CHLOEPEDIA-- Label,penelusuran,tag,hasil,result,hasil
penelusuran.hasil result : MELANISM-MELANISTIC-MELANIN-MELANISTIK--(part 2)
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M,melanism,melanistic,melanin,melanistik ,t-rec,tugumuda
reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,chloe ardella
raisya putri kamarsyah,prianka putri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
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Herpetofauna,herpetology,biodiversity,keanekaragaman hayati,flora,fauna,konservasi,habitat,komunitas,reptil,satwa,t-rec,tugumuda
reptiles community,kse,komunitas satwa eksotik,sahabat si komo,on line,chloe
ardella raisya putri kamarsyah,priankaputri,aldhika budi pradana,semarang
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Melanism related to the process of adaptation is called adaptive. Most commonly, dark
individuals become fitter to survive and reproduce in their
environment as they are better camouflaged. This makes some species less
conspicuous to predators, while others, such as black panthers, use it as a foraging advantage during
night hunting.[6] Typically, adaptive melanism is heritable: A dominant gene,
which is entirely or nearly entirely expressed in the phenotype, is responsible for the excessive
amount of melanin.
Melanism terkait dengan proses adaptasi yang
disebut adaptif. Paling umum, individu berwarna gelap menjadi bertahan untuk bertahan hidup dan bereproduksi di
lingkungan mereka karena mereka disamarkan dengan lebih baik. Hal ini membuat
beberapa spesies kurang mencolok bagi predator, sementara yang lain, seperti
kumbang hitam, menggunakannya sebagai keuntungan mencari makan selama berburu
malam. Biasanya, melanism adaptif adalah diwariskan: merupakan sebuah gen dominan, yang seluruhnya atau hampir seluruhnya dalam
phenotype, bertanggung jawab untuk jumlah melanin yang berlebihan .
Melanism is a development of the dark-colored pigment melanin in the skin or its appendages and is the opposite
ofalbinism. Historically, it was also the medical term for black jaundice.[2]
Melanism merupakan pengembangan dari
pigmen melanin berwarna gelap pada kulit atau pelengkap dan berlawanan dengan
albinism . Kata melanism berasal dari bahasa Yunani:. Μελανός ( "pigmen
Pseudo-melanism, also called abundism, is another variant of
pigmentation, characterized by dark spots or enlarged stripes, which cover a
large part of the body of the animal, making it appear melanistic.[4] A deficiency in or total absence of melanin
pigments is called amelanism
Pseudo-Melanisme, juga disebut abundism,
adalah varian lain dari pigmentasi, yang ditandai dengan bintik-bintik gelap
atau garis-garis yang diperbesar, yang menutupi sebagian besar tubuh hewan,
sehingga tampak melanistic. Kekurangan
atau total ketiadaan pigmen melanin disebut amelanism
melanism is an effect of urban pollution prominent in many species of
arthropods. It is the phenomenon of an organism evolving dark pigmentation when
exposed to an environment polluted by dark soot deposit and sulfuric buildup
from industrial pollution. In this type of industrial melanism, the darker
pigmented individuals develop a higher fitness and are favored by natural
selection. This change in favoritism as a result of modification in selection
pressure is one of the best-noted cases of Darwinian evolution.[8] The most common case of this adaptation is found in the arthropod order Lepidoptera.
melanism industrial adalah efek dari polusi perkotaan di banyak
spesies arthropoda. Ini adalah fenomena organisme berkembangnya pigmentasi gelap saat terkena lingkungan
tercemar oleh deposito jelaga gelap dan penumpukan sulfat dari polusi industri.
Dalam jenis melanism industrial ini ,
individu berpigmen gelap mengembangkan pertahanan yang lebih tinggi dan disukai oleh seleksi
alam. Perubahan ini sebagai akibat dari modifikasi tekanan seleksi yang
merupakan salah satu kasus yang paling
mencatat pada evolusi Darwin. Kasus yang paling umum dari adaptasi ini
ditemukan dalam urutan arthropoda Lepidoptera.
animals were found to carry at least one copy of a mutant MC1R sequence allele, bearing a 15-base pair inframe deletion.
hewan melanistic ditemukan untuk membawa
setidaknya satu salinan dari urutan MC1R alel mutan, bearing 15-base pair
inframe deletion.
Melanism is an undue development
of dark-colored pigment in the skin or its appendages and is the opposite of
albinism. The word ‘melanism’ is deduced from a Greek word that means black
pigment. Pseudo-melanism, also called abundism, is another variant of
pigmentation, characterized by dark spots or enlarged stripes, which cover a
large part of the body of the animal making it appear melanistic.
Melanism related to the process of adaptation is
called adaptive.
Melanism merupakan perkembangan yang tidak semestinya dari pigmen berwarna gelap di kulit atau pelengkap dan merupakan kebalikan dari albinisme. Kata 'melanism' disimpulkan dari kata Yunani yang berarti pigmen hitam. Pseudo-Melanisme, juga disebut abundism, adalah varian lain dari pigmentasi, yang ditandai dengan bintik-bintik gelap atau garis-garis diperbesar, yang menutupi sebagian besar tubuh hewan sehingga tampak melanistic.
Melanism terkait dengan proses adaptasi disebut adaptif.
Industrial melanism
industrial melanism, the darkness—of the skin, feathers, or
fur—acquired by a population of animals living in an industrial region where
the environment is soot-darkened. The melanization of a
population increases the probability that its members will survive and
reproduce; it takes place over the course of many generations as the result of natural selection of the lighter, more conspicuous
animals by predators.
melanism industri, gelap-pada kulit, bulu, atau bulu-diakuisisi oleh populasi binatang yang hidup di sebuah kawasan industri di mana lingkungan ber jelaga gelap. melanisasi dari populasi meningkatkan kemungkinan bahwa organisme akan bertahan hidup dan bereproduksi; itu berlangsung selama beberapa generasi sebagai hasil dari seleksi alam, dari hewan yang lebih mencolok oleh predator.
the outset multiple causes have been suggested for changes in melanic gene
frequency in the peppered moth Biston betularia and other industrial melanic moths. These have included higher
intrinsic fitness of melanic forms and selective predation for camouflage.
methods of analysis should supply further information on the melanic system and
on migration that will complete our understanding of this important example of
rapid evolution.
Dari awal beberapa penyebab telah diusulkan untuk perubahan frekuensi gen melanic di ngengat peppered Biston betularia dan ngengat melanic industri lainnya. Hal ini termasuk intrinsik yang lebih tinggi dari bentuk melanic dan predasi selektif untuk kamuflase. metode baru analisis harus memberikan informasi lebih lanjut tentang sistem melanic dan migrasi yang akan melengkapi pemahaman kita tentang contoh penting dari evolusi cepat.
darker variant, on the other hand, was now camouflaged, and more likely to
survive and breed. In a textbook case of industrial melanism , in just a few
generations, the dark variant became by far the most common.
In just over 50 years, the dark variety went from making up just 2% of
the population to making up over 95%, a change that could not be explained by
any theory other than natural selection and industrial melanism.
The incidence of industrial melanism is a process called
micro-evolution, where selection pressures within a species lead to changes.
Varian gelap, di sisi lain, sekarang disamarkan, dan lebih mungkin untuk bertahan hidup dan berkembang biak. Dalam kasus buku teks melanism industri, hanya dalam beberapa generasi, varian gelap menjadi yang paling umum.
Dalam lebih dari 50 tahun, berbagai variasi gelap naik hanya 2% dari populasi untuk membentuk lebih dari 95%, perubahan yang tidak bisa dijelaskan dengan teori selain seleksi alam dan melanism industri.
Insiden melanism industri adalah proses yang disebut micro-evolusi, di mana tekanan seleksi dalam spesies menyebabkan perubahan.
