.
1) ALBINISM- genetic mutations that alter the pigment cells of the skin and other tissues in such a way that the pigments themselves are not formed in their final, normal biological form. NOTE I said skin and other tissues. If the skin and rest of the body is not devoid of pigment, but the hair or feathers are white, that does not equate to albino. Also albinism is a derangement of pigment formation, not deposition. There are numerous forms of albinism. In humans, there are two pigments. Eumelanin is brown to black and pheomelanin is rusty or even orange or red. They travel along a similar cascade when being formed but differ in the amount of sulfur in the final melanin compound. Any disruption along the cascade can cause a form of albinism. Some albinos have red hair because they have a gene that is faulty for the formation of eumelanin, so they are really only eumelanistic albinos. Other pigments found in reptiles can also have faulty genes. The pteridines and drosopterins in the other cells (xanthophors and a subset of xanthophores called erythrophores) can cause other forms of albinism. Currently the iridophores (which use crystals and refraction to cause color instead of pigment) are not really known to be faulty in the same way since there are not pigments, so iridophoric albinism is something that simply does not occur.
2)LEUKISM (LEUCISM)- medically defined this is a defect in the skin, not the pigment cells. There are other derangements of pigment that can cause a whitening effect, but they are not classical leukism. Classical leukism is caused by a faulty gene, or set of genes, that causes the skin to be unable to support pigment cells.
2) LEUKISM (leucism) /leocistic/leucistik – definisi medis ini adalah cacat pada kulit, tidak di sel-sel pigmen. Ada derangements lain dari pigmen yang dapat menyebabkan efek pemutihan, tetapi mereka tidak leukism klasik. leukism klasik disebabkan oleh gen yang rusak, atau set gen, yang menyebabkan kulit menjadi tidak dapat mendukung sel pigmen. Experiments have been done that illustrate this. In one set of experiments normal pigment cells from a normal animal were placed in albino skin and the cells were normal and produced pigment. This demonstrated that the albino defect was in the pigment cells of the albino but not in the skin itself. The same experiment done in leukistic skin caused the normal pigment cells to die. Some have claimed that the reason eyes are pigmented in leukistic animals is because the pigment in the eye comes from another origin (the non-neural crest theory). This is really not the case. In fact some (unfortunately as yet unpublished research that really needs to get published) experiments were done transplanting RPE eye pigment cells into the skin and they died. Conclusion? Well nothing. The eye pigment cells can't survive out of the eye is all that proved. So melanophores from the iris were transplanted and they died in leukistic skin but survived in albino skin. Conclusion? The defect has to do with the skin, not the origin of the pigment cells. Further evidence of this can be found in numerous species that have melanin or other pigments present in other tissues such as the peritoneum but are typical of leukistic animals on the outside when alive.
However, some leukistic animals are also leukistic internally. What does this mean? At present it is unknown. It might reflect a subtype of leukism where there is agenesis, dysgenesis or complete necrosis embryologically of the chromatophores. This could represent another branch on the leukism scheme and might indicate a disorder we might call Complete Leukism. Where forms just limited to the skin might be termed Cutaneous Leukism. One thing is clear, the definition of leukism is only semi set. There is room for other forms, but it should be understood that there must be a standard definition defined in pathological terms.
So are there other forms of leukism? Possibly, but one must not confuse leukism with dysregulation of dysfunction of chromatophores. For example, if the chormatophore cannot produce pigments, but is otherwise functional, that is albinism. However, what about a mutation in a receptor that causes the pigment cell to be unable to receive signals (a MSH receptor for example) to produce pigment? That situation is more closely related to albinism since the pigment cells are present but not functioning, though they are dysfunctional from a different cause. Thus it is probably better call the condition something else in order to eliminate confusion. I personally refer to these potential disorders as receptor mediated chromatophoropathies (or chromatopathy) or RMC's. I first coined that term back in 2003, but have had no real case where this could be proven. Since many of the immunohistochemical markers for mammal receptors do not work in reptiles and leucistic or RMC mammals are much harder to come by, I have not been able to publish the term in the mainstream literature. But published or not, it is useful for this discussion. We can separate some of the confusion like this:
- Classic leukism is due
to chromatophore necrosis, apoptosis, dysgenesis
or agenesis - and is the
the absence of recognizable chromatophore cells on histopathology.
- Receptor Mediated Chromatophoropathy (RMC) is a white state due to chromatophores not receiving signals or are receiving only low
level signals to produce pigment due
to a mutation in some receptor, signaling pathway or a defect in the
production of melanophore stimulating hormone (MSH), but chromatophores
are present in the skin on histopathology.
- Albinism is a defect
of pigment production within the chromatophores without loss of chromatophores.
Chromatophores are present in the skin, but are not able to produce
pigment or fully formed pigment.
3)Any white animals with pigmented eyes are leukistic? NO. Particularly in those animals where their color or percieved color comes from keratin structures like hair or feathers. There are other mutations out there where the pigment cells are working but the (in the case of mammals for example) melanocytes are prevented from injecting their melanosomes into hair shafts. This causes white coats, but pigmented skin. Some white haired horses are an example of this. They may have black skin, but white hair. They are not leukistic. Other animals have this kind of situation too and it can arise as a mutation in a population. Birds may also have a condition like this where they are really normal as far a pigment production, but not in terms of deposition in the feathers.
4)Animals with patterns are leukistic, right? NO. Leukistic animals should be all white. There was a picture of a giraffe circulating about the internet a few years ago that was black and white. No brown. People started calling it leukistic. NO. It had black, so it was not leucistic. It may have had a pheomelanin defect or other mutation, but it was definitely not leukistic. On the wikipedia website under leucism there is (as of this writing) even a picture of several avians with black feathers but white feathers also. That is NOT leukism. Pattern mutations are something separate as is piebaldism. Piebaldism was believed to be a related condition to leukism, but it is often a progressive condition over time in animals, though may be static. Animals that are born with a pattern that is maintained over the course of their life may not be piebald, that is often something else, like mosaicism or a pattern mutation it depends on the nature of the color pattern. Too often I have had someone show me an animal with a clear case of pattern mutation where the normally white bands (kingsnakes are a good example) are wider than usual and less neat, and they call it piebald. It is not so.
Typical progressive piebald animals start out normal then loose patches of pigment over time until they reach or get near maturity when it often stops progressing, though some can progress to complete loss of pigment. However, some species have static piebaldism too, but whatever the type, piebaldism is random, not patterned. Thus animals with white patches that form a symmetrical pattern are not piebald, but are suffering from a pattern mutation. One must also be careful not to throw the word around carelessly. A spotted horse is not piebald just because it is spotted. Horses are not piebald just because they have white. If the skin under the white spots is also devoid of pigment, then that may be considered piebald. But caution must be used with piebald too.
What exactly consititues a piebald? Piebald is where normal pigmented skin and structures (hair, feathers) are randomly distributed around the body with non-pigmented skin and structures. If the skin under the coat is normal, it is not piebald. Some argue that there is also another condition to piebald and that it must be anabnormal condition.
Under this definition of abnormal, paint horses are not piebald since their color is normal for the breed. Calico cats are not piebald, though they have a random arrangement of color. I personally do not accept this definition. I do, however, accept the prerequisite that thedistribution of piebaldness is random.
A bi-colored crow or grackle that is symmetrical and has a distinct pattern is not piebald or leukistic, but has a pattern mutation. White pigeons with black speckles are not piebald or leukistic, they have a speckled pattern mutation. The list goes on. If you want to see misidentified pictures just look at any number of websites - they will often have a spotted pigeon and call it leukistic or piebald.
I must also bring a point of standardization here. A sparrow with a white patch around its head is more in keeping with piebaldness than leukism. Leukism is complete lack of pigment over the body. Not patches. Not blotches. Not stripes. Random patches of depigmentation are due to a pathologic disease resulting in depigmentation or due to something like piebaldism. The purity of the term leukism must be preserved for the sake of standardization. The way the current use is (especially in birding circles) if you say something is leukistic, you do not know if it is piebald, hypomelanistic, has autoimmune depigmentation, been burnt and has a depigmented white area, has a birth mark causing the hair or feathers to be white, or is completely white with pigmented eyes. UNACCEPTABLE, ASININE AND INTOLERABLE. Especially the scientific community should know better that allow this kind of confusion.