Industrial melanism may be defined as a
proportional increase of dark, or melanin, pigments in individuals of a
population, caused by changes in the environment resulting from industrial
melanism industri dapat didefinisikan sebagai peningkatan proporsional gelap, atau melanin, pigmen pada individu dari suatu populasi, yang disebabkan oleh perubahan lingkungan yang dihasilkan dari polusi industri.
Three categories of industrial
melanism have been recognized:
A. Full industrial melanic polymorphism involves distinct
melanic forms that have arisen since the industrial revolution and have
increased as a consequence of the effects of industrialization on the
B. Partial industrial melanic polymorphism involves polymorphic species that had distinct melanic forms prior to the industrial revolution.
These forms have increased in frequency following and as a consequence of the effects of industrialization.
B. Partial industrial melanic polymorphism involves polymorphic species that had distinct melanic forms prior to the industrial revolution.
These forms have increased in frequency following and as a consequence of the effects of industrialization.
C. Polygenic industrial melanism involves species in
which the average ground color of some or all members of a population has
darkened gradually as a consequence of the effects of industrialization.
It should be noted that melanism is a common phenomenon throughout the animal kingdom, with many factors unrelated to industrialization or pollution influencing the success of melanic forms in some species, including humans.
It should be noted that melanism is a common phenomenon throughout the animal kingdom, with many factors unrelated to industrialization or pollution influencing the success of melanic forms in some species, including humans.
Tiga kategori melanism industri :
A. industri penuh polimorfisme melanic melibatkan bentuk melanic berbeda yang telah muncul sejak revolusi industri dan telah meningkat sebagai konsekuensi dari efek industrialisasi terhadap lingkungan.
B. Partial industri polimorfisme melanic melibatkan spesies polimorfik yang memiliki bentuk melanic yang berbeda sebelum revolusi industri.
Bentuk-bentuk telah meningkat dalam frekuensi sebagai konsekuensi dari efek industrialisasi.
C. poligenik melanism industri melibatkan spesies di mana warna tanah beberapa atau semua anggota populasi telah gelap secara bertahap sebagai akibat dari efek industrialisasi.
Perlu dicatat bahwa melanism adalah fenomena umum di seluruh kerajaan hewan, dengan banyak faktor yang tidak terkait dengan industrialisasi atau polusi mempengaruhi keberhasilan bentuk melanic di beberapa spesies, termasuk manusia.
J jaguar melanistic pada Henry
Doorly Zoo. Melanism adalah hasil dari sebuah alel dominan tetapi
tetap relatif langka di jaguar.
Mungkin dari kita semua
jarang mendengar kata ini. Melanistic adalah kelainan kulit, yang bertolak
belakang dengan Albino, namun hewan hewan Melanistic pun sangatlah
merupakan perkembangan yang tidak semestinya dari pigmen warna gelap di kulit
dan merupakan kebalikan dari albinisme. 'Melanisme' berasal dari kata Yunani
yang berarti pigmen hitam. Pseudo-Melanisme, juga disebutabundism, merupakan
varian dari pigmentasi, yang ditandai dengan bintik hitam atau garis yang
diperbesar, yang menutupi sebagian besar tubuh hewan sehingga tampak
Melanisme yang terkait dengan proses adaptasi
disebut adaptif.
Paling umum, individu gelap menjadi lebih bisa bertahan hidup dan bereproduksi
dalam lingkungan mereka karena mereka disamarkan dengan lebih baik. Hal ini
membuat beberapa spesies kurang mencolok atau terlindung dari predator,
Biasanya Melanisme adaptif adalah diwariskan:
Sebuah gen dominan, yang seluruhnya atau hampir seluruhnya dalam phenotype
bertanggung jawab atas jumlah berlebihan melanin. Melanisme Adaptif telah
terbukti terjadi dalam berbagai hewan, termasuk mamalia seperti tupai, kucing,
dan ular karang.
Melanism industri adalah istilah
biologi mengacu pada hewan. Itu berarti merujuk penggelapan dari kulit atau
yang di tempatnya seperti bulu
The increased development of the
dark-colored pigment melanin in the skin and hair of an
animal is called Melanism, and is the opposite of Albinism. Just like
Albinism results in stunningly
white animals, Melanism can create all-black animals
Perkembangan yang meningkat dari melanin pigmen berwarna gelap di kulit dan rambut binatang disebut melanism, dan merupakan kebalikan dari Albinisme. Sama seperti hasil Albinisme pada hewan yang memukau putih, melanism dapat membuat hewan semua hitam
Melanin is the dark pigmentation
which is responsible for the tanning process which occurs in humans when
they're exposed to sunlight. In people it is actually a reaction to damage
of the skin cells. A melanistic animal has an increased amount of this black or
nearly black pigmentation in the skin, feathers, hair, or other outer tissues.
Melanism is
the opposite of albinism and occurs with about the same frequency.
Melanin adalah pigmen gelap yang bertanggung jawab untuk proses penyamakan yang terjadi pada manusia ketika mereka terkena sinar matahari. Pada orang sebenarnya merupakan reaksi terhadap kerusakan sel-sel kulit. hewan melanistic memiliki peningkatan jumlah pigmentasi hitam atau hampir hitam di kulit, bulu, rambut, atau jaringan luar lainnya. Melanism adalah kebalikan dari albinisme dan terjadi dengan sekitar frekuensi yang sama.
melanism is defined by the increase of dark pigmentation present in an
is a genetic variation that causes an animal to have too much pigmentation.
This is a phenomenon that has been observed in many species from the animal
Biasanya, melanism didefinisikan oleh kenaikan hadirnya pigmentasi gelap pada sebuah organisme.
Melanism adalah variasi genetik yang menyebabkan hewan untuk memiliki terlalu banyak pigmentasi. Ini adalah fenomena yang telah diamati pada banyak spesies dari hewan.
the noctuid moth Panthea furcilla (Packard) melanism is increasing rapidly in
Putnam, Connecticut, an area not subject to appreciable industrial pollution.
Wholly melanic and very strongly melanistic are dominant over normal gray, and
wholly melanic is dominant over very strongly melanistic. Larval melanism is
independent of adult melanism.’
Dalam ngengat noctuid Panthea furcilla (Packard) melanism meningkat dengan cepat di Putnam, Connecticut, Sepenuhnya melanic dan melanistic sangat kuat yang dominan atas abu-abu normal, dan sepenuhnya melanic dominan atas sangat kuat melanistic yang sangat kuat . melanism larva independen dari melanism dewasa.
Melanistic adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk
harimau yang kelebihan pigmen, ini adalah kebalikan dari ablonisium yang tidak
memiliki pigmen. Harimau melanistic hampir semua hitam dengan garis-garis
kuning jeruk terutama pada bagian bawahnya.
Melanistic (black beauties)
Ketika ada kelainan dimana pigmen
warna melanin kekurangan, yang disebut albino, maka ada pula yang memiliki
kelebihan gen warna hitam ini, disebut sebagai black beauties
(darkly pigmented) phenotypes in mammals provide a potent system in which to
study the genetic basis of naturally occurring mutant phenotypes because
melanism occurs in many mammals, and the mammalian pigmentation pathway is well
Melanic (berpigmen gelap) fenotipe pada mamalia menyediakan sistem ampuh di mana untuk belajar dasar genetik yang terjadi secara alami fenotipe mutan karena melanism terjadi di banyak mamalia, dan pigmentasi jalur mamalia dipahami dengan baik
Dermal melanin is produced by skin cells called
melanocytes. Humans generally possess a similar concentration of
melanocytes in their skin. However, melanocytes in some individuals or
ethnic groups express the melanin producing gene more or less frequently
resulting in a greater or lesser concentration of skin melanin.