5) For lack of a better term... PSEUDOLEUKISM - I choose to coin the term pseudoleukism to identify the condition of false leukism seen in those animals (birds particularly) where pigment is dietary. Picture a flamingo which is stark white and has pigmented eyes. It is leukistic! Wrong! In point of fact this condition is common in avians. Many avian species do not deposit the classical pigments in their feathers. Many dispose of excess pigment from their diet by excreting it into the feathers as they are forming. Carotenoids are a common one. You would be surprised how many people have told me they have seen leukistic flamingos at the zoo. If flamingos, cocks of the rock or other species are not provided carotenoids in their diet, they go white. They are not leukistic or albino.
I added the following because of some questions generated by some of you. You e-mailed me some places to visit that were birding sites where they claim that washed out birds with low levels of pigment are leukistic. I hope this explanation helps.
6)HYPOMELANISM - another source of confusion out there is the really bad tendency of the literature particularly the non-peer reviewed literature of mammal and bird color morphs to call those with lower than normal levels of pigment (not absence) leukistic. The problem with that is that there is a wholly different pathogenesis going on there. I have had the opportunity to examine some of these birds at necropsy and I examined their skin and feathers. The ones I have examined were very similar to hypomelanistic reptiles. The melanophores are present but have a reduced level of melanin production. The exact pathogenesis of hypomelanism is not worked out but it is known that in some species it is a Mendelian recessive gene. It is not classical leukism, nor should it be referred to as leukism (leucism).
So there is a brief run down on leukism (leucism). Be careful what you read out there. Some explanation on leukism can be found in the book "Reptile and Amphibian Variants" by H. Bernard Bechtel. He talks about the skin micro-environment defect briefly and the transplant experiments. Keep your questions coming and I will try to answer. I hope my students have found my new blog. I will be e-mailing you all again to update you since it is now up. I will try to post my old posts eventually, but necropsy has been heavy lately and I am swamped with cases.
17, 2015, 2:45 PM
U.S. repatriates seven snakes to
Brazil by plane
By CBS NEWS June 17, 2015, 2:45 PM
U.S. repatriates
seven snakes to Brazil by plane
The Justice Department (DOJ) announced Wednesday that
it has repatriated seven rare boa constrictors to the government of Brazil six
years after their mother was brought to the U.S. in an illegal wildlife
smuggling scheme.
In other words, DOJ sent Brazil a few snakes on a
The snakes' mother was the
only known living white
(leucistic) boa constrictor. The exceedingly rare snake, known as
"Lucy" or "Diamond Princess," was found in Rio de Janeiro
in 2006 and transferred to the Niterói Zoo, a private foundation that rescued
and rehabilitated injured wild animals. But in January 2009, Utah-based reptile
collector, breeder and salesman Jeremy Stone traveled to Brazil, managed to
secure possession of the snake and "unlawfully returned with it back to
the United States," according to the Justice Department.
Stone wanted to breed Lucy. The
white boa was expected to be able to spawn other leucistic boas, although
because its white color is the result of a recessive gene, a white boa wouldn't
occur among Lucy's immediate offspring but could be born in successive
generations with the breeding of two snakes bearing the leucistic gene.
Stone did manage to breed Lucy,
but when he began marketing the offspring - for $12,500-$25,000 (or ten to a
hundred times the cost of other boas), according toNational Geographic, the Brazilian government filed a
petition asserting its ownership of the Diamond Princess and sought help from
the U.S. in securing the return of the boa and its offspring. Federal
investigators secured a warrant to seize the snake and any offspring from
Stone' property in Utah. There, they found that Lucy had died. The eight snake
offspring were turned over to the U.S. Marshals Service which took them to the
Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City.
Unfortunately, one of the snakes
died in the zoo.
In July 2014, Stone pleaded guilty to unlawfully
transporting federal wildlife into the U.S. As part of the guilty plea, he
agreed to forfeit Lucy's offspring to the U.S., which asked the court to
recognize Brazil's ownership claims. The court recognized those claims in
February 2015.
"This case exhibited many of the hallmarks that
make illegal wildlife trafficking a growing international scourge, including
actors motivated by greed who illegally smuggled rare and precious wildlife
across international boundaries," said DOJ Assistant Attorney General
Caldwell. "The return of the precious snakes to Brazil brings to an end
this years-long international saga, and serves as an example of our commitment
to working with law enforcement partners in Brazil and elsewhere to combat
transnational crime."