Dermal melanin diproduksi oleh sel-sel kulit yang disebut melanosit. Manusia umumnya memiliki konsentrasi yang sama dari melanosit di kulit mereka. Namun, melanosit pada beberapa individu atau kelompok etnis mengekspresikan melanin memproduksi gen lebih atau kurang sering mengakibatkan konsentrasi yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil dari melanin kulit.
Albinism Melanism Albinism Caused by a
deficiency of melanin
Albinisme melanism albinisme Disebabkan oleh kekurangan melanin
coat coloration occurs as a common polymorphism in 11 of 37 felid species and
reaches high population frequency in some cases but never achieves complete
Melanistic warna mantel terjadi sebagai polimorfisme umum di 11 dari 37 spesies felid dan mencapai frekuensi populasi yang tinggi dalam beberapa kasus tetapi tidak pernah mencapai fiksasi lengkap
. However, populations of dark (melanic) mice are found on dark
lava, and this concealing coloration provides protection from avian and
mammalian predators.
. Namun, populasi gelap (melanic) tikus ditemukan pada lava gelap, dan warna menyembunyikan ini memberikan perlindungan dari predator burung dan mamalia.
In jaguars and
jaguarundis, dark pigment is linked to two different mutations in the same
gene, MC1R. MC1R belongs to a family of genes that
code for proteins called (seven-helix) transmembrane receptors that stud the
surface of cells.
Dalam jaguar dan jaguarundi, pigmen gelap terkait dengan dua mutasi yang berbeda pada gen yang sama, MC1R. MC1R milik keluarga gen dimana kode untuk protein yang disebut (tujuh helix) reseptor transmembran permukaan sel.
Melanictic adalah semua
warna hewan berwarna hitam, kebalikannya dari jenis albino yang bisa terjadi di
Melanophores: produce black pigment (melanin).
orang pasti sudah tahu tentang Albino yaitu kelainan pigmen yang menyebabkan
sekujur tubuh pengidap kelihatan putih. Namun bagaimana dengan dengan
Melanisme bisa dibilang lawan dari Albino, jika penderita kelihatan Putih maka kebalikannya penderita Melanisme kelihatan sangat hitam.
Kata 'Melanisme' berasal dari bahasa Yunani : μελανός , yang berarti pigmen hitam. Penyakit Melanisme merupakan perkembangan pigmen hitam yang pesat sehingga tubuh kelihatan sangat hitam.
Melanisme bisa dibilang lawan dari Albino, jika penderita kelihatan Putih maka kebalikannya penderita Melanisme kelihatan sangat hitam.
Kata 'Melanisme' berasal dari bahasa Yunani : μελανός , yang berarti pigmen hitam. Penyakit Melanisme merupakan perkembangan pigmen hitam yang pesat sehingga tubuh kelihatan sangat hitam.
Melanisme atau melanosis pada manusia terjadi di organ
tertentu. Misalnya, melanosis coli mengacu pada peningkatan pigmentasi pada
lapisan usus besar. Ini sebenarnya karena penggunaan berlebihan obat pencahar
dan merupakan sedikit keliru karena tidak disebabkan meningkatnya pigmen
melanin, melainkan, lipofuscin dalam makrofag.
Melanisme terkait dengan proses adaptasi disebut adaptif.
Paling umum, individu gelap menjadi bugar untuk bertahan hidup dan bereproduksi
dalam lingkungan mereka karena mereka disamarkan baik. Hal ini membuat beberapa
spesies predator kurang mencolok, sementara yang lain seperti macan kumbang
hitam menggunakannya sebagai keuntungan berburu mencari makan pada malam hari.
The melanistic
morph is truly
the first and most classic color morph of Thamnophis.
Morph melanistic benar-benar warna morph pertama dan morph warna paling klasik dari Thamnophis.
Melanism is a colour form in which
individuals have abnormal amounts of black pigment. Its genetic basis is not
well understood, but inbreeding is thought to be part of the cause.
Melanism adalah bentuk warna di mana individu memiliki jumlah abnormal pigmen hitam. dasar genetik yang tidak dipahami dengan baik, tetapi perkawinan sedarah dianggap bagian dari penyebabnya.
melanism. Melanism is essentially the
opposite of albinism
melanism is the overabundance of
melanin, leading to an individual with an abnormal amount of black coloration.
Melanistic Eastern Garter Snakes can be found along the Western Basin of Lake
Erie and on some of the Lake Erie Islands. Some populations can be up to 50%
melanistic in this area, meaning there will be a mixture of normal-looking and
melanistic individuals within one area.
melanism. Melanism dasarnya kebalikan dari albinisme
melanism adalah hal mekanin yang meluap-luap , menyebabkan seorang individu dengan jumlah abnormal warna hitam. Melanistic ular garter Timur dapat ditemukan di sepanjang Barat Basin Danau Erie dan pada beberapa Lake Erie Islands. Beberapa populasi bisa sampai 50% melanistic di daerah ini, yang berarti akan ada campuran individu normal dan melanistic dalam satu wilayah.
extensive research, the function and adaptive significance of melanism remain
controversial.In snakes, melanistic individuals enjoy a thermal advantage
compared with normal-colored individuals due to superior thermoregulatory
capabilities. The hypothetical consequences of this thermal advantage are that
melanistic individuals have longer daily and seasonal active periods, and thus
collect more food, resulting in a higher growth rate and larger body size.
Meskipun penelitian yang luas, fungsi dan signifikansi adaptif dari melanism tetap controversial.pada ular, individu melanistic menikmati keuntungan termal dibandingkan dengan individu normal berwarna karena kemampuan termoregulasi superior. Konsekuensi hipotetis keunggulan thermal ini adalah bahwa individu melanistic memiliki periode hari yang lebih panjang dan periode aktif musiman, dan dengan demikian dapat mengumpulkan lebih banyak makanan, sehingga membuat tingkat pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi dan ukuran tubuh yang lebih besar.
Melanistic garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis) are unusually common near Lake Erie, apparently because selection for thermoregulatory ability in cool lake-shore habitats (which favours melanistic morphs) outweighs selection for crypsis (which favours striped morphs).
ular garter melanistic (sirtalis Thamnophis) yang biasa umum di dekat Danau Erie, rupanya karena seleksi untuk kemampuan termoregulasi di habitat danau-shore yang dingin (yang morphs melanistic) melebihi seleksi untuk crypsis (yang morphs bergaris).
Neuronal pigments of melanic type were identified in the
putamen, cortex, cerebellum, and other major regions of human brain. These
pigments consist of granules 30 nm in size, contained in organelles together
with lipid droplets, and they accumulate in aging, reaching concentrations as
high as 1.5–2.6 μg/mg tissue in major brain regions. These pigments, which we
term neuromelanins, contain melanic, lipid, and peptide components.
pigmen neuronal tipe melanic diidentifikasi dalam putamen, korteks, serebelum, dan daerah besar lainnya dari otak manusia. Pigmen ini terdiri dari butiran 30 nm dalam ukuran, yang terkandung dalam organel bersama-sama dengan tetesan lipid, dan mereka terakumulasi dalam penuaan, mencapai konsentrasi setinggi 1,5-2,6 mg / mg jaringan di daerah otak besar. pigmen ini, yang neuromelanins, mengandung komponen melanic, lipid, dan peptida.
melanin, a dark biological pigment (biochrome) found in skin, hair,
feathers, scales, eyes, and some internal membranes; it is also found in the
peritoneum of many animals (e.g., frogs),
refers to the deposition of melanin in the tissues of living animals. The
chemistry of the process depends on the metabolism of the amino acid tyrosine, the absence of which results in albinism, or lack of pigmentation.
“Industrial” melanism has occurred in certain moth
populations, in which the predominant coloration has
changed pale gray to dark-coloured individuals.
melanin, pigmen biologi gelap (biochrome) ditemukan di kulit, rambut, bulu, sisik, mata, dan beberapa membran internal, itu juga ditemukan dalam peritoneum di banyak hewan (misalnya, katak),
Melanism mengacu pada deposisi melanin dalam jaringan hewan hidup. Prose Kimia tergantung pada metabolisme asam amino tirosin, tidak adanya yang menyebabkan albinisme, atau kurangnya pigmentasi.
"Industri" melanism telah terjadi pada populasi ngengat tertentu, di mana warna dominan telah berubah pucat abu-abu untuk individu berwarna gelap
present study sought to determine whether the pigment produced by Proteus
mirabilis from the L-forms of various aromatic amino acids under aerobic
conditions is melanic in nature. It is a black-brown pigment which behaves like
a melanin in many respects, namely solubility features, bleaching by oxidizing
agents and positive response to the Fontana-Masson assay.
Penelitian ini berusaha untuk menentukan apakah pigmen yang dihasilkan oleh Proteus mirabilis dari bentuk-L berbagai asam amino aromatik di bawah kondisi aerobik adalah melanic di alam. Ini adalah pigmen hitam-coklat yang berperilaku seperti melanin dalam banyak hal, yaitu fitur kelarutan, pemutihan oleh agen pengoksidasi dan respon positif terhadap uji Fontana-Masson.
The dark brown pigments derived from
tea and tea polyphenols were studied. Physical and chemical properties revealed
that pigments directly extracted from tea leaves and derived from tea
polyphenols were similar to typical melanins. Further investigation showed that
both melanic pigments possessed similar antioxidant capability, due to their
chelating and scavenging properties.
Pigmen coklat gelap yang berasal dari teh dan teh polifenol dipelajari. sifat fisik dan kimia mengungkapkan bahwa pigmen langsung diekstrak dari daun teh dan berasal dari polifenol teh yang mirip dengan melanins yang khas. Penyelidikan lebih lanjut menunjukkan bahwa kedua pigmen melanic dimiliki kemampuan antioksidan yang sama, karena kelat dan pembilasan sifat mereka.
Mimicry and melanism in Lepidoptera provided the first
convincing examples of natural selection in action. Genetic analysis has now
shown that, surprisingly, mimicry in Heliconius butterflies and melanism in peppered
moths are switched at precisely the same gene: cortex.
Mimikri dan melanism di Lepidoptera memberikan contoh meyakinkan pertama dari seleksi alam dalam tindakan. Analisis genetik kini telah menunjukkan bahwa, secara mengejutkan, mimikri di kupu-kupu Heliconius dan melanism pada ngengat diaktifkan tepat pada gen yang sama: korteks.
MC1R, also known as the extension gene,
controls production of pigment in melanocytes. The dominant form of the gene,
the "E" allele, allows the dog to produce eumelanin, which is a black
pigment. A mutation in the MC1R gene causes the pigment-producing cells to only
produce phaeomelanin, turning all eumelanin in the coat to phaeomelanin. This
form of the gene is represented as the "e" allele. The "e"
allele is recessive, meaning that a dog must have two copies of the MC1R
mutation to express the yellow or red coat color. Recessive red can mask other
color variants even masking merle.
MC1R, juga dikenal sebagai gen ekstensi, mengontrol produksi pigmen pada melanosit. Bentuk dominan dari gen, "E" alel, memungkinkan anjing untuk menghasilkan eumelanin, yang merupakan pigmen hitam. Sebuah mutasi dalam gen MC1R menyebabkan sel penghasil pigmen hanya menghasilkan phaeomelanin, mengubah semua eumelanin dalam mantel untuk phaeomelanin. Bentuk gen diwakili sebagai "e" alel. "E" alel resesif, yang berarti bahwa anjing harus memiliki dua salinan dari mutasi MC1R untuk mengekspresikan warna bulu kuning atau merah. merah resesif dapat menutupi varian warna lain bahkan masking Merle.
melanism refers to the evolution of dark body colours in animal species that
live in habitats blackened by industrial soot. The phenomenon has been
documented in numerous species that hide from predators by blending in with
their backgrounds. Peppered moths provide one example. Before the industrial
revolution, peppered moths in the UK were pale grey, but after their habitats
became polluted with soot from coal‐fired industries, melanic
(black) phenotypes became numerous and spread to other regions
melanism industri mengacu pada evolusi warna tubuh gelap spesies hewan yang hidup di habitat menghitam oleh jelaga industri. Fenomena ini telah didokumentasikan dalam banyak spesies yang bersembunyi dari predator dengan membaur dengan latar belakang mereka. ngengat memberikan salah satu contoh. Sebelum revolusi industri, ngengat di Inggris abu-abu pucat, tapi setelah habitatnya menjadi tercemar dengan jelaga dari industri batu bara, fenotipe melanic (hitam) menjadi banyak dan menyebar ke daerah lain
Morphological variation in natural
populations is a genomic test bed for studying the interface between molecular
evolution and population genetics, but some of the most interesting questions
involve non-model organisms that lack well annotated reference genomes. Many
felid species exhibit polymorphism for melanism but the relative roles played
by genetic drift, natural selection, and interspecies hybridization remain uncertain.
variasi morfologi dalam populasi alami adalah test bed genom untuk mempelajari antarmuka antara molekul evolusi dan populasi genetika, tetapi beberapa pertanyaan yang paling menarik melibatkan organisme non-model yang referensi genom dijelaskan kurang baik . Banyak felid polimorfisme spesies exhibit untuk melanism tetapi peran relatif dimainkan oleh hanyutan genetika, seleksi alam, dan antar spesies hibridisasi tetap tidak menentu.
The occurrence of melanism (darkening
of the background coloration) is documented in 13 felid species, in some cases
reaching high frequencies at the population level.
Terjadinya melanism (gelap dari warna latar belakang) didokumentasikan dalam 13 spesies felid, dalam beberapa kasus mencapai frekuensi tinggi pada tingkat populasi.
recent papers on the molecular basis of melanism strengthen the chain of
evidence linking genotype and phenotype in nature.
Dua makalah baru-baru ini atas dasar molekul melanism memperkuat rantai bukti yang menghubungkan genotipe dan fenotipe di alam.
Industrial melanism—a classic example of another
Evolution in Action. Michael E. N. Majerus. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1998.338 pp., illus. $45.00 (ISBN 0–19-854983-0 cloth).
+Author Affiliations
Institute of Natural Resources, Massey University, Private Bag 11–222,
Palmerston North, New Zealand
Melanism: Evolution in Action. Michael E. N. Majerus. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, 1998.
338 pp., illus. $45.00 (ISBN 0-19-854983-0 cloth).
Do you recognize this picture? Ask this question of any class of
biology students, and almost all of them will respond positively. Moreover,
most of them will be able to tell you that it depicts the classic example of
natural selection in action: namely, the evolution of industrial melanism in
the peppered moth (Biston betularia). Many
students will even be able to recount the basic story: that more than a century
ago, darkly pigmented peppered moths were rare in England. Typical moths were
light in color and were well camouflaged by the pale lichens on the tree trunks
on which they rested during the day. During the industrial revolution, many of
the lichens died off as a direct result of sulfur dioxide in air pollution, and
the trees become coated with industrial soot. Over this period, the numbers of
light moths declined and the darker forms became common. The cause of this
change in the classic example is argued to be bird-mediated pre-dation. That
is, in polluted areas, the light coloring was disadvantageous because it made
the moths conspicuous. Hence, the light moths were readily detected and eaten
by birds, whereas the dark moths were protected because of their newfound
crypsis (see picture).
The familiarity of this example to students, in addition to its
presence in almost all biological textbooks, is proof enough of its importance.