© 2015 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Leucistic Scaleless
Texas Ratsnake - Males
These animals express both Scaleless and
Leucistic genes.
These are babies feeding on fuzzy mice.
Ratsnakes are in the Colubrid family and
range from North and Central America all the way to Asia. Ratsnakes are an easy
to keep and breed snake with the breeding season starting in March and going
through 82 degrees with a hot spot of 84-90 degrees. Most species will not
exceed six foot in length and readily except frozen rodents as a food item.
Most Extensive Collection of Ball Python Mutations in Captivity
Herpetocultural Library
Simple Recessive Genetics 101
At this point we'll assume that
you've already read our Intro to Reptile Genetics page & are somewhat familiar with
the terms we'll be using going forward. Most of the genetic terms on this
page are "clickable" and will bounce you back to the glossary page
if you need to refresh your memory. |
Recessive Genes - what are they and what do they do?
Simple recessive traits are
proven, inheritable genes that are only visible in their homozygous form. When a homozygous animal is bred
to a wild type(normal), non-gene-carrying animal, all of
their resulting offspring will be normal in appearance, but will carry the
gene from the homozygous parent. This is due to a mutated allele being passed on from the homozygous
parent to the offspring, and a normal allele being passed on by the wild type
parent. Since the two alleles are different, they dictate that the
offspring's phenotype will be normal, while their genotype is heterozygous. These offspring are known as
"heterozygous" or simply "hets." To reiterate, the offspring
carry a genetic code for the mutation but are not visibly different from a
normal, or wild type, animal.
Examples of Simple Recessive Traits in Reptiles
The following is a list of
genetic mutations in reptiles that have been bred & proven simple
recessive. This
list is not all-inclusive,
but intended to give an idea of simple recessive genes and their frequency in
the herp world, as well as some of the popular species in which they are
commonly found.
Squares for Simple Recessive Genes
Note: While we use albino ball pythons as our
example here, the following punnet squares apply to any simple recessive
mutations in any species.
Normal X Homozygous Parents
Here we'll demonstrate a
punnett square to show the resulting offspring from breeding a Normal/wild
type ball python (NN) to an Albino ball python (aa). |
Normal X Heterozygous Parents
This punnett square shows the
offspring from breeding a 100% heterozygous for albino (Na) ball python to a
Normal/wild type (NN) ball python. |
Heterozygous X Heterozygous Parents
Moving on to our next genetic
combination, we have a punnett square for the results from a het for albino
(Na) ball python to het for albino (Na) ball python breeding. As we can see here, breeding hets together can be a very feasible way to produce a homozygous animal. Hets are a great way to get into some of the higher-end projects, since they're typically much less expensive than the homozygous forms. |
Heterozygous X Homozygous Parents
Here we explore another
"instant gratification" combo: breeding a het albino (Na) ball
python to an albino (aa) ball python. As we'll see from the punnett square,
this pairing produces homozygous animals. |
Homozygous X Homozygous Parents
Our final punnett square is
very straightforward. Just as two completely normal, wild-type (NN) animals
will produce all normal, wild-type (NN) offspring, two homozygous albino (aa)
ball pythons bred together will produce all homozygous albino (aa) offspring. |
Something to keep in mind
when dealing with punnett squares and simple recessive genetics is that the
numbers involved are theoretical. For example, according to theory, breeding
a 100% het-albino (Na) ball to an albino (aa) ball should yield half hets and
half albinos out of 4 eggs. It doesn't always work this way though...we've
bred hets to homozygous animals and gotten all homozygous, we've also bred
hets to homozygous animals and gotten all hets. Depending on how the alleles
fall, it's possible to breed two hets together and get all possible hets, or
do the same and get all homozygous animals as a result. This can be very exciting
or somewhat disappointing, depending on what you were expecting out of the
clutch. That's a big reason why it's important to keep these numbers in mind
as a hypothetical, best-case-scenario according to the laws of genetics. At
the same time, that's what makes working with color morphs both extremely fun
and also nerve-wracking! Ready for more? Visit our Double Heterozygous Genetics 201 or Co-Dominant/Dominant Genetics 301 pages! |
Jumat, 08 Februari 2013
Morph pada Sugar glider - Mengenal pigmen pada warna kulit
Selama ini kita selalu
terkesima melihat keindahan estetika yang unik pada berbagai morph Posum Layang
atau yang dikenal juga sebagai sugar glider.