However, perhaps even more significantly, the example has been used by
philosophers as a tool to think about evolutionary issues (e.g., Brandon 1990) and by popularizers of science to explain to nonscientists what
modern evolution is all about (e.g., Taylor 1983). Although the industrial melanism story is easily understood and
intuitively appealing, the example has not attained its textbook status based
on these attributes alone. A large body of scientific evidence in support of
the classic example of industrial melanism has accumulated over the last 50
years or so. Much of the earlier evidence to support the predation-based
explanation of industrial melanism was collected by a British medical doctor,
Bernard Kettlewell. Since the publication of KettlewelPs book, The Evolution of Melanism, in 1973,
no single publication has attempted to summarize the work on the topic of
industrial melanism. Majerus's book is, by his own admission, partly an attempt
at updating KettlewelPs original work. With this end in mind, the book has some
View larger version:
Illustration: Vivian Ward, University of Auckland.
However, Majerus's central purpose in writing the book was to
“engender renewed interest in the subject” of industrial melanism. The book,
however, struggles to achieve this purpose because it is a strange mix—in part
an introductory textbook, in part a research text, and in part direct advocacy
of industrial melanism. The first four of the book's 10 chapters are
introductory and cover basic genetics and population genetics. These chapters
may be useful to some readers but do little to help advance the central purpose
of the book. The next five chapters represent the main body of the book. The
first recounts the classic peppered moth story, and the next critically exams
it. Two chapters on melanism in Lepidoptera, and one on melanism in ladybirds,
follow. The book concludes with a discussion of the future of research into
industrial melanism. This final chapter is weak; the author offers no general
direction for future research apart from suggesting that we need more of the
same and “new approaches based upon emergent [DNA] technology.”
Chapters 5 and 6, which recount and then critically dissect the
classic example of industrial melanism, are the most novel of the book. Majerus
acknowledges the difficulties with the classic example and details the major
elements in the story, some of which are seriously flawed. For example,
peppered moths do not actually rest exposed on the trunks of trees. The resting
place is not known, but Majerus concludes that the most likely resting place is
on the underside of branches, below branch/trunk joins and on foliate twigs.
This has major implications for the classic example; among other things, it
calls into question the findings of the bird predation experiments, which form
the backbone of the classic explanation. Furthermore, Majerus points out that
recent research on bird vision indicates that birds see things quite differently
from humans. This research suggests that birds are sensitive to and can see
well in light in the ultraviolet range. The powerful visual metaphor of
cryp-sis represented in the classic picture may well look very different when
viewed by a bird.
In an attempt to rekindle interest in industrial melanism, Majerus
has peppered chapter 6 with questions and hypotheses that he believes now need
to be answered. However, this technique does little to excite the reader.
Moreover, the reader is left in no doubt that Majerus, although critical of
some of the components of the present explanation, nevertheless still regards
the textbook story as basically correct. He suggests that the explanation for
the change in the proportion of melanics is simply more complex than had
previously been thought. Majerus states this clearly: “My view of the rise and
fall of the melanic peppered moth is that differential bird predation in more
or less polluted regions, together with migration, are primarily responsible,
almost to the exclusion of other factors” (p. 155). Because he feels that he
knows the answer, Majerus does not detail or encourage the reader to consider
any alternative explanations, such as potential nonvisual selective forces or
direct induction of melanism by chemicals found in pollutants. Majerus hopes
that the book will encourage readers to undertake research in industrial
melanism and thereby complete the details of the classic example.
Unfortunately, it is just this attitude that has perpetuated the textbook story
itself, despite the now obvious flaws.
View larger version:
However, despite these shortcomings, most readers will find
chapters 5 and 6 stimulating. Indeed, what might surprise many readers is that
criticisms of this type are not new. Detailed criticisms and alternatives to
the present explanation have been around for some time (Mikkola 1979Hailman 1982Sermonti and Catastini 1984Lambert et al. 1986a,1986b,Sargent et al. 1998). Despite these criticisms of the classic explanation, little of
this debate has reached beyond the closed circle of those who do research in
this field.
Why has there been general and unquestioned acceptance of this
important piece of science? A recent reviewer of this book suggested three
explanations: first, that perhaps such powerful examples as industrial melanism
discourage close scrutiny; second, that in evolutionary biology there is little
payoff in repeating other people's experiments; and third, that teachers
neglect original papers in favor of textbook summaries, which are by their very
nature incomplete (Coyne 1998). We disagree, however, and contend instead that the answers to
this important question can best be found in examining why scientists believe
what we believe. Science is not unemotional; like most human endeavors, it is a
mixture of fashion and preconceived ideas that color our thinking. Industrial
melanism has not escaped these influences; in fact, it is these very elements
that have influenced most people's views of this example.
Insight into why the classic explanation of industrial melanism
has remained largely immune from criticism is, in fact, provided by Coyne (1998) in his
comments on his feeling after reading the book: “My own reaction resembles the
dismay attending my discovery, at the age of six, that it was my father and not
Santa who brought the presents on Christmas Eve.” This statement reflects the
unfortunate reality that many scientists have strongly held feelings and
beliefs that are not necessarily based on knowledge of the facts. The result of
such strong beliefs can be the stifling of new ideas in science. We suspect
that many readers of this book will simply feel, after reading it, that
industrial melanism is now out of fashion and that there are many other better
examples of evolution in action that can now take its place. However, this
attitude devalues the example itself and fails to address an important
question: What lessons can we learn from this classic evolutionary example?
Much misunderstanding and fear has resulted because of the general
perception among biologists that, because industrial melanism is the classic
case of natural selection, any criticism of it essentially represents an attack
on the concept of evolution itself. Consequently, what is clear is that the
phenomenon of industrial melanism and the evolutionary mechanism(s) responsible
for it need to be decoupled for this example to become better understood. This
book represents the latest contribution to a long scientific debate about a
particular evolutionary example. But industrial melanism is more than a simple
(and in some ways incorrect) example. It represents a debate that tells us more
about how science works than it does about the subject of melanism. Industrial
melanism may well retain its status as a classic, not as the best case of
natural selection, but as a classic case of another kind—an example of science
in action!
Despite the difficulties with the structure and content of
Majerus's book, it still represents an important contribution. It is a “must”
for every library. Furthermore, certain chapters should be read by every person
who teaches and every philosopher who analyzes evolutionary biology and the
nature of science.
© 1999 American
Institute of Biological Sciences.
References cited
Brandon RN
. 1990. Adaptation and Environment. Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press.
Coyne JA
. 1998. Not black and white. Nature 396: 35–36.
Hailman JP
. 1982. Evolution and behavior: An iconoclastic view. Pages 205–254 inPlotkin HC,
ed. Learning, Development, and Culture. Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons.
Kettlewell B
. 1973. The Evolution of Melanism. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Lambert DM,
Millar CD,
Hughes AJ
. 1986a. On the classic case of natural selection.Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum 79:11–$9.
Lambert DM,
Millar CD,
Hughes AJ
. 1986b. Teaching the classic case of natural selection. Rivista
di Biologia/Biology Forum 79: 117–123.
Mikkola K
. 1979. Resting site selection by Oligia and Bistonmoths (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae
and Geometridae). Annales Entomologici Fennici 45: 81–87.
Sargent T,
Millar CD,
Lambert DM
. 1998. Industrial melanism. Evolutionary
Theory30: 299–322.
Sermonti G,
Catastini P
. 1984. On industrial melanism: KettlewelTs missing evidence. Rivista
di Biologia (Perugia) 77: 35–52.
Taylor GR
. 1983. The Great Evolution Mystery. New York: Harper & Row.
melanism is
of the World: Their Behaviour and Ecology
Oleh Robert E. Simmons
melanism is
Sociology of the Colonies [Part 1]: An Introduction to the ..., Bagian 1
Oleh Rene Maunier
melanism is
of Gender Problems: Policies and Prospects
Oleh M. Prakash
Senin, 07 Juni 2010
The jaguar (Panthera onca) adalah kucing besar,
kucing dalam genus Panthera, dan merupakan spesies Panthera hanya ditemukan di adalah kucing terbesar ketiga setelah harimau dan singa, dan
kucing terbesar dan terkuat di belahan bumi barat. kisaran sekarang ini jaguar terbentang dari
Meksiko di banyak daerah Amerika Tengah dan selatan ke Paraguay dan Argentina
utara. Selain dari penangkaran dikenal dan mungkin
penduduk di Arizona (Tucson tenggara), kucing umumnya telah musnah dari Amerika
Serikat sejak awal 1900-an.
Ini melihat kucing paling menyerupai macan tutul secara fisik, walaupun biasanya lebih besar dan lebih kokoh membangun dan karakteristik perilaku serta habitat yang lebih dekat kepada mereka dari harimau. Sementara hutan hujan lebat merupakan habitat yang disukainya, jaguar akan berkisar di berbagai daerah hutan dan terbuka. Hal ini sangat terkait dengan keberadaan air dan terkemuka, bersama dengan harimau, sebagai kucing yang menikmati renang. jaguar adalah predator, sebagian besar penyendiri dan tangkai-menyergap, dan oportunistik dalam pemilihan mangsanya. Ini juga merupakan puncak dan predator batu kunci, memainkan peranan penting dalam menstabilkan ekosistem dan mengatur populasi spesies mangsa. jaguar memiliki gigitan yang sangat kuat, bahkan relatif terhadap kucing besar lainnya . Hal ini memungkinkan untuk menembus cangkang reptil lapis baja dan untuk menggunakan metode pembunuhan yang tidak biasa: menggigit langsung melalui tengkorak mangsa antaratelinga untuk memberikan gigitan fatal bagi otak.
jaguar adalah spesies terancam dekat dan nomor menurun. Ancaman termasuk hilangnya habitat dan fragmentasi. Sementara perdagangan internasional di jaguar atau bagian mereka dilarang, kucing masih teratur dibunuh oleh manusia, terutama dalam konflik dengan peternak dan petani di Amerika Selatan. Meskipun berkurang, jangkauan masih besar; diberikan distribusi historisnya, jaguar telah menonjol dalam mitologi berbagai budaya pribumi Amerika, termasuk dari Maya dan Aztec.
jaguar adalah hewan yang kompak dan berotot . Ada variasi yang signifikan dalam ukuran dan berat: berat biasanya dalam kisaran 56-96 kg (124-211 lb). laki-laki lebih besar telah tercatat 159 kilogram (350 lb) (kira-kira yang cocok dengan harimau betina atau singa betina), dan yang lebih kecil memiliki berat yang sangat rendah sebesar 36 kg (80 lb). Perempuan biasanya 10-20% lebih kecil dari laki-laki. Panjang kucing bervariasi 1,62-1,83 meter (5,3-6 kaki), dan ekor dapat menambahkan 75 sentimeter lebih lanjut (30 tahun). Ini berdiri sekitar 67-76 cm (27-30 in) tinggi di bahu.
Kepala jaguar yang kuat dan rahang sangat kuat. Ukuran jaguar cenderung meningkatkan lebih jauh ke selatan mereka berada.
Ini melihat kucing paling menyerupai macan tutul secara fisik, walaupun biasanya lebih besar dan lebih kokoh membangun dan karakteristik perilaku serta habitat yang lebih dekat kepada mereka dari harimau. Sementara hutan hujan lebat merupakan habitat yang disukainya, jaguar akan berkisar di berbagai daerah hutan dan terbuka. Hal ini sangat terkait dengan keberadaan air dan terkemuka, bersama dengan harimau, sebagai kucing yang menikmati renang. jaguar adalah predator, sebagian besar penyendiri dan tangkai-menyergap, dan oportunistik dalam pemilihan mangsanya. Ini juga merupakan puncak dan predator batu kunci, memainkan peranan penting dalam menstabilkan ekosistem dan mengatur populasi spesies mangsa. jaguar memiliki gigitan yang sangat kuat, bahkan relatif terhadap kucing besar lainnya . Hal ini memungkinkan untuk menembus cangkang reptil lapis baja dan untuk menggunakan metode pembunuhan yang tidak biasa: menggigit langsung melalui tengkorak mangsa antaratelinga untuk memberikan gigitan fatal bagi otak.
jaguar adalah spesies terancam dekat dan nomor menurun. Ancaman termasuk hilangnya habitat dan fragmentasi. Sementara perdagangan internasional di jaguar atau bagian mereka dilarang, kucing masih teratur dibunuh oleh manusia, terutama dalam konflik dengan peternak dan petani di Amerika Selatan. Meskipun berkurang, jangkauan masih besar; diberikan distribusi historisnya, jaguar telah menonjol dalam mitologi berbagai budaya pribumi Amerika, termasuk dari Maya dan Aztec.
jaguar adalah hewan yang kompak dan berotot . Ada variasi yang signifikan dalam ukuran dan berat: berat biasanya dalam kisaran 56-96 kg (124-211 lb). laki-laki lebih besar telah tercatat 159 kilogram (350 lb) (kira-kira yang cocok dengan harimau betina atau singa betina), dan yang lebih kecil memiliki berat yang sangat rendah sebesar 36 kg (80 lb). Perempuan biasanya 10-20% lebih kecil dari laki-laki. Panjang kucing bervariasi 1,62-1,83 meter (5,3-6 kaki), dan ekor dapat menambahkan 75 sentimeter lebih lanjut (30 tahun). Ini berdiri sekitar 67-76 cm (27-30 in) tinggi di bahu.
Kepala jaguar yang kuat dan rahang sangat kuat. Ukuran jaguar cenderung meningkatkan lebih jauh ke selatan mereka berada.
variasi lebih lanjut dalam ukuran telah diamati
di seluruh wilayah dan habitat, dengan ukuran cenderung meningkat dari utara ke
selatan. Sebuah studi tentang jaguar di Chamela-Cuixmala
Biosphere Reserve di pantai Pasifik Meksiko, menunjukkan kisaran hanya 30-50
kilogram (66-110 lb), tentang ukuran tante girang itu. Sebaliknya, studi
tentang Jaguar di wilayah Pantanal Brasil ditemukan
berat rata-rata 100 kilogram (220 lb) dan berat dari £ 300 atau lebih tidak
biasa pada laki-laki tua. Hutan jaguar sering lebih gelap dan jauh lebih kecil
dari yang ditemukan di daerah terbuka (yang Pantanal adalah cekungan lahan basah terbuka), mungkin
karena jumlah yang lebih kecil herbivora pemangsa besar di kawasan hutan.
Struktur anggota badan pendek dan kekar membuat
jaguar yang mahir memanjat, merangkak dan berenang. kepala ini kuat dan rahang
sangat kuat. Ia telah mengemukakan bahwa jaguar memiliki
gigitan kuat dari semua felids, dan terkuat kedua dari semua mamalia, kekuatan
ini merupakan adaptasi yang memungkinkan jaguar untuk menembus cangkang
kura-kura. Sebuah studi perbandingan kekuatan gigitan disesuaikan dengan ukuran
tubuh peringkat itu sebagai felid atas, di samping
macan tutul dan menjelang singa dan harimau. Telah dilaporkan bahwa
"jaguar individu dapat ditarik adalah 360 kg (800 lb) banteng 8 m (25
kaki) di rahangnya dan melumat tulang terberat "jaguar yang
berburu satwa liar yang beratnya mencapai 300 kg (660 lb) di hutan lebat, dan
fisik pendeknya dan kokoh dengan demikian adaptasi terhadap mangsa dan
J jaguar melanistic pada Henry Doorly Zoo. Melanism adalah hasil dari sebuah alel dominan tetapi tetap relatif langka di jaguar.