Keunikan ini muncul dengan
berbagai macam warna yang membuat sugar glider sebagai hewan imut ini menjadi
lebih cantik jati dirinya.
Misalnya ada leucistic, albino, hypo,
mosaic dll
Warna warna tersebut selain
dipengaruhi oleh gen, dipengaruhi juga oleh sesuatu yang bernama pigmen warna
Contohnya seperti ini, ada
manusia yang berkulit putih, sawo matang, kuning langsat, dan lain lain,
sesungguhnya dengan adanya pigmen ini, melindungi kita dari sinar matahari yang
jahat- intermeso kita sebagai orang Indonesia mesti bersyukur karena memiliki
lebih banyak pigmen warna kulit daripada orang luar :p
Nah, Pigmen ini selain
memiliki banyak jenis warna, juga memiliki kelainan, seperti yang saya sebutkan
diatas tadi, kelainan tsb antara lain adalah
Complete lack of pigmentation
– pigmentasi warna yang sepenuhnya hilang, sebenarnya tidak sepenuhnya hilang,
namun kekurangan pigmen yang bernama melanin
Berbeda dengan albino yang kekurangan pigmen melanin, leucistic adalah
kelainan pada pigmen yaitu kekurangan jumlah semua jenis pigmen sehingga
warnanya cenderung putih bukan kekuningan seperti albino.
Leucistic parsial- (Mosaic)
Ketika leucistic hanya terjadi pada beberapa bagian kulit (atau bulu)
saja, maka disebut sebagai pied, atau dalam dunia SG disebut juga sebagai
Melanistic (black beauties)
Ketika ada kelainan dimana
pigmen warna melanin kekurangan, yang disebut albino, maka ada pula yang
memiliki kelebihan gen warna hitam ini, disebut sebagai black beauties
semakin banyak pigmen
melaninnya maka semakin dominan pula warna hitamnya
Contoh kelainan pada warna
tersebut masih banyak lagi, mungkin teman teman yang berkuliah di bidang
biologi atau mengerti lebih jauh tentang kulit bisa melengkapi artikel
sederhana ini.
Maaf bila ada salah kata,salah
definisi atau apapun, saya hanya mengumpulkan data data ini dari internet dan
sedikit buku yang saya baca.
Pada intinya, sayangilah sugar
glider kita apapun warnanya, iyakan?
Pengertian Dominan & Resesif
Hewan yang berkembang biang
secara sexual mempunyai 2 Copy Gen untuk mengekspresikan Karakter yang terlihat
munculnya warna 1 Copy Gen dari induk jantan & 1 Copy Gen dari induk
betina, Karakter tersebut dapat diturunkan ke anak-anaknya.
Berdasarkan pola keturunan
gen dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu Dominan dan Resesif :
1. Dominant Gen
Gen yang dapat mengekspresikan karakter dengan hanya membawa 1 Copy Gen untuk karakter tersebut, Gen tersebut dapat di turunkan dari induk jantan atau betina.
Dominant Gen di tandai dalam huruf besar dan normal gen ditandai huruf kecil.
Contoh Dominant Gen dari Mosaic :
Gen yang dapat mengekspresikan karakter dengan hanya membawa 1 Copy Gen untuk karakter tersebut, Gen tersebut dapat di turunkan dari induk jantan atau betina.
Dominant Gen di tandai dalam huruf besar dan normal gen ditandai huruf kecil.
Contoh Dominant Gen dari Mosaic :
M : Gen untuk mosaic
m : Gen untuk normal
m : Gen untuk normal
Karena hanya diperlukan 1
Copy Gen untuk mengekspresikan Karakter Mosaic maka baik MM maupun Mm Gen akan
terlihat sebagai mosaic, MM disebut Homozygot Dominant dan Mm sebagai
Heterozygous Dominant.
Penampilan MM atau Mm Gen tidak berbeda, tetapi bila kita mengawinkan Mosaic x Mosaic dan mendapatkan anak yang normal berarti indukan tersebut Heterozygous Dominant (Mm).