Lapisan dasar jaguar umumnya kuning cokelat, tetapi dapat berkisar cokelat kemerahan dan hitam.Kucing tercakup dalam mawar untuk kamuflase di habitat hutan tersebut. Bintik-bintik bervariasi dalam mantel individu dan antara individu Jaguars: mawar dapat mencakup satu atau beberapa titik, dan bentuk titik-titik bervariasi. Bintik-bintik di kepala dan leher umumnya padat, seperti juga yang di ekor, di mana mereka dapat bergabung dan membentuk band. The perut, tenggorokan dan permukaan luar dari kaki dan panggul bawah berwarna putih.
Sebuah kondisi yang dikenal sebagai melanism terjadi pada spesies. Bentuk melanistic kurang umum daripada bentuk melihat (itu terjadi pada sekitar enam persen dari populasi) dari jangkauan mereka jaguar di Amerika Selatan telah dilaporkan untuk memilikinya-dan merupakan hasil dari alel dominan. Jaguars dengan melanism muncul seluruhnya hitam, meskipun tempat mereka masih terlihat pada pemeriksaan dekat. Melanistic Jaguar adalah informal dikenal sebagai kumbang hitam, tetapi tidak membentuk spesies yang terpisah.individu albino Langka, kadang-kadang disebut kumbang putih, terjadi antara jaguar, seperti dengan kucing besar lainnya.
Sementara jaguar yang menyerupai macan tutul, adalah lebih kuat dan lebih berat, dan dua hewan dapat dibedakan oleh mawar mereka: mawar pada mantel jaguar yang lebih besar, lebih sedikit jumlahnya, biasanya lebih gelap, dan memiliki garis tebal dan bintik-bintik kecil dimacan tutul tengah yang kurang. Jaguar juga memiliki kepala bulat dan lebih pendek, kaki gempal dibandingkan dengan macan tutul.
J jaguar melanistic pada Henry Doorly Zoo. Melanism adalah hasil dari sebuah alel dominan tetapi tetap relatif langka di jaguar.
Lapisan dasar jaguar umumnya kuning cokelat, tetapi dapat berkisar cokelat kemerahan dan hitam.Kucing tercakup dalam mawar untuk kamuflase di habitat hutan tersebut. Bintik-bintik bervariasi dalam mantel individu dan antara individu Jaguars: mawar dapat mencakup satu atau beberapa titik, dan bentuk titik-titik bervariasi. Bintik-bintik di kepala dan leher umumnya padat, seperti juga yang di ekor, di mana mereka dapat bergabung dan membentuk band. The perut, tenggorokan dan permukaan luar dari kaki dan panggul bawah berwarna putih.
Sebuah kondisi yang dikenal sebagai melanism terjadi pada spesies. Bentuk melanistic kurang umum daripada bentuk melihat (itu terjadi pada sekitar enam persen dari populasi) dari jangkauan mereka jaguar di Amerika Selatan telah dilaporkan untuk memilikinya-dan merupakan hasil dari alel dominan. Jaguars dengan melanism muncul seluruhnya hitam, meskipun tempat mereka masih terlihat pada pemeriksaan dekat. Melanistic Jaguar adalah informal dikenal sebagai kumbang hitam, tetapi tidak membentuk spesies yang terpisah.individu albino Langka, kadang-kadang disebut kumbang putih, terjadi antara jaguar, seperti dengan kucing besar lainnya.
Sementara jaguar yang menyerupai macan tutul, adalah lebih kuat dan lebih berat, dan dua hewan dapat dibedakan oleh mawar mereka: mawar pada mantel jaguar yang lebih besar, lebih sedikit jumlahnya, biasanya lebih gelap, dan memiliki garis tebal dan bintik-bintik kecil dimacan tutul tengah yang kurang. Jaguar juga memiliki kepala bulat dan lebih pendek, kaki gempal dibandingkan dengan macan tutul.
Senin, 25 Februari 2013
Hewan "Melanistic" Yang Menawan
Mungkin dari kita semua
jarang mendengar kata ini. Melanistic adalah kelainan kulit, yang bertolak
belakang dengan Albino,
namun hewan hewan Melanistic pun sangatlah menawan. Check this out.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Melanisme Pada Hewan
merupakan perkembangan yang tidak semestinya dari pigmen warna gelap di kulit
dan merupakan kebalikan dari albinisme. 'Melanisme' berasal dari kata Yunani
yang berarti pigmen hitam. Pseudo-Melanisme, juga disebutabundism, merupakan
varian dari pigmentasi, yang ditandai dengan bintik hitam atau garis yang
diperbesar, yang menutupi sebagian besar tubuh hewan sehingga tampak
Melanisme yang terkait dengan proses adaptasi
disebut adaptif.
Paling umum, individu gelap menjadi lebih bisa bertahan hidup dan bereproduksi
dalam lingkungan mereka karena mereka disamarkan dengan lebih baik. Hal ini membuat
beberapa spesies kurang mencolok atau terlindung dari predator, sementara yang lain seperti kumbang hitam
menggunakannya sebagai keuntungan selama berburu mencari makan malam. Biasanya Melanisme adaptif
adalah diwariskan: Sebuah gen dominan, yang seluruhnya atau hampir seluruhnya
dalam phenotype bertanggung jawab atas jumlah berlebihan melanin. Melanisme
Adaptif telah terbukti terjadi dalam berbagai hewan, termasuk mamalia seperti
tupai, kucing, dan ular karang. Di bawah ini Anda akan menemukan sebuah
galeri menarik dari sepuluh melanistic (semua hitam) hewan.
Melanism industri adalah istilah
biologi mengacu pada hewan. Itu berarti merujuk penggelapan dari kulit atau
yang di tempatnya seperti bulu. Industri melanism mengambil tempat selama periode yang
lebih lama kali tetapi dalam membuat generasi kulit gelap mereka lebih likey
untuk bertahan hidup di alam liar.
Thermal aspects of melanistic and striped
morphs of the snake Elaphe quadrivirgata.
Author information
1Department of Zoology, Graduate
School of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo, Kyoto 806-8502, Japan.
Temperature is a critical factor limiting
various aspects of the biology of ectotherms. In addition to environmental
factors, coloration and body size are two physical properties that influence
ectotherms' body temperature (T(b)). I compared the influences of these
properties on thermal aspects of the two morphs of the color-dimorphic snake
(E. quadrivirgata) under experimental conditions. First, I fitted T(b) data
during heating to the von Bertalanffy equation, but considered parameter values
of the equilibrium temperature obtained to be biologically meaningless.
Alternatively, I limited the data for comparison of the morphs to T(b) < or
=35 degrees C, which was the T(b) at which snakes began to move vigorously in
the experiment. The rate of T(b) increase was significantly greater in the
melanistic morph than in the striped morph. Heating rate was negatively
correlated with body size in both morphs. The interaction of body size and
heating rate did not significantly differ between the two morphs. The
possibility of linkage, due to thermal advantage, between small body size and
the prevalence of melanism in the population studied is briefly discussed.
Rapid increase of T(b) is biologically advantageous because snakes with such
ability would be released from various time and environmental constraints
associated with thermoregulation under particular environmental conditions.
Melanistic (all black)
animals, the opposite of albinism, do happen in nature. Check out some of the
most fascinating examples
These 24
Beautifully Dark Animals With Melanism Are So STUNNING, It’s Hard To Believe
They’re Real.
The increased development of the dark-colored pigment melanin in the skin and hair of an animal is called Melanism, and is the opposite of Albinism. Just like Albinism results in stunningly white animals, Melanism can create all-black animals that are so beautiful, it’s hard to believe they’re real.
Introduction to melanism:
Melanin is the dark
pigmentation which is responsible for the tanning process which occurs in
humans when they're exposed to sunlight. In people it is actually
a reaction to damage of the skin cells. A melanistic animal has an
increased amount of this black or nearly black pigmentation in the skin,
feathers, hair, or other outer tissues.
Melanism is the
opposite of albinism and occurs with about the same frequency. The genetic basis is not clearly
understood, but inbreeding is considered partially responsible.
It is very common in some species, and is bred for in others.
For instance, reptile breeders aim for the unusual colours that result from an
excess of melanin.
Melanistic lions:
In lions there have only been two reasonably reliable reports of
black specimens.
The first came from archaeologist Sir Henry Layard during his
time in Persia. The lion was described as "very dark brown in colour, in
parts almost black." The lion is now extinct in Persia and the accuracy of
the report will forever remain unknown.
In the other case a partly black lion was captive
bred, but his colouration was probably due more to mosaicism (abnormal skin
cells) rather than melanism. He was infertile so did not produce offspring.
Other very vague claims of reddish and chocolate brown lions
also exist, but these are all unsubstantiated. The African lion on this
page is unusually dark for that big cat but does not display melanism.
Black panthers:
Probably the best-known cats in which melanism occurs frequently
are the black leopards and jaguars.
The gene for melanism is recessive so melanistic cubs can be
born to normallycoloured parents and mixed litters containing both
black and yellow-brown cubs are common.
These cats occur so often that many people mistakenly think they
are a separate subspecies. As a result the name 'black panther' has been coined
for them. To further add to the confusion, 'panther' is a term used for the
The occurrence of melanism in leopards and jaguars does not
hinder the animal in any way. Unlike albinism which makes animals stand out to
predators and prey, melanism assists the concealment of jaguars and leopards on
their night hunting raids.
Melanistic leopards and jaguars retain clear evidence of their
rosettes and spots. This excess of melanin does not produce jet black cats and
the examples you see on this page are actually a very dark brown. Photography
will not often display the markings unless the cat is brightly lit and the
angle of reflection correct.
Solid black cats:
In normal circumstances there are no solid black big cats. An
exception to this wasrecorded by
cryptozoologist Karl Shuker who documented one isolated case in which
a leopard's black spots coalesced to make the pelage a solid black.
Another much lesser incidence of this was reported to Tiger
Territory. In the second example the spots around the shoulder and upper back
area had coalesced to form large solid areas, while the rest of the jaguar
(around the hindquarters) was spotted in the usual manner. It was difficult to
clearly photograph this cat due to the cage between jaguar and photographer.
A graphically altered image is displayed above. The bars and original zoo
background have been painstakingly removed.
Black servals:
Black servals are little known, but they are found in the
Aberdare mountains of Kenya. Most of the servals in this region are black and
it is thought the colour is an adaptation to help retain body heat in this cold
mountainous area. The black colouration does occur very occasionally in servals
from other places, but is rare.
The Aberdare mountains are also famous for the very mysterious,
perhaps mythical, marozi (spotted lion) which is extensively covered under the hybrids section of this site.
Melanistic vs Albino - What's the difference?
Melanistic is an antonym of albino.
As adjectives the
difference between melanistic and albino
thatmelanistic is
of, pertaining to, or exhibiting melanism while albino is
congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or
feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); born with albinism.
As a noun albino is
a person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes,
and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one born with albinism.
· congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in
the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); born
with albinism
Usage notes
* The
term is considered offensive by some (when used as a term for human beings);
"albinistic" is a possible
alternative.[] * The term is not comparative: one
either has albinism (a recessive genetic trait) or does not. While the effects''
of albinism may be more marked in some individuals, this does not make those
individuals "more albino" than others. To the extent that it could be
comparable, perhaps in metaphoric usage, the comparatives would be
''more/most/less/least albino'' (not *''albinoer'', *''albinest , etc).
(lacking melanin) albinal, albinic, albinistic, albinoid, hypomelanistic,
hypomelanoid, amelanistic, amelanoid
* (having
an excess of melanin) hypermelanistic, hypermelanoid, melanistic, melanoid
See also
(lacking pigment) hypopigmented * (having an excess of pigment) hyperpigmented
· (countable) A person or animal congenitally
lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more
rarely only in the eyes); one born with albinism.
Usage notes
* The
term is considered offensive by some when used to designate a human being; the
phrase "person with albinism" is a neutral alternative.
* (one
lacking melanin) albinoid, hypomelanoid, amelanoid
* (one
having an excess of melanin) hypermelanoid, melano, melanoid
Derived terms
External links
* ----
June 2,
Black Long Beard: Rare, Melanistic Turkey Taken in New York
Palmatier shot the gobbler of a lifetime last weekend in Montgomery County, New
The double-bearded, melanistic (the opposite of
albinistic) turkey showed up three fields away from Leandra’s set and sounded
off when her boyfriend called around 5:15 a.m. “The bird was in the middle of
the furthest field and we said, ‘No way is he coming in from 800 yards,’” she
Ten minutes
later the tom was circling her strutter decoy.
“It was
insane how fast it happened. Every time my boyfriend called the bird gobbled
and was hundreds of yards closer. He never stopped moving once,” Leandra said.
She sealed
the deal, and when they walked up on the bird her boyfriend noticed the black
That night
she texted a friend, Avery Prostaffer Arliss Reed. “I couldn’t believe it,”
Reed said. “I texted her back immediately: ‘You need to mount that turkey!’”
is the rarest of four color phases found in wild turkeys, said Scott Vance,
assistant vice president for conservation programs administration at the NWTF.
While there
isn’t much research on them, melanistic numbers are estimated at about one in 50,000,
Vance said. That translates to somewhere around 100 to 150 black turkeys in all
of North America.
“This is the
first report on a melanistic we’ve had this year,” Vance said. “Usually we have
a report every two years, but sometimes we go three or four years without
hearing about a melanistic bird. They are by far the rarest of the color phases
in wild turkeys.”
Leandra knew
the bird was rare, but not that rare. “He lost a lot of chest feathers, so we
didn’t save the whole bird, but we’re going to do something special with the
wings,” she said.
Melanistic Animals, so incredible they don’t look real
Do you know what melanism is?
Have you ever seen a black animal? Usually, melanism is defined by the increase of dark pigmentation
present in an organism. This increase elevates the melanin levels and
gives place to dark beings with black skin, feathers, hair or flakes
Melanism is a genetic variation that causes an animal to have too much
pigmentation. This is a phenomenon that has been observed in many species from
the animal kingdom. Wolves, panthers even snakes or penguins have this variation.
- Journal of the New York Entomological So...
- Vol.
76, No. 2, Jun., 1968
- Further Notes on Mel...
Further Notes on Melanism in Connecticut
Panthea furcilla (Packard) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
B. Klots
of the New York Entomological Society
76, No. 2 (Jun., 1968), pp. 92-95
Count: 4
In the noctuid moth Panthea furcilla (Packard) melanism is increasing
rapidly in Putnam, Connecticut, an area not subject to appreciable industrial
pollution. Wholly melanic and very strongly melanistic are dominant over normal
gray, and wholly melanic is dominant over very strongly melanistic. Larval
melanism is independent of adult melanism. Results are given of unbiased
collections of adults, the reared progeny of wild-caught females and crosses of
such progeny.
Black coat coloration, or melanism, is a trait that is
occasionally seen in coyotes in the Southeast, although it is rarely exhibited
by coyotes elsewhere. The same genetic mutation that causes the trait in
coyotes can also be found in black-colored gray and red wolves, as well as in
dogs. This suggests that the trait could have found its way into the
southeastern coyote gene pool through past hybridizations with wolves.
Learning more about the
occurrence and genetics of this trait can potentially provide further insight
into the evolutionary history of coyotes.