Tetapi bila anaknya adalah Mosaic berarti induknya Homozygot Dominant (MM).
Penampilan MM atau Mm Gen tidak berbeda, tetapi bila kita mengawinkan Mosaic x Mosaic dan mendapatkan anak yang normal berarti indukan tersebut Heterozygous Dominant (Mm).
Tetapi bila anaknya adalah Mosaic berarti induknya Homozygot Dominant (MM).
Berikut penyilangan induk
dengan Dominant Gen :
MM x MM | (Mosaic) x (Mosaic)
Semua anak MM (Mosaic)
Semua anak MM (Mosaic)
MM x mm | (Mosaic) x (Normal)
Semua anak Mm (Mosaic)
Semua anak Mm (Mosaic)
MM x Mm | (Mosaic) x (Mosaic)
Semua anak mosaic, 50% MM & 50% Mm
Semua anak mosaic, 50% MM & 50% Mm
Mm x Mm | (Mosaic) x (Mosaic)
25% Mosaic MM, 50% Mosaic Mm, 25% Normal
25% Mosaic MM, 50% Mosaic Mm, 25% Normal
2. Resesif Gen
Gen yang mengekspresikan karakter bila kedua Copy Gen untuk karakter tersebut ada, Masing-masing Copy akan didapat dari kedua induknya, jadi untuk mendapatkan Karakter tersebut kedua indukan harus mempunyai Gen tersebut.
Gen untuk resesif ditandai dengan huruf kecil dan gen untuk normalnya di tandai huruf besar.
Contoh gen resesif adalah albino yang ditandai a, sedangkan normalnya adalah A.
Jadi SG albino akan membawa gen aa dan normal AA, SG yang membawa 1 Copy Gen albino disebut heteroalbino (Cania).
Karena hanya membawa 1 Copy Gen, Heteroalbino tersebut seperti SG normal meskipun mempunyai 1 Copy Gen albino, Heteroalbino akan ditandai Aa.
Gen yang mengekspresikan karakter bila kedua Copy Gen untuk karakter tersebut ada, Masing-masing Copy akan didapat dari kedua induknya, jadi untuk mendapatkan Karakter tersebut kedua indukan harus mempunyai Gen tersebut.
Gen untuk resesif ditandai dengan huruf kecil dan gen untuk normalnya di tandai huruf besar.
Contoh gen resesif adalah albino yang ditandai a, sedangkan normalnya adalah A.
Jadi SG albino akan membawa gen aa dan normal AA, SG yang membawa 1 Copy Gen albino disebut heteroalbino (Cania).
Karena hanya membawa 1 Copy Gen, Heteroalbino tersebut seperti SG normal meskipun mempunyai 1 Copy Gen albino, Heteroalbino akan ditandai Aa.
aa x aa | (albino) x (albino)
Semua anak Albino (aa)
Semua anak Albino (aa)
aa x AA | (albino) x (albino)
Semua anak kelihatan normal tetapi membawa 1 Copy Gen Albino (Heteroalbino) dan disebut 100% Het Albino
Semua anak kelihatan normal tetapi membawa 1 Copy Gen Albino (Heteroalbino) dan disebut 100% Het Albino
aa x Aa | (albino) x (albino)
50% Albino & 50% Het Albino (100% Het Albino), Persilangan ini jika anaknya tersebut Normal pastila Het Albino (100% Het Albino)
50% Albino & 50% Het Albino (100% Het Albino), Persilangan ini jika anaknya tersebut Normal pastila Het Albino (100% Het Albino)
Aa x Aa | (Het albino) x (Het albino)
25% Normal (AA), 50% Het Albino (Aa), 25% Albino (aa)
Baik AA maupun Aa akan terlihat Normal, jadi anakan yang terlihat Normal dalam persilangan ini akan disebut 66% kemungkinan Het Albino
25% Normal (AA), 50% Het Albino (Aa), 25% Albino (aa)
Baik AA maupun Aa akan terlihat Normal, jadi anakan yang terlihat Normal dalam persilangan ini akan disebut 66% kemungkinan Het Albino
itulah yang terkadang
terjadi sewaktu kita mengawinkan SG yang keduannya terlihat Normal tetapi
anaknya yang keluar adalah Albino, kita mungkin secara tidak sengaja
mendapatkan Het Albino Indukan.